Wednesday, March 23, 2016

The unique technique of individual donor selection

Certainly, the choice of the egg donor is the most important step for parents, who need woman's genetic material. Nature is a multi-faceted thing, and the main expert`s task of reproductive medicine clinics is to anticipate it and predict the outcome. Today, there was developed a unique method of 3D modeling appearance of a child, using a three-dimensional model of the donor and the child's father. How does this happen?
To begin with, each donor is fixed in the photo and video with the help of special 3D technology, so you may see a woman from all sides, zooming in and out the image. On the basis of this material, there is created an anthropometric and physiognomic portrait of the woman, and then her basic characteristics are digitized. After receiving the same data about the future father they can be superimposed on each other and predict the possible appearance of a child.
In addition, the other data, such as the IQ of the donor, education, abilities, inclinations and state of health down to small details (like dental health), temperament and character traits are also calculated. There is also explored the history of the family - parents, grandparents, brothers and sisters, questions about existing child donor are also asked.
It is important that the donor base is as widely as possible, then you simply have more options and choices to make.
You can choose the features that are inherent to you or those, which you have dreamed of for a long time and which you would like to see in your child. The choice is yours!


  1. I'm sure to say that egg donors at Biotexcom clinic also go through a very stringent psychological evaluation. Their aim is to build a profile of the donor from every angle. Including personality, intellectual capabilities, motivation, level of responsibility, and health background. The staff creates short introducing videos along with the donor's profile. Many potential donors do not make the cut in Biotexcom. Women who smoke, use illicit drugs, or consume excessive amounts of alcohol are immediately rejected! They will never accept a donor if she has been diagnosed with schizophrenia or severe manic depression. On the contrary, in other clinics the mild history of anxiety or depression usually does not preclude them from becoming donors!!

  2. It's just like this!
    Just every treatment option is challenging. This is a tough way to pass. Draining both physically and emotionally to the core. Many people don't understand because they have never gone through it or just don't feel the same way about it as some of us do. You may read this o another thread. But feelings don't change.
    I suffered 2 miscarriages in a row 6 years ago. Continuing trying naturally with no luck. So soon found ourselves in a fertility clinic. I was diagnosed on endo & PCOS, poor egg quality. Following 2 failed rounds ivf with donor egg.
    All the time I felt jealous about all those prego ladies around. Even announcements - everything concerning little ones. I know Iwas not the only one going through this. We had been trying for long years and I had had two miscarriages. Actually I cought myself on the thought I would have had another baby this time years ago.
    It was incredibly hard to deal with. My dh's sister was pregnant and due soon. She tried one month and was pregnant and everything went perfect for her. It was such a blessing of course. Just really hard to watch when everything seemed to go wrong with us. Three of our cousins were also pregnant. And one of our closest friends had babies the following month. We also had about 4 other couples/friends that were pregnant! It seemed like everywhere I turned there were constant reminders of the babies we lost. This had been the biggest trial for me ever!
    Sending everyone much of love and support on your way. The the donors and the surrogates be blessed.

  3. Quite interesting. Thanks for sharing. Our donor at Biotexcom was a very young girl of 19 yo only. She was absolutely healthy. No mental issues in her and her family. With proven fertility!! (She'd already had a boy on herself). Blonde with beautiful wavy hair and full lips. I'd rather think she's a model when saw her first..

  4. Well, at the very beginning of ivf treatments (we were doing with a Greek clinic) we were firstly told of all possible risks concerning ivf (which I suppose is not a good deal in preparing people to think positively). After 3 years in which we tried everything we were doing IVF in Greece. We got 19 mature eggs and we had 9 day5 blasto.
    FET#1 ended in a very early loss,chemical pregnancy.
    FET#2 ended in a loss at 22w due to IC,my boys will be forever in my heart .
    FET#3 MMC at the 10 weeks ultrasound.They say, going through the process of IVF can be both physically and emotionally draining for couples, and often counselling is advised to help provide support. (It is draining unless you even don't know why you fail to carry pregnancies every other time!) Some women experience side effects like headaches and hot flushes from medication using during the treatment. (That's right, in my case this is the dosage question). In a number of cases, women can end up having twins or triplets due to IVF, which can be dangerous for the mother and babies. (I'd really love to have them 5 unless I could carry them all- lol). There is also the risk of OHSS, where too many eggs develop in the ovaries. ( the least thing I worried about). Ectopic pregnancies can happen too, which is when the embryo develops in the fallopian tubes instead of the womb. (Thankfully have never experienced sth like this). Taking all these things into consideration people do undergo the treatments and their number grows dramaticaly. We're among them. Currently Ivf#4 2018 with biotex. I'm praying this way could be not that tough but it usually takes more than one..Praying for success..

  5. This is awesome BioTexCom provides this service! I've never happened to see sth like this before when doing research on repro centers, surely. 3D photos and short introductive videos. Detailed profiles which give you understanding of which personality your donor is. Her hobbies/likes/preferences/talents/IQ etc. Besides their number on database --600+ And the possibility to choose on one's own..

  6. Thank you for sharing. When a couple decides to use donor eggs, they can view the pre-screened pool of egg donors online . and select a candidate from the pool. A tentative donor egg match is made when a recipient decides to move forward with a specific donor. Then the IVF coordinator will contact the egg donor to confirm her availability. If the egg donor is available for the recipient's desired time frame, and passes an FDA-required round of testing, an official match is made. Some donors are selected and matched to a recipient very quickly after they apply. While others may take a bit longer before they are selected. Anyway, the technique BioTexCom uses is awesome. I can hardly remember if I've ever read sth similar before.

  7. Biotexcom clinic is trying their utmost best. The doctors are highly professional. The staff is also well educated. The equipment that is being used is also very modern. So overall looking at the environment it makes me happy that we decided to opt for them. They are doing a really good job. There are so many other foreign fellows that are visiting them alongside me. Guys are working really hard for the best results.

  8. Prior to donating eggs potential donors at Biotexcom will:
    Have some baseline bloods including FSH, HIV, Hepatitis B and C. The Hepatitis and HIV blood tests are routine and a requirement for all people considering donation.
    Have current cervical swabs and smear. See a counsellor at least once to discuss the emotional and legal implications of donating their eggs. Complete a Medical Questionnaire with a fertility doctor at the clinic and discuss physical implications of becoming a donor. The required consent process will also be discussed.
    See the nurse who co-ordinates donor egg cycles to discuss the on going process. The counselling, Dr and nurse appointment can all be done on one day.
    Egg donors must repeat the blood tests six months from their first blood test. Only when the clinic receives these results, egg donation can begin.
    I also like the approach Biotexcom has as for the 3D modeling. it's absolutely awesome to see how your offspring might look like. We've been through egg donation ourselves. Their plans are really well thought out. So we took the advangate and moved on with them, successfully.
