Monday, December 22, 2014

Ignorance is not a sin! But it’s a grave sin to judge someone without even trying to understand him!

"You have put the human on the same footing as goods! You sell children as gingerbread on the fair! Your actions are immoral and ungodly! Surrogate mothers are witches who sell wealthy couples children!" List of such accusations can go on endless. All of them are directed towards surrogate mothers and clinics which conduct such programs. But, its better get to know more about thing you are against. Surrogacy is a procedure that has been using since the biblical times and gains popularity in the 21st century. If you consider surrogacy to be immoral and inhuman maybe it’s only because you have never faced with infertility problem. And it is certainly good! After all, not all but just a few is able to withstand years of effort to become pregnant, suffering from depression and failed attempts, endless visits to the medical institutions, strong drugs and, ultimately, doctor throws up his hands and say that he can do anything… diagnose is infertility. Surrogacy is the only way to become biological parents for infertile couples who cannot conceive a child in a natural way. And there is nothing reprehensible in this situation. After all, we have nothing against a donor kidney for ill patient, prosthesis instead of amputated leg or artificial ceramic teeth. So why some people are so harsh and peremptory become ardent opponents of surrogate motherhood in the 21st century. After all, the question is not in the desire to keep a figure 90/60/90, and not a whim, caused by the presence of multi-million accounts. Infertility is a global problem that visits every fifth family, according to the world statistics.
If it’s possible, infertile woman undergoes synchronization, take strong hormonal medications, and then goes through a painful puncture procedure, in order to give eggs for in vitro fertilization. Surrogate mothers are women who are worthy of respect and infinite gratitude. They give new life, make infertile people happy and help own families sometimes risking their health. Yes, surrogate mothers get paid for such service. What's wrong with that? Visiting store you pay money to get food, when you want to organize a holiday for children you pay for the animators’ work, and you open the wallet once again when you go to the pharmacy, theater, shopping center and so on. In today's modern world, almost all services are paid. So why services of a surrogate mother should be free? Many people would argue: "It is not correct to compare surrogacy with store visit! These are completely different things! ". Yes, these things are different but the core is the same - one person provides a service, the other one pays for it. And believe me, in spite of vigorous resistance and resentment by some society representatives, surrogacy, in the nearest future will be the same procedure as going to the dentist. Society has been developing, and the world moves forward. Community blocks with hostile attitude all new. For example, people not at once caught fancy of cashless payment. At first, people were afraid of cards and considered them to be uncomfortable. Therefore society preferred to keep real money in hands. Now, most people do not even have purses, but only a bank card in the pocket. The more human will become a human, the more he would tend to infinity and indestructible movement to the new.

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