Friday, January 30, 2015

Battle Over Paid Surrogacy Opens New Front

In many states, hiring a woman to carry and give birth to a child for you is illegal. But democratic New York Senator Brad Hoylman is fighting to change that in his home state. On Wednesday, he and the New York State assembly re-filed a bill called the Child-Parent Security Act to legalize compensated surrogacy in New York, and provide protections that ensure surrogates are entering into legal agreements and there’s no question that the intended parents of the child have full rights.

New York forbids compensated surrogacy and is the only state where criminal penalties can be imposed on people who enter into a paid surrogacy agreement. That means that couples who want to use a surrogate to have a child that they’re genetically related must travel to a state where the practice is legal in order to do so.

That’s what Hoylman and his husband David Sigal did. Their daughter Silvia, now 4, was born via a surrogate in California, where compensated surrogacy is legal and parental rights are established prior to the birth of the child. “It added a lot of time and expense and uncertainty to having a child as a gay couple,” says Hoylman. “California has codified legal protections for surrogate families, and I would like to see that replicated in New York.”

Twenty-two states allow the practice and four states—New York, Michigan, Nebraska, New Jersey—as well as Washington, D.C., forbid it . The remaining states don’t have any rulings on the matter, meaning it’s technically not illegal but there are no laws to protect people should something go wrong, such as legal arguments over who has parental rights.

“I’ve had reports of surrogate children being born in New York illegally,” says Hoylman. “It’s a bit of a wild west scenario.”

Paid surrogacy, whether in one’s home state or elsewhere, is still costly. Basic fees for a surrogate mother can range from $32,000 to $40,000, with medical bills, legal fees, finding an egg donor and paying for insurance on top of it. For couples who travel out of state for a legal arrangement, there’s the added cost of travel throughout the pregnancy. All told, out-of-state surrogacy arrangements can cost around $100,000 on average.

One of the reasons many states are still wary of paid surrogacy is because of a 1988 ruling in New Jersey over “Baby M.” In a traditional surrogacy scenario, a woman named Mary Beth Whitehead agreed to be the paid surrogate for William and Elizabeth Stern, whom she found in a newspaper advertisement. But after giving birth, Whitehead changed her mind and tried to take the child back. Ultimately, the court gave custody to the Sterns, but Whitehead was given legal visitation rights. After that, paid surrogacy was outlawed in New Jersey, and others followed suit.

But thanks to in vitro fertilization, surrogacy today looks very different than it did a decade ago. Experts now recommend gestational surrogacy, where a surrogate fetus is implanted with an embryo made from donor sperm and egg—as opposed to tradition surrogacy, where the surrogate is inseminated with sperm. In the latter case, the carrier is genetically related to the child. Hoylman’s bill does not endorse that form.

Hoylman’s bill establishes the concept of “intended parentage” so that regardless of how a child was conceived, intended parents get rights. For example, in many cases, if a lesbian couple has a child via a sperm donor, the non-biological mother must adopt the child, something Hoylman says women find “embarrassing.”

For now, Hoylman says he has to prove that compensated surrogacy can work in New York.

“I was in the delivery room with my daughter and not everyone has that vantage point,” says Hoylman. “I am mindful that this is a longer term project.”

Thursday, January 29, 2015

European rights court rules against Italy in surrogacy case

The European Court of Human Rights on Tuesday ruled that Italy had not acted in the best interests of a nine-month-old child born from a surrogacy arrangement in Russia entered into by an Italian couple who was placed under guardianship in 2013 after it emerged that there was no biological relationship between them.

In their ruling the judges upheld the application of Donatina Paradiso and Giovanni Campanelli that the Italian state had acted in violation of Article 8 of the European Convention on Human Rights enshrining the right to respect for private and family life.

However, their conclusions did not oblige Italy to return the child to the applicants, as he was deemed to have undoubtedly developed emotional ties with the foster family with whom he had been living since 2013.

The court also ordered Italy to pay the applicants 20,000 euros in respect of non-pecuniary damage and 10,000 euros in respect of costs and expenses.

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Looking for country to conduct surrogacy

Surrogate motherhood has its origins in ancient times. In those times infertile couples also asked women to give birth and give them a child but people did not call this process surrogacy. Nevertheless since the birth of civilization to the present times children are considered to be a continuation of a single race and humanity in general. If children are no longer born, mankind will gradually die out and the Earth planet will become an empty field with a finished game.
Today, we can see that along with the rapid development of countries diseases that attack the human race rapidly are not way behind as well. Infertility is an illness which with certainty can be called plague of the 21st century. This disease affects both men and women due to the bad environmental influence on health, unhealthy lifestyle, bad habits and many others. But people are not willing to put up with such state of affairs. Surrogacy is the most popular method of reproductive medicine which helps infertile couples to feel all the happiness of motherhood and fatherhood.
According to statistics, every sixth couple in the world knows firsthand about infertility. But having such method as surrogacy in medical arsenal not all countries agree to enact it on a legal level. As of today, only a few countries have legalized this method of reproductive medicine.
India has managed to enter the list of surrogacy leaders. After studying Indian law concerning surrogacy one can see that there are no particular limitations: unmarried men or women, couples who registered their marriage or those who live in a civil marriage can choose surrogacy program. As of the price, such procedure costs about 20 thousand dollars, which is much less than in any other European country. But, take your time and do not agree with such an ideal proposition. As surrogacy in India has both pros and corns. In fact, as it turned out the whole process of surrogacy occurs in conditions that are far from norms and standards. Not always surrogate mothers go through all needed medical diagnosis and tests. Courageous women who have agreed to participate in such procedure shoot Niagara only because of a critical shortage of money. They live in terrible insanitary conditions (including period of pregnancy). It can be said that in India, surrogacy motherhood is a kind of product on the fertility market. And quality of this product is not controlled appropriately. Do not also forget about the non-standard Indian law with concerns ultrasound diagnostic. In India, it is forbidden! This is due to sexual character issue. According to the old tradition boys are considered as a future heirs and breadwinners, while girls are just a burden. That is why for a long time after the ultrasound procedure women made abortions if baby's gender was female. Therefore, in order to prevent selective abortions authorities banned the ultrasound investigation. Therefore biological parents of the child risk of getting ill and sometimes with serious disabilities or physical defects child.
Ukraine has no such defects in national legislation. Ukraine is called the third world country but conditions there are good. Clinics of reproductive medicine are equipped with modern equipment, surrogate mothers are tested according to common norms and in addition one can find centers where patients are be offered the "all inclusive" package and 100% guarantee of a positive program’s outcome. And as of Ukrainian doctors, from hearsay of patients they just work wonders in the field of reproductive medicine. Nevertheless some shortcomings also were found. Ukraine is a country which the majority of Europeans are afraid to go especially with the aim to use methods of reproductive medicine. Ukraine is behind in the European development in general. Visiting this state foreigners have the impression that they got in a time machine and flew many years ago. Bumpy roads that make impression you get into a turbulence zone, public transport that extremely needs replacement due to their old age and not always a European quality of services. The most loyal legislation concerning surrogacy is just in this state of Eastern Europe. It is because of the legality of this procedure and law prices many Europeans visit Ukraine to take advantage of a surrogate motherhood. But as a result of the massive influx of patients it can be seen a shortage of surrogate mothers. In addition, turn to join the program sometimes can last for 2 years.
Of course, comparing the level of development in the field of economy, infrastructure and medicine of Ukraine and Israel Ukraine is lag behind in many positions. Israeli medicine is known as the best one among world leaders based on good results and high quality of treatment of a wide range of diseases. Reproductive medicine, in particular its assisted methods also do not keep in the background. Surrogate motherhood, which is so popular all over the world is banned in most European countries and legalized in Israel. Programs of egg donation and surrogacy are conducted here legally (Israeli law does not ban such procedures) and have a good result indicators. Nevertheless Israeli citizens massively go to Ukraine to use the same methods of infertility treatment they can use in Israel. The question that has to be answered is why? First of all due to the price. In Israel you'll have to spend a good deal of money for good service and level of healthcare. Also it is complex and long-term process to find a donor in Israel if it is needed for the program. Couple can wait for a suitable donor for months. The same situation can be seen with surrogate mothers. It’s difficult to find a woman who will agree to become a surrogate mother therefore couple can wait for years to start the program.
There are also countries where surrogacy as a solution of infertility problem is not regulated by law and thus easy exists in the state. These countries are Finland, Belgium, Ireland and Greece. Visiting any of these countries you can certainly take advantage of surrogacy program but no one will give you even the slightest guarantee that everything will be as it should be and you will be given the child after his birth. Since there is no a law which concerns such procedures therefore it is impossible to protect any rights or to prove anything. You risk facing with blackmail, frauds and a lot of additional troubles. Absence of a law that would regulate this issue generates disorganization and inaccuracy. Stages of the program can run not in the required time, terms and sums may vary, in the end, you can go home without a child spending a lot of money, energy and health.
Usually surrogate mothers receive a cash award for their service. In countries where this issue is regulated by the law parties sign an agreement in which all amounts and obligations of the parties are written. But there are also some countries where such programs can be carried out on a volunteer basis, namely, on a noncommercial basis, without compensation for surrogate mother. These countries are Netherlands, Australia, Canada, Denmark, Spain, and United Kingdom. Here you will find great service, a friendly meeting and face with the highest European standards. But you will not find there excellent organization and guarantee of positive result. In addition doctors in these countries often use frozen donor eggs that automatically reduces success of the program. It is known and proven that frozen biological material loses its functionality and quality that led to numerous unsuccessful attempts of IVF. Also it is impossible to check the presence or absence of frozen eggs in your program. You can only hope for a miracle and a successful outcome of the procedure. There is also a risk that surrogate mother will change her mind and refuse to give you a child. As a result you have a chance to stay both without money and child.
Surrogacy program in the Russian Federation is also rather expensive. But as Russian lawyers say law of their country does not complete at all concerning surrogacy. For example, surrogate mother has the right at the last moment to refuse to give genetic parents the child. And the law is on the side of surrogate mothers. As a result it gives them an opportunity to blackmail genetic parents and require a larger sum than it was initially agreed in the agreement. There are also many so-called intermediary agencies in Russia, which do not require state licensing. As a result market of surrogate motherhood includes a lot of scams that take customers money and disappear or do not conduct any proceedings in reality. Despite these drawbacks there are still those who will find Russia appropriate country for surrogacy program. Because country's legislation mentions anything about the possibility of using such a program by couples who are not registered their family relationships, single women and men, as well as non-traditional couples.
Surrogacy theme is on the peak of popularity today. More and more people want to use this method to fight against childlessness. In turn such situation forces governments around the world to reconsider the relevant bills, sometimes simplifying and often - toughening conditions for both biological parents and surrogate mothers. But there is surrogacy in the world and this is a clear fact! And those who need it can only make the right choice of the country for its fulfillment. As the writer Karen Thompson Walker toughening: "Death is the only thing that is required in our life. In all other cases there is a choice".

Pregnancy traditions in the world

“Darling, I think we're going to be hearing the patter of tiny feet soon!” These words are so long-awaited and pleasant in any family. And of course since the moment when all family members and close friends were informed about this happy news mother, father want the pregnancy to pass fine and a healthy baby to be born. With the course of time numerous interesting traditions and signs have been created concerning pregnancy. They often have nothing to do with medicine nevertheless have right to exist. They are usually prejudices that became part of local culture. And many moms and dads are interested in such information.  
In China there is a belief that for the pregnancy to be successful the husband should carry his wife over burning coal when entering the house. Also it’s said that reading of good literature during pregnancy has rather a positive effect on the unborn child. On the other side it is very bad for the pregnant woman to gossip or laugh loudly.
It is believed that the way food eaten by the pregnant woman looks has influence on the baby's appearance. The woman expecting a baby should never attend a funeral. There is a belief that no construction work should be done in the house where there is a pregnant woman. On the other side to ward off the evil spirits some knives should be put under the bed where the pregnant woman sleeps.
The Chinese have something what is called "tsue shen" (hastening delivery). It is a package of clothes sent by maternal grandmother to her daughter about one month before it is expected the baby to be born. The white cloth inside the package is used to wrap the newborn baby.
To somehow ease the pain of labor Chinese women usually drink special herbal potion. In China women often give birth to their child in an armchair or futon. After the baby is born woman makes a ritual offering of sweet meat and incense to the goddess who helped her to conceive.
The period immediately after the baby is born is called the "sitting month". It is said that a woman is "doing the month". During this period the woman stays at home and usually her mother-in-law helps her.
It is believed that due to blood loss during the birth of the baby a woman is in "cold phase". That is why she should stay in warm place. Living in this phase also includes avoiding cold or raw food.
People in Japan believe that a pregnant woman should not eat spicy or salty food. Eating raw fish is also forbidden. The Japanese also believe that to avoid the birthmarks on baby's body the pregnant woman should never look at fire.
Being quiet during birth of the baby is expected. Not being so is a sign of embarrassment. Women are told not take any medicine to ease the pain of labor.
In Mongolia it is believed that when meeting two pregnant women should not touch each other. Locals believe that baby's sex can be changed that way. Until the child is 3 months or in some cases even over 1 year old people do not directly mention his or her sex. There is a belief that by doing so people will confuse evil spirits.
The Akamba people of Kenya believe that a pregnant woman should not see a body of deceased because spirit of the dead can endanger pregnancy. Sex during pregnancy is not allowed as it may result in the birth of a disabled child.
In Jamaica it is said that if a woman drinks lot of milk during pregnancy her child is going to have lighter complexion. There is popular local belief about oranges. Yearning for oranges and then not eating them results in the orange-shaped birth mark on babies.
Mexicans have the same belief but it includes strawberries. In Mexico there is also an ancient belief of Aztec origin. An eclipse is very dangerous for a pregnant woman because her baby could have a cleft lip. To protect herself woman should carry a key or safety pin.
People in Latvia still have some ancient beliefs concerning pregnancy and giving birth. Local women pray to goddess Mara or Mary who is believed to control the human body and influences the labor. Presents are offered to her even before the woman gets pregnant. There is one more goddess. Her name is Lamia. It is believed that she decides the fate of the baby.
In Russia people used to believe that childbirth would be easy if the woman and her husband tell names of all of their previous lovers. So, as you see, it is good to be honest.
Having an easy birth of the first baby is a wish of every pregnant woman. A woman in Malta prays for lot of rain on her wedding day. It is believed that if this happens the birth will be an easy one.
That is why people plan their wedding to be held on the days of "stila" or star when lot of rain is forecasted. These days are Saint Ursula's Day on the 21st of October, Saint Catherine's Day on the 23rd of November and Saint Lucy's Day on the 13th of December.
While giving birth to her child woman in Malta often holds a statue of Saint Calogero or prays to Saint Raymond and Saint Spiridione. Saint Ludgarda is also believed to help to ease the childbirth.
The Orkney Islands is an archipelago of more than 70 islands located in the northern Scotland. Local people believe that if the rainbow tip falls on the house where the baby is about to be born that the baby will be a boy. When someone sees such a rainbow he or she shouts "There's a bridge for a boy child!"
According to ancient beliefs the mother and baby should be kept safe from "trows" or supernatural creatures. To keep the unborn baby safe from them the pregnancy should be kept secret. The pregnant woman should sleep with knifes and the Bible under her bed. The same objects are kept in baby's room when the baby is born. Women present during the birth of baby should stay at home for few days to scare away the evil trows.
The birth of baby is celebrated by wetting the child's head. The father drinks some whiskey with men from the neighborhood to bring good luck to the baby.
The second tradition is called the "blide-meat". Some scones and ale are given to family members and neighbors. The "Feast" is held only for the baby's family. On this day mother returns to her everyday life she used to lead before the birth of the baby.
There is also the ceremony called the "Cirsenin' Feast". It is held after the baby is baptized. In the past male babies were baptized before female ones. It's really bizarre but locals used to believe that the baby girl baptized before the baby boy will grow a beard.
In Portugal there is a belief that pets like cats or dogs should be kept away from a pregnant woman. It is done to avoid a baby to be born as a very hairy one.
What is the connection between shape of fruit and vegetables and sex of the baby? People in Portugal believe that if the pregnant woman wants to give birth to a baby girl she should eat round fruits and vegetables. If she would like to get a baby boy then she should eat long vegetables like carrots or cucumbers.
In Spain there is a superstition that a fontanelle on baby's head can be damaged as result of loud noises. There is also rather strange belief that a piece of wet paper put on baby's forehead can cure hiccups.

In the UK some people believe that baby's heart rate can predict its sex. The faster heart rate means that woman is carrying a baby girl and the slower one means that she is going to give birth to a baby boy.                                                                       

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Motherhood all ages yield surrender!

In Ukraine, the topical issue of acceptable maximum age of women who want use in vitro fertilization (IVF) procedure came up. After the case, when 66-year-old Swiss woman used IVF procedure in Ukraine, and gave birth to twins media war broke out in the world community. According to the Ukrainian law, it is absolutely legal to use assisted methods of reproductive medicine (such as egg donation and surrogacy). Because of this, a great number of infertile foreigners come to Ukraine, as in most European countries this sphere is not open enough. In addition, Ukraine has no age limit for the carrying out of such programs. Because of this, the country has become a Mecca for aged Europeans. High level of reproductive technologies, comparatively low prices and loyalty legislation contribute a lot to the medical tourism in Ukraine. As, French legislation, for example, prohibits surrogacy, in Norway and Sweden, use of donor eggs is punishable by law and the German "Act on the Protection of embryos" in general prohibits the transfer of genetically foreign embryos. And all fine and dandy, but 66-year-old mother from Switzerland caused fierce debate in the community. Many experts argue that a woman should not only give birth, but also to raise a child. How could she do this fine, if she is, I'm sorry, Grandma! A number of such cases have pushed people's deputies of Ukraine to amend a bill on reproductive technologies and limit the age of women, who will be available for in vitro fertilization, up to 51 years. Ukrainian doctors, in order, assure that these changes will stop the positive development of new technologies, and make thousands of infertile women unhappy. The President of Ukraine, Viktor Yanukovych, did not support the proposed law, explaining his decision in such way: “proposed consideration of the draft law is not full enough”. Thus, the age of the woman for the in vitro fertilization program remains unlimited in Ukraine. Many NGO representatives complain that crowds of women over 50 leave Ukraine with their newborn babies. This is not normal! Thus, for example, Kyiv clinic BioTexCom, one of the leaders in the field of reproductive medicine, annually helps about 200 women over the age of 50 years to have a baby out of the tube. But after the incident with a Swiss woman, authorities threatened clinic direction to deny a license, claiming that its work is immoral: aged clients participant in IVF programs, embryo reduction, etc. Yes, all these can be seen in clinic, but due to these, as a result, children are born perfectly healthy, even in the most hopeless cases. Maybe society just needs to look at the situation from the other side. In Europe, there is a common style of life firstly to get a decent education, profession, earn capital, to enjoy your life and only then give birth to successors. But we must be in mind that female body, after 51 years can not do this without the help of assisted reproductive techniques. And it is a great fortune that today they have been existing and successfully developing. Such technologies help a lot of desperate couples go through the happiness of fatherhood and motherhood. Community just needs to look at this issue from the other side and slant on the question more modern, considering all trends of the 21st century. Also do not forget the fact that if woman decides to take such a step, it means that she has a serious reason for it and it would be better to consider the state of her health, financial situation and other factors in each individual case, but not her age. Why, for example, a weak half of humanity must work for the country’s benefit (meaning the retirement age), but have no right to give birth? In a word, the issue of reproductive medicine, as all others, has both pros and cons. But let's not forget the fact that humanity is evolving and the world changes over time. And it is important to take into account these changes.

Child With Guarantee

Surrogate mothers like cartoon characters Chip and Dale race to rescue. But not with the aim to save the whole world and only infertile couples. It is a natural desire of any person to have children, and especially if it is a long-established family. Infertility diagnosis does not deprive of this desire. Surrogate mothers are a kind of women who have chosen carrying children for other people as a well-paid job. "Looking for a surrogate mother", "Will become a surrogate mother for you", "Surrogacy with guarantee" etc. Today this procedure is so widespread that you can easily find a great number of information you need in the Internet, mass media, and even on the street advertisement board. But as it happens - the greater demand the lower quality. So how to find a good surrogate mother with whom you will not have problems?
The first and fundamental rule for those who want to use services of surrogate mother is to visit only specialized accredited clinics which operate in accordance with relevant rules and regulations of the country in which they function. But it happens so that infertile couples mistakenly think that they can solve this problem on their own and start looking for surrogate mother with the help of internet resources and various ads ( Just such people are the best targets for swindlers! If you think that you can negotiate with surrogate mother and pay for this service the true price it will not always turn out as you want.
Legal clinics check surrogate mothers in details, in particular their physical and psychological health. Carrying out these procedures by yourself you risk missing out on important medical tests or to be had that the surrogate mother had passed all inspections. She cannot pass them at all or just forge the results. The following aspect is an agreement between all sides (in a perfect world these are clinic, surrogate mother and biological parents). In medical centers professional lawyers constitute an appropriate contract which contains all the obligations and rights of all parties. It is all but impossible to do it without specialist’s participation. Thus, not taking these items into account you become a perfect victim for the fraudulent surrogate mothers. During pregnancy they can dream up various non-existent problems that will require more money. And after the child’s birth such surrogate mothers may refuse to give the baby until you fulfill all their terms. And these requirements can continue indefinitely while your biological child will grow in someone else's family getting used to other parents. In this case you will not be able to prove your rightness because you have no necessary documents and evidences.
Using the help of a surrogate mother you always have to remember that it is a matter of life and death for you but just a business for some women. And do not think that organizing surrogacy program by yourself you save some money or do it more efficiently. The right and best decision is to choose a clinic with a good reputation and high quality of work. As of quality-price ratio Ukraine, for example, is one of the best countries in which you will find a good service, positive result of the program and an affordable price. In this case, clinic is held fully liable for all stages of the program. Therefore, workers of medical institution are also interested in good result. In addition, going to the center of reproductive medicine you pay a fixed sum and do not run the risk to overpay or pay for nothing, as it happens in the case of an independent search for a surrogate mother.
If you are not a doctor you will not know details of the surrogacy procedure. As a result outside the clinic you can be said that, for example, embryo replanting was made, although in fact it will not be so. Surrogate mother even cannot be pregnant at all, but urging otherwise upon you. In general, as you can see, there are a lot of ways to be hippoed by surrogate mothers. So do not put everything on the line and visit only proven centers of reproductive medicine and do not seek help where there is none of it.

Brave Father

We went upstairs on the 5th floor of the maternity clinic, holy of holies where no man has gone before. We were allotted a separate room. From next doors it was heard how birthing mothers whimpered, cried and I realized where I am and what was coming … Love for my wife won the the battle of my mind and fear. My wife had weak labor so doctors decided to start “needle”. I even can’t describe and retell the whole process of labor… The only thing I can say is that it was so hard for me and I have never in my life went through such feelings. Sick nurse put my wife on a drip but after a while something went wrong. I went out into the hallway and cried: “Sick nurse!!!!!Come here!!!” Due to my loud cry at first some birthing mothers went quiet and then rapid labor started. After childbirth they even expressed me thanks. From 5 am. to 1 pm. I was together with my wife. I couldn’t have a smoke break or to go to the WC. My wife said doctors that she must quickly give birth because at 6 p.m. workers must bring us a refrigerator from shop))) By 1 p.m. I was so much exhausted as after ton of dirty diapers unloading. When we left the ward and went to the delivery table I wished to disappear, curl up and die, go off into a faint. But my awareness didn’t want to throw over me. Expulsive pains!!! Oh my God, can it possibly be true??? I fell to pieces together with my wife. My eyes and face arteries were red. I felt that a little more and I will give a birth together with my woman. Crazy cry of the last expulsive pains… then silence… (for some moments it was a complete silence but it seemed to me that hours passed). I felt hairs on the back of my neck bristle and turn gray. And at last our little miracle gave notice with the most excellent and clear voice for the whole humanity that she was born!!! She is ready and wants to live and let things rip! I was announced that my wife gave birth to a girl. I stood and tears came to my eyes when I realized that I became a happy father. All who were in the maternity barn at that moment looked at me with a great respect and congratulated me. Dear women!!! Thank you so much!!!!      

Monday, January 26, 2015

True-life story

I remember I walked down the street and sobbed my socks off. Infertility diagnose sounded for me as a sentence. “You will never be able to have children!” - doctor said. It was an awful feeling. All day long my husband phoned me to find out the results. I wasn’t able to say him about it. When husband came home he found the results on the table, and me crying and viewing photos on which I was a little girl. He looked at me and his eyes streamed tears. We cried and said nothing…
Moreover I worked as a shop assistant in baby-goods store. Every time when I saw a pregnant woman - it was terribly painful for me. And I always asked: “Why she, and not me?”
A few months later I decided to back to my question. It was rather difficult but as I lived with it, so might once again return to this painful issue. I read in the Internet about different ways of fertilization. We visited doctor by doctor.
After 5 years of looking for a good doctor and appropriate clinic, we found one professor. He said us the only phrase that there was a chance. He suggested artificial insemination using donor eggs. I was shocked. Professor recommended us to think about it carefully. Leaving doctor’s office I looked at my husband and said with tears in my eyes - no. We sat on a bench and began to talk. Of course my husband persuaded me, but I had my own contradictions that plagued my soul. For me, it was like treason. But my husband constantly tried to persuade me, saying that we have a chance and we must take it, because it will be our baby and we will love him more than anyone else.
After two months of persuasion, I finally agreed. We went again to the professor. We needed to drive 500 kilometers to reach him. At that time, the road seemed to us to be an eternity. Procedure was conducted at once, but it was something inside me saying that there will not be positive result. Woman's wit.
Coming back home, we were looking forward to the moment when 3 weeks would pass and finally conducted a pregnancy test, but at the end of the 3rd week test was negative. There was no time to think. I called once again to the clinic and doctor ordered me the second procedure. Feelings were rather mixed inside me. But the second time was also negative. The test showed a negative result once again.
I had an appointment with the doctor for the third attempt and I had a feeling that everything will be as it should be. We went to the clinic being relaxed and smiling. In the hospital I was conducted a blood test for the hormone levels and the decision was as follows: it is needed to wait another two days, since my menstrual cycle was delayed. Then there were two more days and two more days once again. As a result, doctor said us that it would be better to come another time. I was torn to pieces. I phoned my mother and shed floods of tears. I was psychologically broken. But, at last I waited until the next term. There were 6 couples in the hall. They all waited for the procedure. We were the third in this line. When it was our turn professor asked us to wait. We all waited and waited. At last the nurse called us and said that it's our turn. Professor explained us that in the case of the third failure it’s needed to do in vitro. But I felt that that everything will go fine.
After the procedure’s end, professor patted my shoulder and said that it went off without a hitch. We went home and after the procedure we had only to wait. Two weeks later, I got up at 5 am, and could not stop myself from conducting a pregnancy test. I closed my eyes and waited for 5 minutes with tears in my eyes.

Finally, there were two lines, which pointed out that I was pregnant! I could not believe to my eyes. Tears rolled down my cheeks. I put the test on the pillow, woke up my husband and said, "Get up Daddy." He also started crying. Finally, fortune smiled upon us. It was the most wonderful day of my life.

Friday, January 23, 2015

The Motherhood

There’s something going down on the playground. Don’t they know that everyone has their own way of parenting? But when it comes down to it, we’re all on the same side.

Criticism is the first sign of success!

Day after day, more and more articles about Clinic of Reproductive Medicine BioTexCom can be seen in the international mass media. And these writings, of course, are not only positive but critical ones as well. Well, this condition cannot be dispensed with. Using the World Wide Web one can find statements that Ukrainian clinic develops business on infertile European couples, selling children as a commodity and pulling in big bucks on someone else's grief. But, the key word here is "grief." There are millions of people all over the world who due to various reasons can not procreate offsprings naturally. Maybe this question does not discompose when you are 20 years old, but when a woman / man reaches 30, 40, 50 years old ... and has no own children and there are some fertility problems... Understanding of the fact that you will not sweep up your baby, not hear words "mom / dad", not take him to school and will not be happy and upset over beloved child, leads to a kind of life disorientation. Where, why, for what all that things happening in your life, and will happen tomorrow? It is needed only to go through this feeling and only then write those or other negative reviews about methods of modern reproductive medicine. Today, such procedures as egg donation and surrogacy have been increasingly gaining momentum. A lot of world-known TV show business stars have already taken advantage of such programs and do not dissemble it, showing their happiness and way they have achieved it. Thus, legendary singer Michael Jackson was one of the first international stars who used services of surrogate mother. Actress Nicole Kidman has a daughter, who was born by surrogate mother. And this list is very rich with famous star names.
The fact that Clinic of Reproductive Medicine conducts medical programs for a certain sum is absolutely normal. After all, team of health care institution includes dozens of graduate employees, its doctors use the latest technologies, carrying out treatment programs, and all these require many physical, mental and financial costs. And it is not possible to provide for a family, serving only as a good example. In addition, it is important to note that cost of such programs as IVF and surrogacy in Ukraine are much lower than in other European countries, and the quality of treatment is much higher. Therefore, all statements about the financial side of this issue are not logical.
But no matter which way you look at it, a vocal critic is a resounding compliment. And if they say about us something it means that we worth it. Under the direction of a true professional, clinical BioTexCom confidently breaks stereotypes concerning reproductive medicine and Ukraine as a whole, proving in practice that surrogacy and egg donation are the greatest achievement of medicine and a unique chance for absolutely all infertile couples to have genetically native children that previously was only a cherished dream. Obstetrician-gynecologists, embryologists of the BioTexCom clinic put into life cherished dreams of their clients, giving new life.
It is also important to note the fact that doctors who work in the BioTexCom clinic are of high professionalism. Good health condition of the baby, his genetic or surrogate mother is of the main priority for all members of the center’s team. In case of any doubts or discrepancy of medical tests, doctors will offer the best alternative and will never agree with any persuasions or conditions of the clients, if it can harm health of child. Good reputation and effectives of treatment have always been, are and remains the main priority of the clinic.
Summarizing all written above, basing on numerous statistics and facts, it can be said for sure that modern methods of infertility treatment such as reproductive medicine are actively developing and becoming more and more popular in the 21st century. It’s normal that members of the international community perceive any innovations with caution and certain distrust. But very soon procedures of the reproductive medicine, with their innovative development will become completely natural (in the case of infertility), and will be perceived by the world as, for example, a regular call for a dentist.

Ukraine - Medical Tourism

People who visit foreign country in order to use assisted methods of reproductive medicine have a great opportunity to combine medical program and interesting acquaintance with a new country. Ukraine and Kiev in particular is worth seeing. Kiev is one of the oldest cities in the world. It originated in the era of the Slavic nation formation. In a few centuries, city became a political center of the powerful state of medieval Europe - Ancient Russia. Kiev is the capital of Ukraine and one of the oldest and the most beautiful cities in the world. It has a rich history of more than 2500 years. Mixture of architectural styles and historical monuments, modern buildings and contemporary architectural figures- all these form appearance of modern capital. One can see Ukrainian Baroque, constructivism and classics working down Kiev streets and squares. New buildings and monuments appeared during the last decade in Kiev. It can be seen high-rise buildings according to the latest designs. In 2012 Ukraine held matches of the European football championship and proved foreign tourists that it is developed, beautiful and welcoming country which is opened to the world in a positive way.
Managers of our clinic can always recommend you sightseeing attractions that are worth seeing and offer you a convenient route. Flight, visit to the doctor, acquaintance with medical program, medical tests, etc. All these can adversely affect patient's emotional condition. That’s why walk round a new city will have a good relaxing affect and make you happy. As psychological calm and positive thinking always help to pass all the procedures easier and achieve needed positive result. Visiting our clinic you can receive fairy priced qualitative treatment which is much less than in European centers of reproductive medicine and without huge queues to a specialist.

Thursday, January 22, 2015

Can be Infertility Caused by Radiation?

Radionuclides discharged into the surrounding atmosphere in the April 26, 1986 explosion at Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant over a period of time reached Finland, Sweden, and Austria. But the former Soviet republics of Belarus, Ukraine, and Russia have borne the brunt of the fallout.
It has long been no secret that male infertility can occur as one of the potential adverse effects of radiation exposure. As dangerous radionuclides enter the human body, a chain of alterations at a genetic level is set into motion, making natural conception impossible. Other risks are equally distressing: Even if successful, fertilization with DNA-damaged sperm may lead to irreversible abnormalities in embryonic development, triggering severe disorders, developmental pathologies, and DNA changes in the fetus. Among other known consequences of radiation exposure, besides the adverse effects on male fertility, are an increased cancer incidence, genetic aberrations, and many other disorders.
Nevertheless, according to the WHO, given the low radiation doses received by most people exposed to the Chernobyl accident, no effects on fertility, numbers of stillbirths, adverse pregnancy outcomes or delivery complications have been demonstrated nor are there expected to be any. There are a great number of other things that can affect fertility health and common health condition. It's also quite possible, specialists note, that all three factors work in combination to raise the odds of congenital defects.
As of Ukraine, healthy children are born there. And people don’t feel any special affects due to the radiation caused by Chernobyl accident. In the modern, each day one faces with a great number of harmful things. In particular, GMO food, fast-food, pernicious habits, climate changes, passive lifestyle and many others. All these can negatively affect person’s fertility. If everything in the media were true, we would all be dead right now. People like to use scare tactics to grab your attention and make them look like whistle-blowing heroes. With all the radiation, GMOs in the world, why are we still alive? The Fukushima radiation scare is small compared to everything else that’s been going on out there. Yet we are still alive.
Did you know there are still people alive today from the 1945 Hiroshima nuclear blast? And yet kids in this country are dying of cancer because they live a standard modern toxic lifestyle and eat dead foods. Radiation is everywhere (including cell phone radiation beaming through you right now). But how it affects you up to you. You see, life never ends. It just changes form. You can't stop change. But you can change the direction in which things are going.

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Get Pregnant After 40!

When I was 35, unmarried but still hoping for children someday, I asked my doctor if I should be concerned about my chances of getting pregnant as I got older. Not at all, he assured me: Women are having children into their 40s nowadays. You have plenty of time, he said.
That was more than ten years ago, just as a boom in "late-timing" motherhood began. Birthrates for U.S. women in their 30s—and 40s and 50s—have increased dramatically since then. (For a rundown on the statistics, see "The Aging of Pregnancy in America.") Celebrity culture has kept pace featuring pictures of 40- plus actresses, such as Geena Davis and Madonna, cuddling their newborns. The news isn't that middle-aged women are having children—more women had children after 40 in the 1960s. But few of those women were having their first child. For reasons that aren't clear, it is far easier to have your third, or eighth, child after 40 than your first. The real news is that so many women are now having their first child late in life.
My doctor wasn't incorrect in his early '90s optimism about later first-time pregnancy—it does happen more these days. At the same time, the truth is that older would-be moms are having trouble getting pregnant, more are resorting to expensive, lengthy infertility treatments, and many are eventually discovering that they will not bear their own children after all. The number of infertility procedures performed between 1996 and 1998 jumped 27 percent. The number of childless women age 40 to 44 has doubled in the past 20 years. A survey conducted by Sylvia Ann Hewlett and described in Creating a Life: Professional Women and the Quest for Children (Talk Miramax, 2002) found that 42 percent of high-achieving women in corporate America were still childless after age 40, a majority of them not by plan. The problem isn't limited to the business world: Recent studies suggest that women in academia may be even more likely to be childless than their corporate sisters.
Though some of these women have clearly made a choice between family and their professions—or are unwilling to undertake parenthood without a partner—most have not made such choices. Rather, they have been caught out by biology. It takes several years to complete professional schooling and to establish a career. But if a woman waits for a suitable time in her career before having children, she may find herself in a race between her own declining fertility and the passage of time.
Assessing Your Fertility
In the past few years, it has become increasingly clear that reproductive biology harshly separates older women into two groups: women who can get pregnant without a lot of medical intervention, but whose ability to sustain a pregnancy is more compromised than their fertility; and women whose fertility has dipped below a critical line and who require interventions, such as assisted reproductive technology (ART). For the first group, there is good news: Huge strides have been made in troubleshooting miscarriages, maintaining pregnancies, handling labor complications, and caring for preterm infants—all important issues in late-timing pregnancy.
For the second group, the news is much more grim. According to figures from the Mayo Clinic, a woman's fertility is highest around age 20. Typically, fertility drops 20 percent after age 30, 50 percent after age 35, and 95 percent after age 40. After age 40, reproductive function diminishes drastically: Half of a woman's eggs are chromosomally abnormal at age 40; by 42, that figure is 90 percent. And should an older woman get pregnant, her chance of miscarriage increases to more than 50 percent by her late 40s. Even the most advanced fertility treatments can't reverse such reproductive decline. As recently as a decade ago, fertility specialists were much more optimistic about first pregnancies at midlife, given improved overall fitness and advances in reproductive medicine. Now these specialists—and a generation of women—have found instead that certain aspects of fertility are much more intractable than they thought.

Optimizing Odds In Your Late 30s

One month from age 39, I became pregnant on my honeymoon. I miscarried at 19 weeks and, ten months later, miscarried again at 16 weeks. My doctor sent my husband and me to a fertility specialist, who uncovered an underactive thyroid, cleaned out fetal tissue from one of the earlier losses, and made a controversial diagnosis-embryotoxic factor-in which theoretically my immune system fought off pregnancy as a foreign invader. The specialist prescribed progesterone supplements to boost my body's ability to hold on to a subsequent pregnancy, explaining that no one knew exactly why the progesterone helped. You will have your child, he promised us at our last appointment. That fall, when I was 41,1 discovered I was pregnant again. Between thyroid pills, progesterone, and sheer good fortune, that pregnancy lasted. Our daughter, Ursula, was born on June 1, 1998.
Women in their late 30s can do much to improve their chances of getting pregnant. The fertility odds are workable: About two-thirds of women ages 35 to 39 can become pregnant within a year. Given these odds, women can take a number of steps to improve their fertility. Some are simple common sense: Stop smoking; reduce or eliminate use of alcohol and caffeine; maintain an appropriate weight; reduce stress. Even moderate alcohol use—as few as five drinks a week—can impair fertility. Likewise, consuming more than two cups of caffeinated coffee a day has been associated with lowered conception and increased miscarriage.
Naturopath Bonnie Nedrow, ND, LM, who teaches at Bastyr University near Seattle, encourages her midlife patients to focus on what they can control. "We are looking for optimal health, which is more than functional health," she says. "A woman's body will wait to make a baby until things are optimal." Nedrow gives each patient a hormone work-up, checking levels of progesterone, estrogen, thyroid hormones, and others. Then she advises them about cleansing the liver, which processes the majority of the body's hormones; balancing the diet; stabilizing menstrual cycles; and reducing both the woman's and her partner's stress levels.
A stable, predictable menstrual cycle is an important indicator of good reproductive health. "Many women have a long history of taking birth control pills," says Jana Nalbandian, ND, a Bastyr University colleague of Nedrow's. "When a woman decides she wants to get pregnant, her system is used to being regulated by hormones introduced into, rather than released by, the body. For certain women, it can take six months to a year for the body to regulate on its own."
A woman's weight also affects the regularity and effectiveness of her cycles. According to the Mayo Clinic, body fat levels that are 10 percent to 15 percent above or below normal can throw off a woman's reproductive cycles. Being overweight can mean estrogen overload. "We live in an estrogen-dominant world," says Nalbandian, pointing to the hormones used in meat- and dairy-products production, as well as the "estrogenic effect" of some pesticides. Because of these excess hormones, even women who aren't overweight may be at risk for estrogen overload and resulting fertility problems, Nedrow says.
Both doctors encourage their patients to avoid processed and sugar-rich foods and to replace them with organic, hormone-free, and pesticide-free foods. Nalbandian recommends eating beets, leafy greens, artichokes, and carrots to cleanse the liver and remove excess estrogen from the system. Nedrow suggests a daily serving of four ounces offish, which is rich in essential fatty acids, to aid the digestive system. "Our grandmothers were right about cod liver oil," she says.
Women who are underweight also are at risk for menstrual irregularity and infertility. Women who adhere to intense exercise regimes share some of these risks. Strict vegetarians may experience fertility problems if they don't get enough vitamin B12, zinc, iron, and folic acid in their diets.
Luckily, most of these problems can be resolved through changes in nutrition. "If you are a fairly healthy 35- year-old woman with a healthy reproductive system," says Nalbandian, "you should be able to improve your chances of becoming pregnant simply through diet and lifestyle choices."
Additionally, Nalbandian- advises using herbs to support the natural reproductive process, such as chaste tree berry (Vitex agnus castus) for regulating cycles, and herbal teas, such as raspberry leaf (Rubus idaeus), to tone the uterus. To move bile through the liver, she recommends dandelion root (Taraxacum officinale), a gentle, nontoxic cleanser. But because many herbs can contribute to miscarriage, once a woman becomes pregnant, Nalbandian warns, she must stop taking ail herbal preparations until she consults her doctor.
Acupuncture may also be effective. Earlier this year, German researchers at the Christian Lauritzen Institute announced that acupuncture-treated subjects increased their success rate for in vitro fertilization by nearly 50 percent (Fertility and Sterility, 2002, vol. 77, no. 4). By relaxing the uterus, they theorized, acupuncture helps the uterine lining become more receptive to an embryo.
Throwing The Dice After 40
My husband and I felt time working against us in our hope for a second child. Ursula passed her third birthday without a sibling. Wanting to avoid interventions such as in vitro fertilization, but recognizing that my fertility was surely waning, we gave ourselves until the end of 2001 to get pregnant.
For women over 40, the reproductive die has largely been cast. Genetics plays a heavy-handed roie in the ability of a woman over 40 to become pregnant. If her eggs, which have been in her body since before her birth, remain viable in sufficient numbers, she should be able to become pregnant. If she does not have enough "ovarian reserve," she will not become pregnant without egg donation.
In a clinical report issued in January 2002, the American Society for Reproductive Medicine (ASRM) advised doctors to screen women over 35 for ovarian reserve. Typically, this is done by measuring serum basal levels of follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) and estradiol, two of the so-called pregnancy hormones. Subtle changes in levels of these hormones are associated with a reduced ability to conceive—and, not surprisingly, also are associated with perimenopause, when a woman’s hormone levels shift away from reproduction. "Genetics may predispose some women to early increased FSH levels and others to late menopause," says Judy Stern, PhD, an embryologist at Dartmouth-Hitchcock Hospital in Lebanon, New Hampshire. My grandmother had her second child at age 44; a great-aunt had her fourth child at 46. Was there hope for me?
Even if a woman can become pregnant past 40, it's likely to take her a year or more longer to conceive than a younger woman. For one thing, the cervical mucus that aids sperm in fertilization usually lasts for four days in a woman in her 20s, Nedrow says, but for less time as she grows older. "By 40, it's down to less than a day," she says. Even something as seemingly benign as taking antihistamines, which dry up all mucous membranes, she warns, can decrease an older woman's chances for pregnancy.
The best advice: Optimize your individual chance of getting pregnant by optimizing your health in general— and see a trusted health care provider as early as possible in your attempt to get pregnant. "Due to the shorter time frame, I tend to be more aggressive with clients over 40," Nedrow says. "I'm likely to order more tests, use progesterone supportively, and jump in there with herbs right away."
Never Say Never Both naturopaths can cite many examples of women in their late 30s and beyond who have followed their holistic, healthy living suggestions and become pregnant. But they also caution that where there are underlying fertility issues, more intervention may be needed, and pregnancy may be achieved with more difficulty, or not at all. At some point, older women may find themselves confronted with assisted reproductive technology's poor success rates—a 43-year-oid woman using ART has a 3 percent chance of delivering a baby (women in their early 30s who use ART have a better than 30 percent chance)—and the knowledge that time is running out.
When New Year 2002 came, Jim and I counted our blessings as a single-child family, forgetting that we had one more cycle to check. Our son, Virgil, was probably conceived in the final days of 2001, just before deadline. He arrived early, induced at 35 weeks after placental abruption—something I, at age 46, was at increased risk for—and was born perfectly healthy on August 22, 2002.
Genetics, luck, or physical good fortune allowed me to have two children in my 40s. But, I am certain, no doctor today would assure a 35-year-old woman that it was wise to wait another five years, or more, before trying to get pregnant. More likely, that doctor would give her the harder facts and statistics that we know now. Then, if she chose, they would work together to devise a strategy for seeking the miracle of children.