Saturday, December 14, 2013

Winter pregnancy

Many people think that it is difficult and inconvenient to be pregnant during winter period. Dear women and future moms, we hasten to dissuade you! Being pregnant in winter is no worse than during any other season. Icy air will become an excellent occasion for useful promenade on crunchy snow. In addition, peculiarities of thermoregulation of pregnant woman will not let them feel as cold as ice. It is known that metabolic processes of women who are in a delicate condition are 20 percent accelerated so that future mothers practically don’t feel cold in winter. Also calm winter weather will harmoniously complement the quiet mood of a pregnant woman. But you will ask and what about the common winter colds and virus diseases? Because such illnesses as flu, sore throat or a simple acute respiratory viral infection can be especially dangerous for both mother’s and baby’s health. The well-known fact that majority of winter diseases are aerosol-transmitted diseases thus a good advice for woman in an interesting condition is to avoid crowded places and exclude communication with out of health people. It will be good to plan your schedule so to stand aback peak hours, crowded places and public transport. But if circumstances are not in your favor and you just need to rise from the ranks you can use a gauze bandage, in the case when there is an epidemic of acute respiratory infections. And after returning home can treat yourself with a cup of natural, herbal tea (lime, raspberry, currant, wild rose, peppermint, chamomile, red ash). Such drink will become a great benefit for your health and support of immunity system. A natural honey will be an excellent substitute for sugar that is not so useful for people especially for pregnant women.
Ice slick is a great danger which pregnant must avoid in winter. But course it is impossible to stay at home during all winter period. Therefore pregnant women are strongly recommended to go out with someone who will be able to take the load. In addition, it is necessary to wear comfortable shoes with non-slip soles and without heelpiece. Backpack worn on two shoulders will be a perfect balance to avoid as welcome as snow in harvest fall. But however hard you may try it can happen that pregnant woman falls due to slippery, uncleared roads. In such situation do not panic. Remember that child is protected by caul that softens any abrupt movements and strokes. Therefore standing up after the fall sit down and if the term of your pregnancy is so that you can already feel baby’s wiggling wait until he will push. Also consult your doctor even if you think that's all right with you and your child.
And the most important thing, dear future mothers, do not forget about a good mood. In winter, daylight is short and mood can sometimes worsen. Therefore create pleasant moments for yourself! Good habit for pregnant women is regular walks, during which you can enjoy beautiful views of the snow-covered nature and breathe frosty air and feed birds. Active communication with loved people, colleagues and friends will also have a good effect on your mood. You should avoid unpleasant topics and conflict situations. A good idea is to visit courses of preparation for childbirth. There you will meet with like-minded people and will be able to share experience and useful advices. Such courses will give you a sense of involvement in active life as well as new girlfriends. Special exercises in the morning and trips to the sweeping pool are also extremely useful for pregnant women. In addition physical exercises will give you energy boost for the whole day and help to keep your body in a good condition. Moreover, trips to the sweeping pool are allowed for pregnant women on any stage of pregnancy up to 9th month. Practice what you like and that brings you positive emotions. Dance, listen to a beautiful music, watch your favorite movies, read interesting books etc.! The main thing is to make you and your baby well!

Ukrainian Revolution Doesn’t Harm BioTexCom Work!

The news about demonstrations in Ukraine quickly went round of the world. It caused some vigilance and fear of foreign citizens to go to Ukraine and especially its capital, Kiev. We hasten to assure you that the situation in Ukrainian cities, in particular in Kiev, is calm and safe for tourists. Ukrainian community organized maidan in order to support Euro integration of Ukraine and peacefully defend its positions. These events are absolutely safe for civilians. Revolutionary meetings take place only in the downtown and are located in one place. Therefore, foreign visitors can be calm and not afraid to come to Kiev.
Functioning of the BioTexCom clinic continues in the customary active conditions. Drivers of the medical center, as always, meet clients at the airport and bring them to the clinic or hotels where they will live. Center of revolutionary events does not intersect with the roads to the airport, clinic, or hotels for patients. You can get the thick of things of Euro maidan only if you special want to go there and see firsthand what is happening there.
Ukrainian Euro maidan was founded and are visited by all those who see Ukrainian state in the European community and manifest the active desire to become a part of Europe entering the European Union. Here one can see people of different ages, Ukrainian musicians who organize concerts to support activists, politicians and representatives of various social organizations. All events that take place on Independence Square are of a peaceful nature and do not affect the operation of capital airports, public transport, supermarkets and cultural institutions. About thirty cities of the world have also expressed their solidarity. Ukrainians who live in Barcelona gathered money for the needs of Kiev Euro maidan and sent them to the capital. Meetings were also held in three largest cities of Portugal - Lisbon, Porto and Faro where people also gathered funds for Kiev activists. More than thousand people came to meeting in Warsaw. They went through the main streets with the slogan "Ukraine is Europe", "We support Ukrainian maidan" and others. Ukrainians also were joined by the Polish politicians and public figures. Ukrainians who live in Italy, London, Dublin, Athens, Berlin, Prague, Paris, U.S.A cities, Moscow, Barcelona, ​​Bologna, Brussels, Budapest, Oslo, Tbilisi, Helsinki and many other cities follow the events in Ukraine and support people who stand on the Kiev Maidan.