Thursday, January 21, 2016

Child's sex determination by using method PGD : ethical aspects

Most of the parents don’t care about sex of their future child. As people says : ” Healthy – and that’s enough”. But the only way to indicate  every aspect of genetic  health of the embryo (by punctuating  one of  cells 3 days embryo) is PGD. As well this method give us a chance to find out child gender. So why not to use this advantage? Especially for the couples who been blessed with boys and who desperate for a girl, or if you have a few daughter and dream about son.
PGD for the purpose of determining sex of the child by itself – is as ethical as IVF. In the fact that the number of in-vitro fertilization embryo obtained in any case is more than transfer to the woman and it’s just impossible to transfer all of them. And much more than will survive. PGD as a method allow you to choose the strongest embryo to maximize chances, choosing child gender can be a bonus.
In some countries sex determination by using method PGD is illegal, there is a worry that everyone will choose boys. Such countries like Australia, India, Canada, France, Japan.
Since 2012 in Russia you need to provide a sufficient number of reasons for the PGA - sex determination not one of them. Also in Switzerland, even after the law on artificial insemination has been revised, still remained rigid restrictions on the procedure. Right now it’s possible only if the pre-implantation diagnosis have a  high risk of serious hereditary disease of the unborn child .
Another countries move even further and explain forbidden of PGD by difference in embryo rights with pathologies. In 1990  in Germany method PGD been banned by «Embryo protect act». In the UK, the use of PGD is controlled by RAUF - Fertility Society and Embryology.
By Israel law you aloud to choose you sex of your future child if you have 4 or more childre
n the same gender already. Besides, to get permission, you need to take a lot of permits. This is often delayed for years.
Very often these laws been accepted under influence of human rights organizations. After all statistic show that the choice of boys and girls are about 50/50, that’s why we can not consider demographic suggestion.
Some people say PGD can cause damage to embryo, but as we know biopsy of 3 day old embryo is absolutely safe procedure as embryo consists about 8-10 cells by that age.
Among antagonists the PGD  are people who against of preferring one embryo to another. But parents choose only a set of the primary characteristics (genetic health of their future child). Is there are something wrong in wish to have a healthy child? But, after all, some embryo should be chosen anyway, and someone – isn’t.
Anyway PGD is up to you, but you have to make a conscious decision without superstitious influence.


  1. Ukrainian law allows PGD testing for baby's sex determination. I'm not here to judge the moral aspect of the question. To my mind the only serious reason it can be used for is looking for possible abnormalties in the embryos created. To avoid complications in future. Whether to choose gender by this means, I guess, it's an individual approach. I don't mind. But I'd not do this myself for this very reason.

  2. Firstly, in Ukraine, surrogacy arrangements are permitted by law as long as the parties involved do meet the following requirements:
    To be an officially married, heterosexual couple.
    At least, the intended father is able to provide his genetic material. Ideally, the law envisages that both commissioning parents provide their gametes for the creation of the embryo.
    To have a medical cause that is preventing the intended mother from becoming pregnant or carrying a pregnancy to term. under safe conditions for both her and the baby-to-be.
    Uterine malformations, being born without uterus, anatomical, morphological or structural problems of the uterine lining that lead to implantation failure. or are incurable are some examples of what the law accepts as medical causes. It is required to prove it by means of a medical certificate. This certificate will be reviewed and approved by Ukrainian gynecologists and reproductive endocrinologists.
    Variations between estimates will depend basically on the surrogacy program you choose. It should be noted that using PGD for the determination of the embryo’s sex is permitted only to prevent an inherited condition related to the child’s sex!! It is important to keep in mind that the law allows embryo donation and sperm donation, too. However, at least the intended father must provide his DNA for the creation of the embryo in surrogacy arrangements.

  3. I've read a lot about PGD on forums. People react differently. But the majority seems to be for the procedure as there are more benefits than risks of it. PGD allows a fertility care team to determine if embryos are effected by a genetic disease. This information helps to know which embryos are best suited for transfer. And which ones are most likely to result in a healthy pregnancy. Understanding the benefits of PGD can help us to decide if this treatment option is best for our needs.
    As far as we know, PGD is performed by removing a single cell from a developing embryo. Then the following is performed. The removed cell is thoroughly analyzed and evaluated to determine if a genetic disease exists. Once all embryos are tested, a healthy embryo is implanted in the mother. Other healthy embryos are usually stored for future use. Embryos that have a genetic disease are obviously not used for IVF.
    So who benefits from PGD. While it can benefit all couples, there are certain groups of people that should consider having PGD done as a part of fertility treatment. Such individuals are more likely to have embryos with genetic diseases:
    Who are known carriers for genetic diseases.
    Who themselves have a chromosomal disorder.
    Women who are over age 35.
    Who have had multiple miscarriages.
    Who have had multiple failed IVF cycles.
    Couples who have a child with a genetic disease.
    At our clinic we were explained a number of benefits of PGD including:
    The ability to test for more than 100 genetic diseases!!
    Identifying embryos that are of a poor quality and likely to result in miscarriage before implantation.
    Peace of mind that the developing embryo is healthy and well suited for live birth.

  4. PGD is a great technique, needless to say. We've used it along with ivf shots. Soon figured out that there were no issues with our embies. Here are some of the general well known facts. PGD is used to test for chromosomal abnormalities in embryos. including problems with the number of chromosomes (aneuploidy). or structural rearrangements such as translocations. Aneupoidy testing may be recommended for any woman who have had two or more miscarriages. for women over 35who have had a miscarriage or for couples who have had two or more unsuccessful IVF cycles. PGD is also used to test embryos from couples with a genetic disease in their family. These include autosomal dominant disorders, autosomal recessive disorders and X-linked e gene defects, such as cystic fibrosis. PGD is is done on day-3 embryos which have 4-8 cells. We never cared much about the baby's gender, so I cannot judge the ethical aspects of this being ''chosen''. But from the bottom of my heart I'd never do sth like this. Or I'd never use the amazing PGD testing for this purpose. Be this a boy or a girl I'd love my kid with all my heart and soul. Nothing can affect this.

  5. PGD is definitely useful in detecting possible problems. The biggest wish of every parent is to have a healthy baby. Thanks to determining the genetic equipment of embryos problems can be detected in time. Then only healthy embryos that have potential of a successful pregnancy are transferred into the uterus. Genetic abnormalities are a frequent cause of early miscarriages in the first third of the pregnancy. PGD helps to prevent these losses. PGD is suitable if one or both partners have a genetically conditioned disorder in the family.
    PGS is opted by parents who are healthy. They order it preventively. Often these are cases in which previous IVF failed. The analysis reveals most of the problems. Thanks to this analysis you will significantly reduce the risk of a miscarriage or giving birth to a sick child. However not even PGD / PGS are able to detect everything! And the results of the genetic tests are not 100% right. This is for several reasons. Discuss with your dr. It would be the best approach though.

  6. My dr at BTC says PGD is not 100% accurate because only one cell is tested. The technique is technically challenging and requires great expertise. Therefore, an amniocentesis or chorionic villus sampling is suggested after a pregnancy is documented. PGD testing ranges from approximately $2k to $5k and is not covered by most insurance companies. Not all IVF centers do PGD. The experimental techniques require great expertise and should only be done by qualified personnel. It is preferable if the lab performing PGD has a trained medical geneticist responsible for the PGD laboratory.
