Thursday, January 22, 2015

Can be Infertility Caused by Radiation?

Radionuclides discharged into the surrounding atmosphere in the April 26, 1986 explosion at Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant over a period of time reached Finland, Sweden, and Austria. But the former Soviet republics of Belarus, Ukraine, and Russia have borne the brunt of the fallout.
It has long been no secret that male infertility can occur as one of the potential adverse effects of radiation exposure. As dangerous radionuclides enter the human body, a chain of alterations at a genetic level is set into motion, making natural conception impossible. Other risks are equally distressing: Even if successful, fertilization with DNA-damaged sperm may lead to irreversible abnormalities in embryonic development, triggering severe disorders, developmental pathologies, and DNA changes in the fetus. Among other known consequences of radiation exposure, besides the adverse effects on male fertility, are an increased cancer incidence, genetic aberrations, and many other disorders.
Nevertheless, according to the WHO, given the low radiation doses received by most people exposed to the Chernobyl accident, no effects on fertility, numbers of stillbirths, adverse pregnancy outcomes or delivery complications have been demonstrated nor are there expected to be any. There are a great number of other things that can affect fertility health and common health condition. It's also quite possible, specialists note, that all three factors work in combination to raise the odds of congenital defects.
As of Ukraine, healthy children are born there. And people don’t feel any special affects due to the radiation caused by Chernobyl accident. In the modern, each day one faces with a great number of harmful things. In particular, GMO food, fast-food, pernicious habits, climate changes, passive lifestyle and many others. All these can negatively affect person’s fertility. If everything in the media were true, we would all be dead right now. People like to use scare tactics to grab your attention and make them look like whistle-blowing heroes. With all the radiation, GMOs in the world, why are we still alive? The Fukushima radiation scare is small compared to everything else that’s been going on out there. Yet we are still alive.
Did you know there are still people alive today from the 1945 Hiroshima nuclear blast? And yet kids in this country are dying of cancer because they live a standard modern toxic lifestyle and eat dead foods. Radiation is everywhere (including cell phone radiation beaming through you right now). But how it affects you up to you. You see, life never ends. It just changes form. You can't stop change. But you can change the direction in which things are going.

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