Tuesday, April 30, 2013

“Equality for everyone!” France is ready to break a lance

“Equality for everyone!” France is ready to break a lance

"Yes" for homosexual marriages! Members of the French Senate have approved a law that gives a green light for legalization of same-sex marriages in France. In addition, homosexuals will be able not only to legalize their relationships, but to adopt a child as well in the nearest future. This innovation was fully approved and signed by the President of France, Francois Hollande. He has no doubt making such a decision, as Mr. Hollande supports same-sex marriages and it was a part of his election campaign. Thus, France has become the 14th country in the world that legalized same-sex marriages, and Francois Hollande even promised to be the guest of honor at the first same-sex wedding in France.
The law was adopted, sexual minorities are in triumph, but such an event has its enemies as well. Catholics are the first to oppose such a "law on equality." And now their main goal will be to repeal the law on same-sex marriages permission. But, it will be possible to do only if after the elections in France that will take place in 4 years, right-wing forces will come to power. "Union for a Popular Movement" Party supports them and claims that if they win next election, the first thing they will do is the abolition of this hot law. But politicians who set bag for the office of president speak out less threatening, saying that they will not abolish the law, but only correct it slightly banning adoption of children by homosexual couples.
In general, opinions of society were divided as is often the case. Some lay claim to a general referendum, others suggest replacing the phrase "same-sex marriage" with a "civil union", some even organize protests, complaining of the fact that there is no equality at all. It concerns heterosexual couples. They are not against same-sex marriages, but if the issue concerns children, couples consisting of men and women do not agree with it. As you know, in France, couple has a right to adopt a child, but only after he attains 3 years old. In addition, adoption is extremely long-playing procedure and those who want to adopt a child must wait for a very long time. As of surrogate motherhood, in France such procedure is banned as it contradicts the law on adoption. Traditional families feel indignant, they are afraid that homosexual couples soon will be allowed to conduct such type of procedure as surrogacy.  As there is a strong rumor that in the nearest time local government will give permission for the lesbians’ insemination. In this context, heterosexuals noticeably worry that in future same-sex couples will be allowed to use reproductive medicine technologies and representatives of non-traditional orientation will be able to have children.
Time will show how these hot events and debates will develop in future. Society protests, while authorities are fully satisfied with the adoption of such law. Thus, French Minister of Justice, Christiane Taubira named adoption of this bill as a "historic moment" for the country. It will be recalled that in January just she has taken the initiative to simplify procedures for granting citizenship to children born by a surrogate mother abroad. However, French citizens, according to the polls, do not want to agree with the ruling power in issue of same-sex couples. Representatives of right-wing force, in turn, have sent their protest to the Constitutional Court, that is supported by legal statement that "definition of marriage as a fundamental principle recognized by the law of the Republic can not be changed by the adoption of common law." Within a month, the court must announce its decision. Well, let's hope that the completion of this conflict will be positive and will satisfy interests of all citizens. And a slogan "Equality for all!" which governs in France will be active in all areas of life, and for all French citizens.

Friday, April 26, 2013

IVF for women over 50: pros and cons

IVF for women over 50: pros and cons

In Ukraine, the topical issue of acceptable maximum age of women who want use in vitro fertilization (IVF) procedure came up. After the case, when 66-year-old Swiss woman used IVF procedure in Ukraine, and gave birth to twins media war broke out in the world community. According to the Ukrainian law, it is absolutely legal to use assisted methods of reproductive medicine (such as egg donation and surrogacy). Because of this, a great number of infertile foreigners come to Ukraine, as in most European countries this sphere is not open enough. In addition, Ukraine has no age limit for the carrying out of such programs. Because of this, the country has become a Mecca for aged Europeans. High level of reproductive technologies, comparatively low prices and loyalty legislation contribute a lot to the medical tourism in Ukraine. As, French legislation, for example, prohibits surrogacy, in Norway and Sweden, use of donor eggs is punishable by law and the German "Act on the Protection of embryos" in general prohibits the transfer of genetically foreign embryos. And all fine and dandy, but 66-year-old mother from Switzerland caused fierce debate in the community. Many experts argue that a woman should not only give birth, but also to raise a child. How could she do this fine, if she is, I'm sorry, Grandma! A number of such cases have pushed people's deputies of Ukraine to amend a bill on reproductive technologies and limit the age of women, who will be available for in vitro fertilization, up to 51 years. Ukrainian doctors, in order, assure that these changes will stop the positive development of new technologies, and make thousands of infertile women unhappy. The President of Ukraine, Viktor Yanukovych, did not support the proposed law, explaining his decision in such way: “proposed consideration of the draft law is not full enough”. Thus, the age of the woman for the in vitro fertilization program remains unlimited in Ukraine. Many NGO representatives complain that crowds of women over 50 leave Ukraine with their newborn babies. This is not normal! Thus, for example, Kyiv clinic BioTexCom, one of the leaders in the field of reproductive medicine, annually helps about 200 women over the age of 50 years to have a baby out of the tube. But after the incident with a Swiss woman, authorities threatened clinic direction to deny a license, claiming that its work is immoral: aged clients participant in IVF programs, embryo reduction, etc. Yes, all these can be seen in clinic, but due to these, as a result, children are born perfectly healthy, even in the most hopeless cases. Maybe society just needs to look at the situation from the other side. In Europe, there is a common style of life firstly to get a decent education, profession, earn capital, to enjoy your life and only then give birth to successors. But we must be in mind that female body, after 51 years can not do this without the help of assisted reproductive techniques. And it is a great fortune that today they have been existing and successfully developing. Such technologies help a lot of desperate couples go through the happiness of fatherhood and motherhood. Community just needs to look at this issue from the other side and slant on the question more modern, considering all trends of the 21st century. Also do not forget the fact that if woman decides to take such a step, it means that she has a serious reason for it and it would be better to consider the state of her health, financial situation and other factors in each individual case, but not her age. Why, for example, a weak half of humanity must work for the country’s benefit (meaning the retirement age), but have no right to give birth? In a word, the issue of reproductive medicine, as all others, has both pros and cons. But let's not forget the fact that humanity is evolving and the world changes over time. And it is important to take into account these changes.

Monday, April 15, 2013

Reproductive Medicine - Solution of Demographic Decline in the World!

Reproductive Medicine - Solution of Demographic
Decline in the World!

According to the German Fund of World Population, each year about 80 million people born in the whole world. But individual statistics of each country shows that it is not enough to stop demographic crises that can be observed throughout the world. In most European states rate of death is higher than the birth rate. Modern industrial world has been developing rapidly but it seems not in the best interests of humanity. Year by year, infertility has been picking up steam. As of today, about 22% of couples can not have children in natural way and this number increases with every passing day. Such sad state of things causes demographic problems which, as time has gone on, can lead to population extinction.    
Summarizing global statistics and popularity of reproductive medicine methods it can be said for sure that IVF procedure and surrogacy can solve the problem of demographic decline. 
Today infertility has become a global disease that practically had no treatment some years ago. But nowadays medical specialists and scientists work wonders in reproductive medicine sphere. IVF and surrogacy programs give infertile couples a great chance to have own children. Such assisted technologies of reproductive medicine as IVF, ICSI, cryonics of oocyttes and surrogacy are the most significant breakthrough of the 20th century in medical sphere. According to the statistics, it can be said for sure that assisted technologies of reproductive medicine are hot in modern world. More and more people all over the world facing with a problem of infertility fall back upon reproductive medicine help. But in this issue people usually face with another challenge, in particular legality of such procedures.
Official representatives of the World Population Fund state that "developing countries are engine for population growth ". But unfortunately most European countries ban such procedures as IVF and surrogacy. Therefore foreigners go to Ukraine as here all procedures concerning reproductive medicine are absolutely legal and legislated. 
BioTexCom clinic is one of the leaders in this sphere. Here, you will find the best service and the highest rate of birth. In addition, specialists of this center treat even the most hopeless cases of infertility and treat women after 40. Modern technologies, latest researches, proffessional workers and common goal "There is no absolute infertility" makes BioTexCom clinic the best one in sphere of reproductive medicine. 

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Glut of Egg Donation in Ukraine Can Lead to Construction of Two Skyscrapers in Kiev.

Glut of Egg Donation in Ukraine Can Lead to Construction of Two Skyscrapers in Kiev.

Today problem of infertility in the whole world has reached prevalence rate as AIDS, HIV, tuberculosis etc. It can be said that infertility is a plague of the 21st century that makes a headway with the passing of the years. Numbers speak for themselves. Fancy that! One of seven Ukrainian couples face with some problems of infertility. Such people can not feel happiness of parentage due to various reasons: mistakes of youth, unhealthy lifestyle and environment are not very favorable for our health condition. In addition, alcoholic drinks, nicotine and narcotics that are very popular among young generation cut it close baby boom. Insread of it, infertility boom can be seen not only in Ukraine but all over the world (including more developed European countries). Thus, according to the researches of European demographists, death rate exceeds births in nine of twenty seven country members of the European Union.

  Country                     Birth Rate                    Death Rate  
 Bulgaria                        9.2                                     14.32
 Hungary                       9.49                                   12.7
 Germany                      8.33                                   11.04
 Italy                             9.06                                    9.93
 Latvia                          9.97                                    23.6
 Lithuania                     9.34                                   11.4  
 Portugal                      9.76                                   10.86
 Romania                      9.49                                   11.84
 Estonia                        10.43                                 13.6           

 And only in France, Great Britain and Netherlands natural population growth stays stable and positive.
Reproductive medicine does not stand still developing rapidly and presenting humanity new achievements. Doctors, enlisting help of modern technologies in medical sphere, have got to grips with demographic situation improvement. As current state of things can lead to nations' extinction
Program of in vitro fertilization and egg donation is the best solution of most problems concerning infertility. Nowadays this procedure has become ingrained in reproductive medicine. But not all but just a few countries legalized such method of infertility treatment. As of Ukraine, procedures of such kind, including surrogacy, are absolutely legal. Therefore, a great number of foreigners, citizens of countries where it is banned, go to Ukraine to conduct IVF program. 
Today Ukraine has been going through the boom in egg donation and IVF among woman after 40. According to statistics, during the last year, more than 3 thousand foreign representatives of gentle sex, who went over childbearing age, became pregnant and born healthy children with the help of egg donation and IVF procedure, in Ukraine. 
Today reproductive medicine in Ukraine is one of the most popular among foreigners because here all methods of reproductive medicine are legal. Staple procedures are egg donation, i.e. fertilization with donor egg and it's transplantation into the women's uterine cavity; genetic diagnostics of embryo  and surrogacy. Legality of this issue is by appropriate price policy. Treatment in Ukrainian clinic costs at average about 30-40 thousand US dollars. Meanwhile in the United States of America or Europe prices for the similar programs cost 80-100 thousand US dollars. 
Center for Human Reproduction BioTexCom is one of the leaders among both Ukrainian and European clinics of reproductive medicine. BioTexCom has the best rate of successful programs' results and the highest rate of births. Recently, clinic received an award for the best service. Each member of a great BioTexCom family tries his best to meet all wishes and needs of clients who visit this clinic. From year to year BioTexCom center develops and adds its success. Thus, in future, clinic's founders and BioTex company plan to expand their territory. It is planned to invest funds (50 thousand US dollars) in the construction of two new buildings, in Kiev downtown. New building will gather under the same roof latest technologies of reproductive medicine, laboratories, data bases... in a word everything is needed for the best clinic's functioning. As of today, BioTexCom receives about 3500 patients and this number has been raising. New building construction will give medical institution an opportunity to welcome more patients, improve service and prove once more that Ukraine possesses powerful resources, talented specialists and it has something to surprise world community with. 



Friday, April 5, 2013

 Surrogacy in BioTexCom 27900 Euro- 
is it justified price?


Some years ago words “surrogate mother” evoked doubtful and despicable opinions, views of people who have no problems with child bearing. Today, surrogacy is a wide spread procedure, and what is the most important, great way to solve problem of infertility. Since the beginning of time, question concerning mental and ethical side of this issue has been arising. Of course, surrogacy, as well as most things, has two sides of the same coin. On the one hand, surrogate mother contributes help couple who can not bear child in a natural way, and receives financial assistance for this. But on the other hand, it must be extremely difficult psychologically to carry a child during nine months and after that to give biological parents child back. Sure enough, with the course of time, these sides of issue do not change nevertheless modern society takes surrogacy theme more democratically than previous generations.
Surrogacy is rather popular program in the BioTexCom clinic. It is conducted by transferring cells of biological parents into the womb of surrogate mother. In consequence of such procedure, surrogate mother only bears a child but biologically he has any bearing on her. In most cases, women take a chance to have recourse to become a surrogate mother due to the financial side of the issue. Because of the unstable political and economic situation in Ukraine, many families go through financial difficulties. Nevertheless, parents wish their children to receive a degree, have a comfortable accommodation and appropriate level of living. Therefore, women who meet all needed medical indexes participate in surrogacy program. We have communicated with one of surrogate mothers; learn about feelings and thoughts of these heroic women and biological parents. 

Correspondent: How did you find yourself in the BioTexCom clinic and what can you say about its service and program fulfillment?  

Biological Parents: Due to medical reasons we can not quick with a child in natural way. With the help of Internet we have found this clinic, in addition we read a lot of positive comments concerning BioTexCom. So, we decided to have a surrogacy program just here. In addition, cost of surrogacy in Ukraine is far less than in other European countries. It is 27900 Euro. And all we need being in a foreign county is inclusive in this sum. We consider it’s a great program and this money is worth it. We were pleasantly surprised with a high speed of managers’ work. Firstly, we were afraid a little, kind of it’s a foreign country and we do not know much about it and its medicine. But we phoned for the first time, English manager kindly consulted us and we started to cooperate. When we arrived in Ukraine, Kiev, clinic’s driver met us in the airport and we were given into hands of our great manager.

Correspondent: Was it difficult for you to make a decision concerning surrogacy?

Biological Parents: Yes, it was. To say you the truth, of course we were afraid and it was difficult to render such a decision. But it is our cherished dream to become parents and to take our own child in our hands. And, taking into account the fact that it is a good medical institution we have made it and now we have been waiting for our child :)

Correspondent: How do you like Ukraine, its citizens and traditions?

Biological Parents: Oh, it’s a great state! We like it very much. As we work in science sphere we even were invited to take part in the conference that took place in one of the national Kiev universities. So, we have a great opportunity to communicate with Ukrainian youth. And in general, Kiev is very beautiful city with a great number of places of interest that are worth seeing.

While we were speaking with the biological parents their surrogate mother was examined by ultrasound investigation. She is on the 12th week of pregnancy. Surrogate mother says that she feels good and it is her 3rd pregnancy. She has two own children and it was not very difficult for her to start participation in such program as she wants her children to have a good education and appropriate life conditions. Surrogate mother also does not forget about a great mission that she has been fulfilling.
Surrogate Mother: I am extremely happy that in such way I can help these people. We have made a pal of biological parents and it’s pleasant for me to make their dream come true. They can not have children due to a certain medical reasons so they will become happy parents with my help.

Correspondent: Is it difficult psychologically to understand that after act of delivery you will have to give a child back?

Surrogate Mother: I can say that firstly it was a little bit sad and creepy while thinking about this fact but here, in clinic, psychologist and our manager do their bit. They have spoken with me on this theme and everything is o.k. I feel myself good and I am happy to help other people.

Correspondent: Will you communicate with biological parents after they leave Ukraine with their children?

Surrogate Mother: Yes, I hope that we will maintain our friendly relations with each other in future. Biological parents also prefer to communicate in future. I also want to thank managers of the BioTexCom clinic because with their help we have an opportunity to communicate (clinic’s staff includes professional translators) and to go through all needed procedures without any problems.

BioTexCom center is one of the best clinics of reproductive medicine in the world. From year to year, thousands of couples who can not bear a child solve problem of infertility in Kiev visiting BioTexCom. Team of professional medical workers, lawyers, translators tries their best to help those who have faced the problem of infertility. There is no absolute infertility! Welcome to the BioTexCom center!              



Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Womb to rent – the harsh realities of surrogacy | euronews, reporter

Womb to rent – the harsh realities of surrogacy | euronews, reporter

In a clinic in Ukraine surrogate mothers carry babies for couples who otherwise would be childless. It is legal but not without controversy with some who believe it is nothing short of a money making business.
In most EU countries surrogacy as well as egg donors are not allowed. It means Ukraine has become a key destination for Europeans in search of a surrogate mother.
Going to another country where surrogacy is legal while at home it’s not, paying someone to carry a baby you otherwise would never be able to have, taking a risk that you can’t bring your child home – the surrogacy issue is emotive and complex. For some in Europe it is a price worth paying for the gift of parenthood.
Euronews reports from Ukraine and France and talks to couples, doctors and surrogate mothers.

BioTexCom Center For Human Reproduction

BioTexCom Center For Human Reproduction
BioTexCom, center for human reproduction, has been functioning in Ukrainian capital. Kiev, and helps both foreign and Ukrainian couples to make their dream of becoming happy parents come true. Medical institution works in accordance with constitutional norms therefore it has a great number of patiens from year to year. Due to the fact that most European countries ban surrogacy and IVF procedures, a lot of foreigners come to Ukraine to solve their problem of infertility. Ukrainian legislation allows to conduct such procedures as IVF (in vitro fertilization), ICSI (intracytoplasmic sperm injection), pre-implantation diagnosis and egg donation to treat infertility. Combining this fact with high professionalism and positive results BioTexCom has gained general recognition. Under the direction of German citizen, Albert Tochelovskiy, Clinic of Reproductive Medicine BioTexCom have used European experience and introduced the best practices in the treatment of infertility in Ukrainian Center. Each of the staff members tries his best to make patient's visit comfortable and successful. Doctors of the clinic have a long-term practice in the sphere of reproductive medicine; therefore they select individual treatment for each patient taking into account all personal health peculiarities of patient. Clinic has own base of surrogate mothers and donors. So, you can choose the most appropriate variant just for you. In addition, doctors don't divide donor's eggs between several patients and conduct transfer of blastocysts (embryo transfer on the 5th day) to increase chances of pregnancy.
Programs of infertility treatment include everything that foreign visitors need in Ukraine. In particular, services of translator/interpreter, lawyer, psychologist, accommodation and car driver are included in the program's package. As for the quality and results of clinic's work, BioTexCom medical center has 70% of efficiency. The greatest pride of the center is women who become happy mothers at the age 40 and even elder.