Saturday, December 14, 2013

Winter pregnancy

Many people think that it is difficult and inconvenient to be pregnant during winter period. Dear women and future moms, we hasten to dissuade you! Being pregnant in winter is no worse than during any other season. Icy air will become an excellent occasion for useful promenade on crunchy snow. In addition, peculiarities of thermoregulation of pregnant woman will not let them feel as cold as ice. It is known that metabolic processes of women who are in a delicate condition are 20 percent accelerated so that future mothers practically don’t feel cold in winter. Also calm winter weather will harmoniously complement the quiet mood of a pregnant woman. But you will ask and what about the common winter colds and virus diseases? Because such illnesses as flu, sore throat or a simple acute respiratory viral infection can be especially dangerous for both mother’s and baby’s health. The well-known fact that majority of winter diseases are aerosol-transmitted diseases thus a good advice for woman in an interesting condition is to avoid crowded places and exclude communication with out of health people. It will be good to plan your schedule so to stand aback peak hours, crowded places and public transport. But if circumstances are not in your favor and you just need to rise from the ranks you can use a gauze bandage, in the case when there is an epidemic of acute respiratory infections. And after returning home can treat yourself with a cup of natural, herbal tea (lime, raspberry, currant, wild rose, peppermint, chamomile, red ash). Such drink will become a great benefit for your health and support of immunity system. A natural honey will be an excellent substitute for sugar that is not so useful for people especially for pregnant women.
Ice slick is a great danger which pregnant must avoid in winter. But course it is impossible to stay at home during all winter period. Therefore pregnant women are strongly recommended to go out with someone who will be able to take the load. In addition, it is necessary to wear comfortable shoes with non-slip soles and without heelpiece. Backpack worn on two shoulders will be a perfect balance to avoid as welcome as snow in harvest fall. But however hard you may try it can happen that pregnant woman falls due to slippery, uncleared roads. In such situation do not panic. Remember that child is protected by caul that softens any abrupt movements and strokes. Therefore standing up after the fall sit down and if the term of your pregnancy is so that you can already feel baby’s wiggling wait until he will push. Also consult your doctor even if you think that's all right with you and your child.
And the most important thing, dear future mothers, do not forget about a good mood. In winter, daylight is short and mood can sometimes worsen. Therefore create pleasant moments for yourself! Good habit for pregnant women is regular walks, during which you can enjoy beautiful views of the snow-covered nature and breathe frosty air and feed birds. Active communication with loved people, colleagues and friends will also have a good effect on your mood. You should avoid unpleasant topics and conflict situations. A good idea is to visit courses of preparation for childbirth. There you will meet with like-minded people and will be able to share experience and useful advices. Such courses will give you a sense of involvement in active life as well as new girlfriends. Special exercises in the morning and trips to the sweeping pool are also extremely useful for pregnant women. In addition physical exercises will give you energy boost for the whole day and help to keep your body in a good condition. Moreover, trips to the sweeping pool are allowed for pregnant women on any stage of pregnancy up to 9th month. Practice what you like and that brings you positive emotions. Dance, listen to a beautiful music, watch your favorite movies, read interesting books etc.! The main thing is to make you and your baby well!

Ukrainian Revolution Doesn’t Harm BioTexCom Work!

The news about demonstrations in Ukraine quickly went round of the world. It caused some vigilance and fear of foreign citizens to go to Ukraine and especially its capital, Kiev. We hasten to assure you that the situation in Ukrainian cities, in particular in Kiev, is calm and safe for tourists. Ukrainian community organized maidan in order to support Euro integration of Ukraine and peacefully defend its positions. These events are absolutely safe for civilians. Revolutionary meetings take place only in the downtown and are located in one place. Therefore, foreign visitors can be calm and not afraid to come to Kiev.
Functioning of the BioTexCom clinic continues in the customary active conditions. Drivers of the medical center, as always, meet clients at the airport and bring them to the clinic or hotels where they will live. Center of revolutionary events does not intersect with the roads to the airport, clinic, or hotels for patients. You can get the thick of things of Euro maidan only if you special want to go there and see firsthand what is happening there.
Ukrainian Euro maidan was founded and are visited by all those who see Ukrainian state in the European community and manifest the active desire to become a part of Europe entering the European Union. Here one can see people of different ages, Ukrainian musicians who organize concerts to support activists, politicians and representatives of various social organizations. All events that take place on Independence Square are of a peaceful nature and do not affect the operation of capital airports, public transport, supermarkets and cultural institutions. About thirty cities of the world have also expressed their solidarity. Ukrainians who live in Barcelona gathered money for the needs of Kiev Euro maidan and sent them to the capital. Meetings were also held in three largest cities of Portugal - Lisbon, Porto and Faro where people also gathered funds for Kiev activists. More than thousand people came to meeting in Warsaw. They went through the main streets with the slogan "Ukraine is Europe", "We support Ukrainian maidan" and others. Ukrainians also were joined by the Polish politicians and public figures. Ukrainians who live in Italy, London, Dublin, Athens, Berlin, Prague, Paris, U.S.A cities, Moscow, Barcelona, ​​Bologna, Brussels, Budapest, Oslo, Tbilisi, Helsinki and many other cities follow the events in Ukraine and support people who stand on the Kiev Maidan.

Monday, November 11, 2013

Leaders of reproductive medicine. To run with the hare and hunt with the hounds.

From year to year, diagnosis of infertility has been reaching catastrophic level. It is known that every sixth couple in the world faces with this disease. And this figure has been rising. Reproductive medicine has entered the battle-field, hand to hand with the global problem of childlessness in families. Surrogacy, egg donation, in vitro fertilization (test-tube babies). These are assisted methods for reproductive medicine, which are the only way to solve the problem of infertility.
Basing on moral and ethical principles, not all but just a few European countries propose their fellow citizens such treatment. But there are states as well that have entered the market of providing services of reproductive medicine and actively compete with each other. Therefore, if people can not take advantage of such methods at home, they will go to places where it is legal. Price, quality, guarantee, etc. - each country propose clients different conditions.
For example, in the U.S.A so widespread surrogacy program is legal only in some states and costs about 40 - 60 thousand dollars. The sum is quite impressive but in spite of such price American clinics and agencies do not offer their customers "all inclusive" package of services. It means that meeting at the airport, transfer, legal support, food, accommodation and other additional services are burdensome on clients. In addition there are no guarantees of program’s success and that you will leave America with your child. It can be said that you buy a pig in a poke: it looks like you have paid and agreed all details but will you get the desired result... ? No one knows. Using services of American reproductive medicine you pay only for the brand "Made in America." After all, any European much more trusts America than, for example, a little-known Ukraine, with a hazy quality of medical services. But in practice and according to the statistics just Ukraine is a leader in the field of reproductive medicine.
Ukraine is a country of Eastern Europe and it entered the arena of reproductive medicine recently. But over the last 2 years this country has become a Mecca of surrogacy and egg donation. Internet web sources contain a great number of articles and headlines about how the Ukrainian reproductive medicine clinics help hundreds of elderly foreign couples to become parents. In Ukraine, such procedures as surrogacy are legal. Thousands of European infertile couples visit Ukrainian medical centers as there are a lot of advantages there. Thus, the largest center of reproductive medicine in Ukraine BioTexCom guarantees to all its patients 100 % success of chosen program, package with unlimited number of IVF attempts, and in addition it is the only clinic that provides the «all inclusive» package. It means that patients pay once (surrogacy program costs 29,000 Euro, which is much less than in European clinics) and get everything they need: accommodation, food, legal assistance, medical examinations, interpreter etc. That is why many countries including America send their patients to Ukraine working as intermediary agents because America, for example, has more credibility than Ukraine. But there are also some drawbacks. Due to the influx of clients it can be seen shortage of surrogate mothers and turn to start the program to 2 years.  
Aristocratic and severe Great Britain is a different story. Here you will be met as a titled member of society. You will be provided with all the information you need, clearly explained the entire legal process, and so on. But it will be problematic to find woman who will agree to become a surrogate mother. In addition, only non-commercial surrogacy can be conducted in Great Britain. It means that parties can sign the agreement but it will have no legal force. Therefore surrogate mother can change her mind and do not give child, in a word to act not in the interests of the biological parents.
Everything is okay with the contracts’ legality in the Russian Federation. It is one of the few countries where all aspects of surrogacy are clearly set in the law. Considerable numbers of foreigners visit Russia, like its neighbor Ukraine, in order to use services of local surrogate mothers. And it is due to the fact that such programs as surrogate motherhood is not only legal, but detailed set in the law as well. But there is also another side of the coin – it is price. In Russia, such program costs about 40,000 euro and this sum does not include additional medical procedures, clients’ meeting at the airport, accommodation, food, etc. Because of the high cost of surrogacy program even Russians often go to Ukraine to use services of reproductive medicine.
A similar situation of clinics of reproductive medicine can be seen in Israel and Canada. In these states, officially married couple has the right to use services of surrogate mother if due to medical reasons couple is unable to conceive a child naturally. Israeli medicine and its high level are known al over the world. People come here from all over the world to treat various diseases. Technologically advanced and economically developed Canada also has a decent health care system. Like every European country Canada provides qualitative health care at a decent European level. But how much does this quality cost? Choosing Israel or Canada as a surrogacy country you run the risk to turn bankrupt. In addition difficulties can appear during selection of a woman for carrying your child.
India has no problems with the selection of surrogate mothers. The state of South Asia is one of the centers and leaders of surrogate motherhood. Here one can find legislation that permits such programs and very suitable price. High qualification of local doctors has been continuing to lure foreigners to visit Indian medical institutions. But there is an unusual rule in this state – it is a ban to conduct ultrasound diagnostic of pregnant women. This is due to sexual character issue. According to the old tradition boys are considered as a future heirs and breadwinners, while girls are just a burden. That is why for a long time after the ultrasound procedure women made abortions if baby's gender was female. Therefore, in order to prevent selective abortions authorities banned the ultrasound investigation. In the case of surrogacy it is a great risk that the child will born with abnormalities or defects that could be seen and prevented with the help of ultrasound diagnostics. Therefore, in India, you for sure can save a significant amount of money, visit good doctors but at the same time run the risk of a disabled child because of the medical control lack.
As for Greece where surrogacy is also can be seen ultrasonography is permitted there and medicine meets European standards. But it can be a certain difficulties with the organization of the whole process of the surrogacy program. In Greece, there are no specialized, good centers or agencies to provide services of reproductive medicine. And those that can be found there do not provide clients with impeccable organization and clarity of the implementation of all program’s phases. But it is an integral part of positive result achieving, in particular timely execution of all medical procedures, monitoring of the health of surrogate mothers etc.
Nowadays, surrogacy is very popular procedure. Because very often just this method is the last and only chance for infertile couples to achieve happiness of motherhood and fatherhood. In spite of this fact not many European countries favor such a solution of infertility problem. Hot debates still have been gathering around topic of surrogate motherhood. For example, in Spain, the law permits donation of sperm and eggs, monetary reward for donors, but surrogacy does not permitted there although it is not a criminal offense. In this case, south- western state of Europe decided to enter the market of reproductive health as a mediator. Spanish doctors work well and perform procedures that are permitted in their country but in case of need surrogacy program Spanish doctors refer patients to Russia or Ukraine where surrogacy is legal. Thus paying 5-6 thousand euro more at home with peace of mind Spaniards go to the eastern states and lawfully conduct program they need. And Spanish doctor - mediator acts as a guarantee and peace of mind of those who fly to a foreign country to receive medical services.
As it was mentioned above, European clinics do not provide their clients with a full range of services and therefore patients have to spend additional funds. And in total taking into account program’s cost fabulous sum can be seen. In Macau, city of China, Chinese successfully perform surrogacy programs that are not so expensive there. But the cost of living in this town is very high. Due to the fact that Macau is a major financial center, famous for its casinos (here there are about 33 of such), gambling houses, racecourse and night clubs, accommodation, food and other necessary services for foreigner are very expensive. You will not even notice how your bank account will make a hole in this wonderful city and you will spend more money to stay in it, rather for needed health care services.
The main difficulty of surrogacy program in many countries is a legal side when you need to receive necessary documents for a child who was born with the help of surrogate mother and get a permission to leave the foreign country. In Argentina and Brazil this program’s phase is added with one more condition, namely it should be any kinship between biological parents and surrogate mother. And of course, this fact must be proven by documents (that is, to have legal force). If you try to work around this aspect in any way or falsify a document in future you will have serious problems with birth certificate registration and leaving the country.

Surrogacy has become extremely important and frequently used procedure in the whole world. Since infertility has been recognized as a plague of the 21st century and speed of its development does not ease down. As it can be seen there are enough countries and offers, each of them has both advantages and disadvantages. A customer is only to choose which of them he agrees and which ones are firmly rejected by him. And always remember a eloquent expression of the poet and philosopher Omar Khayyam who said: “...To live a life wisely, you need to know much, 
for a start, remember the two important rules: you'd better stay hungry than to eat no matter what, and better stay single, than with no matter who”.  

Saturday, November 9, 2013

Money has no smell. Reality of Turkish Medicine

(Story from victim's own lips)

One woman, resident of Turkey, used methods of reproductive medicine. She told us her harrowing story of how she and 13 ill-fated women fell into hands of unscrupulous doctor who raises high money making families unhappy.

“Our family had faced with the challenge of child’s conception therefore my husband and I decided that IVF procedure is our unique and probably the last chance to become a parents. Theretofore, we tried hard; in particular we had been visiting doctors and used different methods but all our attempts were unsuccessful. During our attempts (these are 7 years of fruitless efforts) we spent a good deal of money, went to the both physical and psychological efforts. IVF procedure is rather expensive and we are simple, average family. Therefore, before contacting a doctor we had to save in our everyday life in order to accumulate the required sum. But, we did it with the thought of our future child.  Because bright advertising of reproductive medicine clinics confidently promise positive result. And finally collecting needed sum we went for consultation being in a good mood and waiting for a certain miracle. In the medical institution we passed all the necessary examinations, tests and we were told that in a couple of days clinic’s worker will contact us and invite to visit a doctor. Frankly speaking during these days we were so excited that could not work, eat and sleep normally. In some days we had the second meeting with our doctor and he said us all the results are normal and we can participate in the IVF program. When I asked him about the chances and guarantees he briefly replied that everything will be o.k. and we will certainly have positive result. After that there was a procedure of stimulation. I also went through it under doctor’s control. During stimulation I took a strong hormonal drug "Progenova". And then I was sent to Greece for the IVF procedure. As a result it turned out that there were 14 women (after stimulation as I was) who were gathered in one group and sent to Greece. There we lived in one hotel. On the one hand we were pleased that we had an opportunity to support each other and it was a little easier that in a foreign country you had your fellow citizens next to you. Passing the IVF procedure (It was rather difficult physically and morally and only thought about the future child helped) I came back home. Being in the hotel we all exchanged phone numbers and agreed to get in touch by phone, share results and in general continue our communication. But later it turned out that all of us (14 patients!) had the same negative result... At first I was just in shock and felt tremendous confusion but when I got to know that no one of us got pregnant my thoughts were about doctor. I phoned him in tears asking how and why such a thing could happen. But he answered calmly that it happens so and there is no his guilt. He also added that frozen donor eggs are not always of a high quality and as for the fresh material it is not easy to get it as there are no donors in Greece.
I started to look for information about the frozen oocytes in the internet and realized that the doctor tactfully concealed the fact that frozen eggs is almost a guarantee of failure procedure. Many countries use such method earning money but without positive result for patient. Among a number of articles I also find this one (
But it was too late ... we spent all our money, health and psychological state were in awful condition. I cried day and night, in secret from my husband not to upset him more. When I saw on the streets small children my heart just broke. And one day my friend invited me to go shopping. I thought it will be useful for me and I will be able to forget about troubles but when friend started to visit children's shops and choose things for her year-old daughter I went off into hysterics. I just imagined that if not quackery of the doctor now I could also choose clothes and toys for our baby...
Getting back to normal emotional state and gathering money for another one attempt we decided to try once more. My husband found in the Internet Ukrainian clinic that works exclusively on fresh oocytes and guarantees 100 % success. We also found people who have already used services of this center and they told us that doctors of this clinic just work wonders and use unique methods of treatment. I had already sent them my information and Ukrainian specialists answered they could help me. I look forward to a personal meeting with the doctors of the Ukrainian center".


Sunday, October 20, 2013

Frozen eggs of Spain for the IVF

More and more women hurry to freeze their eggs to delay pregnancy for a more appropriate period. Oocyte cryopreservation technology is very popular today all over the world in particular in Spain. Spain frequently use frozen eggs in reproductive medicine, in particular during the IVF programs. As not many Spain citizens agree to donate part of their body for the sake of some infertile couples, private clinics buy these eggs and transfer them from other countries to Spain.
All fine and dandy but in practice, cryopreservation of oocytes has both its pros and significant cons. On the one hand such method is great chance, for example, for patients with cancer diseases. Because freezing cells in a healthy state, you can not be afraid of diseases that can affect the process of conceiving and carrying a child. And when it comes to late pregnancy, in this case frozen oocytes can seriously quit on. The matter is doubtful quality of frozen material and as a result it can cause unsuccessful pregnancy.
Spain is a modern developed European country. Medicine of this sunny state is considered to be one of the best in the world. So why, for example, Ukraine, country of the third world, breaks all possible records as of successful IVF and surrogacy programs realization??? Comparing Spain and Ukraine in general and medicine in particular, it is as one of the first mobile phones and the latest model of iPhone. Ukrainian clinics attract women from across the country with bright advertisements, so that they become egg donors and surrogate mothers. These women are paid "a penny" for such serious programs, and consequences of such procedures as egg donation, is far from bloomy. Thus, in the case of wrong dosage of hormones (donors take them to produce more eggs) it can be an ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome, which can even cause death. As a result of hormonal stimulation, donor can face a whole bunch of diseases and complications. But donors agree to participate in programs, doctors stimulate, while Ukraine is in the list of leaders in the successful implementation of IVF and surrogacy programs. In the Internet one can find a lot of articles about the fact that Ukrainian doctors work wonders in the field of reproductive medicine! And foreign infertile couples travel to Ukraine from all over the world, fighting with their own fears to find themselves in a wild country, in the hands of uneducated doctors who work in conditions of the last century. But what is the secret of their great success?
After meeting with representatives of Ukrainian clinics of reproductive medicine, as well as studying various medical forums, the answer has appeared itself. Work with fresh eggs is the core of success of in vitro fertilization programs. Combining fresh eggs with sperm and performing embryo transfer on the fifth day (the most successful period to work with blastocysts) Ukrainian specialists (Europeans call them Neanderthal man) achieve fantastic results.  
Female germ cells are large and contain water. So after their cooling (in particular, freezing) crystals are formed, which distort the integrity of the gametes. As a result, due to cell homeostasis disturbance, most part of material can not be used for fertilization. Also, there may be defects in cells, not visible during transplantation. Such degeneration of the genetic material in the future, can significantly affect the health condition of unborn children.
Chairman of American community of Reproductive Medicine states: "Although analysis of literature shows that cryopreservation technique is effective for women who need it for medical reasons, we can not use it widely to plan births."

Today, Spain activates vitrification method (modern method of ultra-rapid freezing of genetic material). Vitrification can enhance quality of freezing - thawing oocytes process; as a result material is exposed to less risk and has more chances to survive. But, anyway, this is far from ideal. Freezing of mature eggs is still a new science, and scientists continue to work on improving this technology. There are many issues that are needed to be done to optimize the processes of freezing and thawing eggs. So maybe in 10 years, the world of medicine and science will achieve great results and develop freezing technology, it will be an innovative method of egg freezing as a result of which the quality of the material will raise and number of miscarriages, ectopic pregnancies and congenital anomalies will be minimized. And then Spain will be able to boast of a high birth rate with the use IVF procedures with eggs donation and lead the list of leaders in this area.

Ukraine does not know how to build roads but has the best reproductive medicine in the world!

Surrogate motherhood, which is so popular around the world, does not come by Great Britain. Law and legality are the main components of this issue. Because born child, regardless of the method, is to be registered. In 1985 British law stated that legal mother of the child is considered to be a woman who carried and gave birth to him. But in those days practice of surrogate motherhood was not as popular and developed as it can be seen today and laws of the last century did not consider method of reproductive medicine development. In this regard in 1990 this issue was resolved and now child born by a surrogate mother can be recognized as the legitimate child of genetic parents without a court order. In fact, only non-commercial surrogacy is permitted in Great Britain (unlike, for example, in Russia and Ukraine, where such programs are legalized and can be conducted both free of charge and for money). In Great Britain biological parents and surrogate mother can enter into an agreement that is made on a legal basis but nevertheless has no legal force. Because of this it is impossible to form a real statistics of surrogate pregnancies in Britain since a lot of such agreements are made without any legal documentation.
   Despite the fact that surrogacy can be freely carried out on the territory of the United Kingdom the majority of our residents travel to Ukraine to visit clinic of Reproductive Medicine BioTexCom. Third world country that falls behind European states entices thousands of foreign infertile couples who travel to Ukraine from all over the world. Since the topic of infertility is close to me in fact rather than in word (I've had three miscarriages and reaching the age of 47 years I can not get pregnant) I decided to carry out a journalistic investigation to find out what is this a  mysterious clinic that so fiercely attracts foreign residents.
  In one's sleep I found all the necessary information about the BioTexCom center ( and started a chat with the clinic manager (employee who answers all the questions of English-speaking clients and helps to pass the selected program). I retold her story of my own infertility. Lady asked me a few questions concerning medical part, and told me that in my case, clinic can offer me a program of surrogacy with donor eggs. After that she informed me in details about this program. When I expressed a desire to come directly to the clinic the manager asked me to send her results of medical tests that I have and conclusion of doctor that I really can not conceive and bear a child in a natural way and for what reason. BioTexCom worker explained me that she will translate all these documents, center’s doctor will examine them and only than I will be said the date of the first consultation.
   I did everything that was required and soon I received an invitation to visit a doctor. My husband and I bought a plane tickets, on the appointed date, and with a genuine interest flew in the little-known to us Ukraine. In the capital's airport we were met by the driver of the clinic, he kindly helped us to carry our luggage to the bus and said that we can sit down and wait for an hour because he needs to meet some more patients. In the car we saw another couple who also waited. It was a comfortable car interior with TV set and chairs. Having gathered all patients together the driver carried us. We had to be brought in one of clinic’s accommodation (special hostels for center’s clients). On the way there we curiously looked at the views from the window: somewhere it was beautiful, somewhere seedy but it was extremely green everywhere (Kiev is really a city of parks, as it is wrote everywhere) and very "turbulent "! Roads are probably the worst problem of the state of Ukraine. Only after driving from the airport a terrible things began: all the way we were thrown up inside the car, it seemed that we were not on the metropolitan highway but over a plowed field. And despite the fact that both car and driver were very good we came out of it with a "green" faces and rocking a little after such a trip.
   Having come to the hotel (Petropavlavskaya Borshchagovka district) we saw not really fresh room in which other clients of clinic lived. Some of them already had newborn children. My husband and I were said that we can settle down and have a rest and the next day we will be taken by the driver to the clinic. In our accommodation we talked to couples who have already become happy parents. They told me that of course conditions and service are not at the appropriate level here nevertheless BioTexCom works wonders in reproductive medicine. From the first, second attempt doctor achieves a positive result and parents get so long-awaited children. And the cost of similar services in Ukraine is lower than in Europe where such programs as surrogacy and egg donation are legalized. Therefore, people from all over the world travel to BioTexCom and turn a blind eye to the underdeveloped infrastructure of the country and certain disadvantages in the level of clinic’s service.
   So, let's return to our investigation. We were not able to have a normal night's sleep in the hotel. Because there were couples with newborn children, they cried all night and parents went from room to room talking emotionally. Early in the morning we went to the clinic.
   In the clinic we were met by the manager with whom I charted online. A pleasant, well - dressed lady, about 27 years old, invited us to sit down and wait. Turning around we did not find free place where we could sit down as clinic is relatively small building and there were a great number of patients! Someone sat on a small couch in the lobby, someone on the stairs near the entrance. People spoke different languages: English, German, French, Italian etc. Among them managers could be seen who fluently spoke these languages. We waited for about 1.5 hours until we were invited to see a doctor. During the waiting time we had an opportunity to communicate with some patients and found that specialists of BioTexCom work wonders in the field of reproductive medicine and that’s why foreigners are willing to turn a blind eye to the imperfect service in order to get the status of happy parents of healthy baby (genetically native).
   In 1.5 hours our manager finally invited us to the doctor’s cabinet. Communication with him was not so long. The doctor asked questions regarding my and husband’s health. Then doctor reaffirmed a decision that we are recommended surrogacy with donor eggs and wrote out the form on the standard medical tests for my husband (since my genetic material will not be used).
   Next our English speaking manager took us to the manipulation room for passing all necessary analyzes. In addition my husband’s sperm was also tested. To get to the manipulation room we also had to wait about 20 minutes because there was a waiting list and nurse all the time was running here and there.
   It took us about 3 hours to complete all these elementary procedures whereas in European hospitals all these take about 20 minutes. Oh well. As it is said it gets worse and worse as it goes on. Our consultant explained to us that since this surrogacy program with donor eggs we can immediately sign the contract. Because only after the contract signing and first disbursement (6 thousand Euros), our program will be activated: doctors will start selection of appropriate donor, surrogate mother and their stimulation (using special medicines). Our participation in this process is not required. My husband just has to come to the clinic on the day of puncture (taking eggs from a donor). Since my husband's sperm fertilizes an embryologist donor eggs and within five days of mature embryo transfers performed a surrogate mother.
   The fact that BioTexCom produces embryo transfer on the fifth day also speaks volumes. In many clinics such practice are not used and as a result we have many failed IVF attempts. A lot of people are not aware of the fact that the fifth day is the perfect period of embryo and thus more chances for a successful pregnancy.
   But, let’s back to our story. Result of my husband’s spermogram was ready in a moment. And we were surprised because he is 54 years old nevertheless his sperm is in a very good condition and fertilize can be made very easily and efficiently.
   After our question concerning how fast our program will start manager replied that due to the great number of patients, women who are willing to bear a child is off. So we must wait for about half a year. My husband and I referring to the long- term period of expectation refused and said that maybe we we'll back a little later. The driver took us to the airport at the appointed time and we successfully flew home.
   Communicating with people who have already gone through such a serious and complex program as a surrogate motherhood and basing on our own experience it's safe to say that Ukraine really wins in the field of reproductive medicine. And numerous articles in the internet that BioTexCom is a leader using assisted methods of reproductive medicine are justified. In addition Ukrainian prices for such procedures surprise. For example, the surrogacy program will cost you nearly 30,000 Euros. And this price includes everything you might need as a foreigner in a foreign country: driver, translator, accommodation, meal and so on. And the most important aspect is that BioTexCom clinic can provide patient with an unlimited number of attempts until successful pregnancy. And let us suppose Ukraine is considered to be a third world country that lags behind other European countries in development by all indicators and has roads as ploughed land but it does not prevent Ukrainian doctors give happiness to people all over the world and help them in such an important issue of a global importance as continuation of human genus.

Freelance journalist

Kerry Chak

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

BioTexCom Knows How to Deal With Infertility!

Frequently we face the situations when seriously ill people seek for a suitable donor of blood or internal organs around the world to get the hope of life. As well as infertile couples (about 53 million) relying on assisted methods of reproductive medicine in order to solve own problem of infertility. Donation of oocytes is among such methods. It is the most effective treatment of female infertility when the ovaries do not produce own eggs. Legislation of most European countries prohibits such procedures as egg donation, basing on religious or ethical aspects. But there are also states where such donation is very popular in reproductive medicine. These states are Ukraine, Russia, America, Canada, Kazakhstan, Romania, Belgium and Spain. Ukraine has carries the palm in egg donation area. In comparison with European clinics that use assisted reproductive technologies, in particular oocyte donation, Ukrainian Center of Reproductive Medicine BioTexCom sets all records in success performance of such programs.

BioTexCom specializes in programs of egg donation and surrogate motherhood (using only fresh oocytes!). Day after day medical specialists of Ukrainian clinic achieve incredible results in this area! And it concerns patients of all age groups. Almost all records of late pregnancies (after 60) were fixed in BioTexCom clinic.

What do medical center BioTexCom use to achieve such a great results? Foremost, specialists of the center work only with fresh genetic material and do not welcome cryopreservation. It automatically multiplies the chances of successful fertilization. Secondly, highly skilled embryologists of this clinic conduct not only spermogram but the analysis of sperm’s apoptosis as well. These methods give BioTexCom a great opportunity to determine the presence and quantity of harmful cells failed to perform successful conception, and can also cause damage of DNA. In the case of low-quality cells, doctors prescribe appropriate treatment (special drugs improve the quality of problematic cells) after that retest and successfully fertilize an egg.
Starting to work with infertile couple, doctors of the BioTexCom clinic use only individual approach to each case. First of all, doctors conduct a detailed diagnosis of patients in order to clearly identify the cause of infertility or reasons of unsuccessful IVF attempts. There are no identical protocols as each individual patient is tested and prescribed a single treatment. BioTexCom team does not work in the traces because the positive and successful outcome of the program is the main goal of doctors.
Working with programs of egg donation and surrogacy doctors of BioTexCom center also know how to calculate and determine the ideal "window of implantation". It means the most opportune moment for the embryo transfer without disturbing the structure and integration of the endometrium.
Basing on all advantages that were mentioned above, BioTexCom clinic offers unique conditions. It is the only center of reproductive medicine in the world which will return the client full cost of the program in the case of its failure. But it is rather hard to meet such precedents here. Patients from all over the world go to Ukraine to visit BioTexCom clinic. And they find here so long-awaited happiness of motherhood / fatherhood even after ten unsuccessful attempts of IVF in different European countries. Coming to hands of BioTexCom specialists clients who have already lost faith become parents from one maximum two attempts.

There is no absolute infertility! BioTexCom knows it for sure and continues to improve its methods amazing the whole world with incredible results.

Thursday, September 26, 2013

IVF for women over 50: pros and cons

In Ukraine, the topical issue of acceptable maximum age of women who want use in vitro fertilization (IVF) procedure came up. After the case, when 66-year-old Swiss woman used IVF procedure in Ukraine, and gave birth to twins media war broke out in the world community. According to the Ukrainian law, it is absolutely legal to use assisted methods of reproductive medicine (such as egg donation and surrogacy). Because of this, a great number of infertile foreigners come to Ukraine, as in most European countries this sphere is not open enough. In addition, Ukraine has no age limit for the carrying out of such programs. Because of this, the country has become a Mecca for aged Europeans. High level of reproductive technologies, comparatively low prices and loyalty legislation contribute a lot to the medical tourism in Ukraine. As, French legislation, for example, prohibits surrogacy, in Norway and Sweden, use of donor eggs is punishable by law and the German "Act on the Protection of embryos" in general prohibits the transfer of genetically foreign embryos. And all fine and dandy, but 66-year-old mother from Switzerland caused fierce debate in the community. Many experts argue that a woman should not only give birth, but also to raise a child. How could she do this fine, if she is, I'm sorry, Grandma! A number of such cases have pushed people's deputies of Ukraine to amend a bill on reproductive technologies and limit the age of women, who will be available for in vitro fertilization, up to 51 years. Ukrainian doctors, in order, assure that these changes will stop the positive development of new technologies, and make thousands of infertile women unhappy. The President of Ukraine, Viktor Yanukovych, did not support the proposed law, explaining his decision in such way: “proposed consideration of the draft law is not full enough”. Thus, the age of the woman for the in vitro fertilization program remains unlimited in Ukraine. Many NGO representatives complain that crowds of women over 50 leave Ukraine with their newborn babies. This is not normal! Thus, for example, Kyiv clinic BioTexCom, one of the leaders in the field of reproductive medicine, annually helps about 200 women over the age of 50 years to have a baby out of the tube. But after the incident with a Swiss woman, authorities threatened clinic direction to deny a license, claiming that its work is immoral: aged clients participant in IVF programs, embryo reduction, etc. Yes, all these can be seen in clinic, but due to these, as a result, children are born perfectly healthy, even in the most hopeless cases. Maybe society just needs to look at the situation from the other side. In Europe, there is a common style of life firstly to get a decent education, profession, earn capital, to enjoy your life and only then give birth to successors. But we must be in mind that female body, after 51 years can not do this without the help of assisted reproductive techniques. And it is a great fortune that today they have been existing and successfully developing. Such technologies help a lot of desperate couples go through the happiness of fatherhood and motherhood. Community just needs to look at this issue from the other side and slant on the question more modern, considering all trends of the 21st century. Also do not forget the fact that if woman decides to take such a step, it means that she has a serious reason for it and it would be better to consider the state of her health, financial situation and other factors in each individual case, but not her age. Why, for example, a weak half of humanity must work for the country’s benefit (meaning the retirement age), but have no right to give birth? In a word, the issue of reproductive medicine, as all others, has both pros and cons. But let's not forget the fact that humanity is evolving and the world changes over time. And it is important to take into account these changes.

There is no absolute infertility! “All good things come to he who waits”

Female, male infertility is a global challenge the whole world has faced with. As of today, more than 20 % of couples all over the world have some problems with impregnation. Hostile environment, harmful products, potato coach lifestyle, bad hobbits are among the main aspects which negatively influence human health, in particular, reproductive function. By reason of a great number of people can not quick with a child naturally a set of complications arises. They are of both personal and social nature. In the matter of the first point, of course, every typical person wishes to have a family and kids. And understanding of the bitter truth that you will never have all these can extremely oppresses. As a result, a lot of families break up, infertile wife or husband runs into depression and the whole life goes downhill. Speaking about the social (global) side of the issue, infertility causes demographic obstacles. Birth rate falls, number of elderly people rises and as a result it can be seen ageing population. According to experts, demographic situation in most advanced nations is pretty miserable and a low replacement level and population’s senescence can lead to the nation’s degeneration in the nearest future. But science and medicine are not at a standstill.  And today, modern reproductive medical centers offer all who have come across infertility diagnose a set of assisted reproductive technologies, which work wonders.
Ukrainian center of reproductive medicine BioTexCom is a perfect choice to crack the problem of infertility. Here in clinic, subject matter specialists use the latest methods of artificial insemination and fix one of the highest rates of birth. Obstetrician-gynecologists of the BioTexCom center conduct embryo transfer on the fifth day, when it reaches the most appropriate stage of development to carry out a successful fetation. In addition, doctors do not work with congelated embryos; they work only with fresh eggs. In addition, donor’s cells for a certain patient are not divided between some clients. It means that each patient receives his own donor. All these significantly increase chances of positive pregnancy.          
BioTexCom medical center has 70% of efficiency. And the greatest pride of center is women who become happy mothers at the age of 40 and even elder. During the last year, about 3 thousand women find happiness of motherhood being over the age of 45 years. It has become possible owing to the IVF procedure in the BioTexCom clinic. And the most famous client of this center is 66 years old woman who arrived to Ukraine from Switzerland, and gave birth to healthy twins. Overall, more than 60% of patients who visit BioTexCom medical center are women after forty who came to the capital of Ukraine from different states of the world.
Managing director of the reproductive medicine center BioTexCom is a German citizen, who has used European experience and introduced the best practices of the infertility treatment in Ukrainian Clinic. Addressing BioTexCom specialists, clients give high rating to European standards of medical treatment and highish plateau of services. Under command of a German specialist, BioTexCom clinic uses the latest methods of assisted technologies to cope with the most hopeless cases of infertility, these are in particular IVF (in vitro fertilization), ICSI (intracytoplasmic sperm injection), pre-implantation diagnosis and egg donation.  
“There is no absolute infertility!” is the main slogan of the BioTexCom clinic. This medical institution wrings water from a flint in the reproductive field. Stating this, doctors are supported by several facts. Firstly, BioTexCom clinic makes use of only competent infertility treatment that makes pregnancy possible even in case of complicated diagnoses. And secondly, the majority of clients who came to the Ukrainian reproductive medical center have become happy parents and translated their cherished hopes and dreams into reality. At times, obstetrician-gynecologists, embryologists could hardly believe in positive results, but correctly, well-staged treatment has helped some practically hopeless couples to experience parenthood.
BioTexCom reproductive medical center is in the list of top leaders in infertility treatment sphere all over the world. In addition to the highest rate of births Ukrainian reproductive center has something more to write home about. Namely, center works with couples of any age. Nowadays, in comparison with the previous centuries, it’s absolutely unproblematic to give birth after 40, and even 50 years. Due to the brilliant possibilities of assisted reproductive technologies that BioTexCom clinic turns to useful account it has become quite real to achieve desired pregnancy in any age. Such procedures as egg donation and IVF have made it possible to inseminate women of any age. By the way, the lion’s share of clients who address BioTexCom center is women over 45. It can be said with 100 percent certainty that happy tears of parents and words like “Oh, I have never been so happy in my whole life!” is the most valuable reward for the clinic’s staff.
Of course, Ukrainian center BioTexCom is not the only one to treat infertility. So, reasoned question arises, why can you trust just this Ukrainian clinic? We have already mentioned above about high rate of birth and work with all age groups. Meanwhile, legislative aspect of this matter is the most important one. In this part of the issue BioTexCom clinic is highly responsible as well.
In the sphere of reproductive technologies Ukrainian legislators have proven to be far more progressive than many of their European colleagues. Today, Ukraine is one of the very few friendly countries in Europe that provide the full range of procedures in the field of assisted reproductive technologies. Unlike nations that restrict or even put under a ban such kind of actions, Ukrainian legislation permits and regulates all of them. So, it means, that all procedures concerning reproductive medicine are absolutely legal in Ukraine. Moreover, BioTexCom meets all requirements drawing up necessary agreements. In general, it must be said that European clients appreciate value-for-money ratio and favorable set of services that contract includes. 
In addition to all advantages one can receive visiting Ukrainian medical center BioTexCom there is one more bargaining chip – tourist attractiveness! Ukraine is a real tourist gem. Holding the final match of the Euro 2012 football championship Ukraine has opened the world all its hospitality, rich history, beautiful architecture and a great number of places that are worth seeing. In a word, choosing BioTexCom clinic to solve your reproductive problems you kill two birds with one stone. In Ukraine, you will be able to see unique objects of interest and leave this state together with your so long-awaited baby.

From year to year, Ukrainian center of reproductive medicine BioTexCom is going strong and develops. Currently, active negotiations on the subject of a new building construction are under way. It is planed to construct a skyscraper in Kyiv downtown.     
("Dear Doctor with DrChris Steele" magazine)

66 Years Old Mother

Incredible case in reproductive medicine! Ukrainian doctors have proved their complete professionalism once again! Woman, citizen of Switzerland, had reached 66 years old but due to a certain reasons could not have children in natural way. But she did not come quietly. Finding out about assisted methods of reproductive medicine woman had understood that it is the only way to solve her problem of infertility. Therefore she visited five different countries where this brave and resolute woman went through in-vitro fertilization (IVF) procedure. But brick by brick procedures were not crowned with a success. Nevertheless women tried again and again and as a result she was conducted twelve attempts of IVF. It is worth noting that not every person can withstand such a great number of IVF attempts, it concerns both physiological and psychological sides of the issue. It was also hard because in Switzerland IVF is only permitted if parents are young enough to raise children to maturity. And as for the sperm and egg donation the first one is limited to married couples and the second is forbidden at all. In this situation, in addition to woman’s age, she was 66 years old at that time she is also a single woman. Not surrendering herself to despair, mother-heroine went to Ukraine. As, this country conducts all procedures concerning reproductive medicine absolutely legally. And there is no age limit for the surrogacy and IVF procedures carrying. So, Ukraine was the only advantageous country to make her cherished dream of becoming a happy mother at last come true. Swiss woman got to know about BioTexCom center of human reproduction that is in Kiev, the capital of Ukraine. A well-known medical center, with a positive reputation and high birth rate received such patient with pleasure and warm atmosphere. Studding the situation in details, making all necessary tests doctors of BioTexCom center made a decision that woman can bear child herself using in-vitro fertilization method. And, lo and behold!!! After the second attempt pregnancy test at last has shown two so long-awaited strips!!! Swiss woman gave birth of healthy twin boys.
Mother – heroine is a church pastor, and she is the oldest woman ever to give birth in Switzerland. Of course, such case caused a number of views. And opinions divided. One local newspaper accused her of selfishness and irresponsibility, saying that by the time her sons become teenagers she will be in an old people’s home. But woman says that she does not care opinions of other people. It is the most blessedness in her life and she wants to enjoy the event in peace. 

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Is Ukrainian medicine better than Israeli one?

Is Ukrainian medicine better than Israeli one?

Israeli medicine is known as the best one among world leaders based on good results and high quality of treatment of a wide range of diseases. Year by year, thousands of Ukrainian, Russian and CIS countries citizens find healing in Israel using its medical services. Reproductive medicine, in particular its assisted methods also do not keep in the background. Surrogate motherhood, which is so popular all over the world is banned in most European countries and legalized in Israel. Infertility is a serious challenge the whole world faced with. And Israeli clinics of reproductive medicine could not miss the chance to take the palm of victory in this area as well. Programs of egg donation and surrogacy are conducted here legally (Israeli law does not ban such procedures) and have a good result indicators. Nevertheless Israeli citizens massively go to Ukraine to use the same methods of infertility treatment they can use in Israel. The question that has to be answered is why?
Comparing the level of development in the field of economy, infrastructure and medicine of two states (Ukraine and Israel) Ukraine is, of course, lag behind in many positions. But in spite of this fact and a great number of negative comments concerning the level of service and availability of modern medical technologies in Ukraine every month thousands of Israelis visit Ukrainian Reproductive Medicine Clinics. Israel and Ukraine are two countries with the most loyal legislation concerning surrogacy. But it was Ukrainian doctors to won the palm of victory just in this field. The whole world makes a guess what Ukrainian doctors do in order to treat even the most hopeless cases of infertility. And people from high developed European countries come to Ukraine from all corners of the world to solve own problem of infertility?
Ukrainian embryologists do not possess of such an arsenal of modern equipment that Israel has but they conduct reproductive procedures and achieve maximum positive results. The fact is that Ukrainian specialists work only with fresh oocytes (cryopreservation of eggs significantly reduces chances for successful pregnancy) and perform embryo transfer on the fifth day (the best time to work with blastocysts). That’s why representatives of Ukrainian reproductive medicine have managed to achieve fantastic results in artificial insemination. One has only to recall case of 66-years-old Swiss woman who gave birth in a natural way using the IVF procedure in Ukraine. Ukraine has already become a Mecca for elderly foreigners who want to have children. Just in this country legal side of the issue is completely driven a nail home to the head, and in addition great positive statistics. Now three times more women give birth to their first child after 45 years old than it was twenty years ago. According to statistics, about 4% of women over 45 give birth in a natural way and more than 70% - using such procedure as egg donation. In addition, in Ukraine it is much easier and faster to find appropriate donor than in Israel, where patient has to wait for months.
Cost of reproductive medicine services in Ukraine is one more advantage that attracts foreign patients. Only India has cheaper prices. But taking into account dreadful Indian service in clinics and questionable conditions it is safe to say that Ukraine is the cheapest country for surrogacy programs fulfillment. You will need about 30,000 euro to perform such program in an accredited clinic that meets European standards.
Reasons people prefer Ukraine to Israel in the case of surrogacy program are decent quality of service, high percentage of successful programs and a great alternative to expensive medical institutions at home. Prices for services of Ukrainian surrogate mothers are considered the lowest ones in Europe.
Surrogate motherhood as a kind of reproductive medicine is considered to be quite spicy in most countries of the world. Therefore, each country tries to find the most optimal "normal attitude" to surrogacy. In Ukraine, these norms and concepts, it can be said for sure, were clearly fixed and Ukrainian law established acceptable rules and conditions for all participants of the surrogacy program and egg donation (sides who sign contract in particular clinic, biological parents, surrogate mother, donor of eggs). Ukrainian government does not stop at what it has already reached and continues to improve the regulations that relate to the field of reproductive medicine.

Today, many European countries work on the simplification of laws regulating reproductive medicine. But this issue is still controversial and sometimes even "hot" And Ukraine, meanwhile, helps infertile couples of the world to realize the dream of a long-awaited child under the best possible conditions.

Thursday, August 1, 2013

India is a doubtful surrogacy Mecca!

India is a doubtful surrogacy Mecca!

India is the most populous country on the Earth, and it is actively help other states to fill demographic gaps. Surrogate motherhood is extremely popular and controversial at the same time procedure. In India such type of child bearing is like to drink a cup of coffee in the morning. But what is at the back of such simplicity and permissiveness? And what is in fact the situation with surrogate mothers in India?

The problem of infertility has already become a global one. Surrogacy is one of the most ideal solutions for infertile couples to have biological children. But not all countries are ready to accept and legalize such method of infertility treatment. To be more exact, only some states have legalized surrogacy. India is among such countries where loyal laws work as of surrogate motherhood. This country is a great tourism destination where everyone has the opportunity to get acquainted with an ancient history, and at the same time to start own family bearing a baby.
The government of India has introduced a law that regulates use of assisted methods of reproductive medicine, including surrogacy.
After studying this law, it can be seen that there is no particular limitations concerning this issue. In India, surrogacy can be used by unmarried men or women, single couples and couples living in civil marriage.
Examining financial side of the issue one can be pleasantly surprised. In comparison with other countries providing such services cost of surrogacy in India can be called a "symbolic" one. Birth of your child by a surrogate mother will cost up to 20 million dollars in India.
And all fine and dandy, but a logical question arises in particular how can Indian doctors conduct all needed medical examinations (diagnosis of health condition of surrogate mother, biological parents and donor of eggs), preparation of program participants (use of needed drugs), embryos transfer (use of expensive medical equipment), etc. having such little sum. Certified clinics of reproductive medicine ask for such program from 30 to 60 thousand euros (legal implementation of surrogacy program).
In such situation two variants appear: either India invented the mega method of reproductive medicine with minimal financial resources use or Indian doctors perform treatment, as the phrase goes, "in a slipshod manner." And, unfortunately correct answer is the second one.
Biological parents, choosing surrogacy program even do not realize in what terrible conditions the whole process takes course! It is worth to start with the fact that in India participants of the program rare sign necessary contract. Very often, this "contract" is limited to a verbal agreement or banal piece of paper, which has no legal force. As for Indian surrogate mothers, there is a complete mismatch with established standards and norms.
Surrogacy for Indian women is just cold commercial transaction. Women in India do not suffer from emotional and psychological problems associated with such a service providing and child returning. Conditions in which surrogate mother live during the program (pregnancy) is awful and leaves much to be desired. Full unsanitary and harsh conditions can scare normal people. The health status of woman, who agrees to bear a child for money, also raises a lot of questions and serious doubts. As doctors choose surrogate mothers not according to the international medical standards but simply those ones who wish to take part in such program. Therefore no one will give you a guarantee that your baby will be healthy and will not get serious diseases in course of time.
In a word, it can be said for sure that motherhood in India was placed on the same footing as a product on the bazaar of fertility. And the quality of this product is not controlled. Foreigners go and risk their own lives and life of unborn child in exchange for "ridiculous" price of surrogacy and absence of legislative limits in this sphere.
As a result children find the way in families of same-sex couples, single parents, and women who do not want to give birth naturally, to avoid morning sickness, changes of forms, pain during childbirth, etc.

At the end it will be better to add that when the question is about important life issues, it is not worth to save money and put the financial side of the question is above the future of your child. Surrogacy in India is cheap, but there is very high risk of having an unhealthy baby due to poor living conditions of potential surrogate mothers and inappropriate management of the program. So, you can receive a frozen egg from one part of the world (in the guise of fresh and healthy ones), sperm from the second country and cheap womb in India. Country with such a rich, old history and culture offers the world a cheap surrogate mothers, IVF specialists and clinics. So make the right choice, and India can become just a good place for you to spend summer vacation and explore the local attractions.

Monday, July 29, 2013

Feel free to give birth after 40!

Feel free to give birth after 40!

Woman has celebrated her 40th birthday and still has no children. More and more often such situation can be seen all over the world. But we can say with dead certainty that you're beautiful woman, have life wisdom and experience, you have already achieved professional success and built a solid foundation to create a happy family! And right now is the perfect time to give a birth.  Do not be confused by a great number of articles in the mass media telling that it’s practically impossible to get pregnant after 40, and this pregnancy will certainly be accompanied by a variety of complications and risks. We will not put you rose - colored glasses and insist that deciding to get pregnant after 40, you will be able to do it without difficulties. But let's not forget about the fact that even pregnancy in 25 years can be associated with all sorts of difficulties and complications. However, decision to become pregnant in the middle age has its great and important advantages. Firstly, reaching this age, woman has already achieved almost everything she wanted, and was formed as a person. Woman exactly knows what she wants and has reasonable goals. Secondly, by this time woman has already created strong family, and both husband and wife do everything together to give birth to a healthy baby. But, because of age peculiarities, woman’s organism goes through a certain physiological changes that interfere with natural conception.  
As a result woman needs to use methods of reproductive medicine. Taking into account the latest achievements that were reached by representatives of science and medicine, it can be said for sure that nothing is impossible, and it is possible to carry and give birth to a healthy baby at age of 40 and even later. These are not all mouth and no trousers. Let’s examine world practice. For example, show business sphere. In the news sections, we can see happy faces and comments of TV stars, who became parents being in a mature age. Thus, Madonna has successfully given birth to her first child at age 38, and in 4 years she bravely decided to have a second child. Mariah Carey gave birth to twins being 42 years old, being at the same age, Celine Dion, went through 6 attempts of IVF procedure and presented her husband healthy twins. And this list can goes on and on.
Ukraine, in this issue, has pushed the boundaries and the whole world giving a head start in the use of modern techniques of artificial fertilization. In recent years the level of late pregnancies has increased by 50%. Now age of 40 years is not considered a late age for birth of first child. Today three times more women give birth to their first child after 35 than it was twenty years ago. According to statistics, about 4% of women over 40 give birth naturally and more than 70% - with the help of egg donation program.

Ukrainian clinic of reproductive medicine BioTexCom is in the list of licensed medical centers to help women after 40 to become happy moms. This medical center helps women who are no longer able to have a baby naturally, due to the end of childbearing age, to find happiness of motherhood. Carrying out such procedures as IVF, ICSI, egg donation and surrogacy our doctors successfully conduct programs for women after 40. During recent years, number of births (women after 40 years old) has been increasing. There are a great amount of positive examples when woman after 40 started a family with the help of assisted reproductive technologies. BioTexCom clinic are proud of incredible case when 66 years old woman successfully gave birth to healthy twins, using eggs donation! Basing upon years of practice, positive statistics, and just happy stories of parents who gave a birth to their long-awaited baby, we can say all that seems to be impossible at first - in fact, it is possible and real! Therefore, dear women! Do not be afraid, especially of your desire to become a mother in any age!

Friday, June 21, 2013

Criticism is the first sign of success!

Criticism is the first sign of success!

Day after day, more and more articles about Clinic
of Reproductive Medicine BioTexCom can be seen in the international mass media. And these writings, of course, are not only positive but critical ones as well. Well, this condition cannot be dispensed with. Using the World Wide Web one can find statements that Ukrainian clinic develops business on infertile European couples, selling children as a commodity and pulling in big bucks on someone else's grief. But, the key word here is "grief." There are millions of people all over the world who due to various reasons can not procreate offsprings naturally. Maybe this question does not discompose when you are 20 years old, but when a woman / man reaches 30, 40, 50 years old ... and has no own children and there are some fertility problems... Understanding of the fact that you will not sweep up your baby, not hear words "mom / dad", not take him to school and will not be happy and upset over beloved child, leads to a kind of life disorientation. Where, why, for what all that things happening in your life, and will happen tomorrow? It is needed only to go through this feeling and only then write those or other negative reviews about methods of modern reproductive medicine. Today, such procedures as egg donation and surrogacy have been increasingly gaining momentum. A lot of world-known TV show business stars have already taken advantage of such programs and do not dissemble it, showing their happiness and way they have achieved it. Thus, legendary singer Michael Jackson was one of the first international stars who used services of surrogate mother. Actress Nicole Kidman has a daughter, who was born by surrogate mother. And this list is very rich with famous star names.
The fact that Clinic of Reproductive Medicine conducts medical programs for a certain sum is absolutely normal. After all, team of health care institution includes dozens of graduate employees, its doctors use the latest technologies, carrying out treatment programs, and all these require many physical, mental and financial costs. And it is not possible to provide for a family, serving only as a good example. In addition, it is important to note that cost of such programs as IVF and surrogacy in Ukraine are much lower than in other European countries, and the quality of treatment is much higher. Therefore, all statements about the financial side of this issue are not logical.
But no matter which way you look at it, a vocal critic is a resounding compliment. And if they say about us something it means that we worth it. Under the direction of a true professional, clinical BioTexCom confidently breaks stereotypes concerning reproductive medicine and Ukraine as a whole, proving in practice that surrogacy and egg donation are the greatest achievement of medicine and a unique chance for absolutely all infertile couples to have genetically native children that previously was only a cherished dream. Obstetrician-gynecologists, embryologists of the BioTexCom clinic put into life cherished dreams of their clients, giving new life.
It is also important to note the fact that doctors who work in the BioTexCom clinic are of high professionalism. Good health condition of the baby, his genetic or surrogate mother is of the main priority for all members of the center’s team. In case of any doubts or discrepancy of medical tests, doctors will offer the best alternative and will never agree with any persuasions or conditions of the clients, if it can harm health of child. Good reputation and effectives of treatment have always been, are and remains the main priority of the clinic.
Summarizing all written above, basing on numerous statistics and facts, it can be said for sure that modern methods of infertility treatment such as reproductive medicine are actively developing and becoming more and more popular in the 21st century. It’s normal that members of the international community perceive any innovations with caution and certain distrust. But very soon procedures of the reproductive medicine, with their innovative development will become completely natural (in the case of infertility), and will be perceived by the world as, for example, a regular call for a dentist.

Monday, May 27, 2013

Frozen Spain eggs

Frozen Spain Eggs

In winter, feeling lack of fresh fruits and vegetables, we often go to the supermarket and buy frozen strawberries, raspberries and other summer delicacies. But you must admit that such dessert does not please with the palette of tastes and vitamins. The same situation is happened with frozen eggs, which are so popular in modern reproductive medicine. They do not possess necessary quality for a successful fertilization.

Spain is one of the countries where egg donation is legal. But only few Spaniards are willing to sacrifice part of their body for the sake of infertile couples. The way out in this situation is to bring frozen eggs from another country, and to make fertilization in Spain. Such embryo transfer, from one country to another, is very popular in sunny Spain. But rather important question is rising: "Is quality saved, and whether all indicators are normal after eggs thawing?”. Chairman of the American Community of Reproductive Medicine states: "Due to the fact that detailed analysis of literature shows that cryopreservation technique is effective for women who need it for medical reasons, we can not use it widely to plan child-bearing."
Most promising advertising convinces mankind that vitrification, ultra-fast freezing, is a modern technique which allows to keep eggs for use in the indefinite future. We are strongly persuaded to run to the clinic and freeze own eggs! Such procedure allows to plane pregnancy for the period that will be more convenient to us, at any age. Yes, it goes without saying; on the one hand, this technique is good: it allows you to save reproductive capacity of women during treatment which may affect her fertility, as well as to delay birth of a child at a later period.
Institute Marques (the world-famous center of reproductive technologies, gynecology and obstetrics in Barcelona) has a resolution of the Generalitat de Catalunya (Government, part of the Spanish state system of Constitutional Monarchy) for vitrification of oocytes. It makes Spanish women possible to take advantage of freezing and storage of eggs. But as of effectiveness of such a procedure… people do not think about it very much. Besides, in Spain, eggs are divided during the procedure of fertilization. It is important to note that frozen and in addition divided cells do not bring a guaranteed result – it is maximum 6% of successful fertilization.
Banks of eggs storage, of course, delicately down low about this fact. After all, such procedure significantly increases their fund: sum that is required for the collection and storage of materials is not small.
So is cryopreservation of eggs good or bad procedure? In this situation, it’s quite difficult to say which one of scales overbalances. As procedure of eggs freezing has both advantages and disadvantages. One of the main advantages is that saving own healthy eggs in young child-bearing age women can easily continue to build a career, make money and not afraid of any desperate disease that can lead to infertility. Woman's age at the time of transplantation of fertilized egg does not matter, much more important is the age when cells were received and frozen.
So maybe in 10 years, international medicine and science will achieve highest level of development, and there will be an innovative method of eggs freezing as a result of which quality of material will be maximally saved. And then Spain will be able to impress the world with a high birth rate using assisted reproductive medicine techniques.