Thursday, December 25, 2014

BioTexCom Is Your Best Choice for Surrogacy & Egg Donation!

Choosing BioTexCom medical center you receive 100% guarantee that the result of the chosen program will be positive! Such guarantee you will not able to find in any European or American clinic of reproductive medicine. When you decide in favor of BioTexCom you can be sure you are on the doorstep of great changes in own family life. As all our patients leave the clinic only with own newborn in arms or being pregnant. We return the full whack in the case of failure. Putting hand in the pocket you pay one fixed sum for the program and not a penny more. All procedures, services and medical supplies have been already included in the programs’ price.
   Depending on client’s diagnosis and test results our doctor will help to choose the most appropriate medical program which will optimally combine good price and the best chance for the successful result. Our packages are:
·         "Guaranteed Success" package (9,900€) includes an unlimited number of IVF attempts with donor eggs. In the case of negative result clinic refunds client paid sum;
·         "Economy" package (4,900€) includes one IVF attempt with donor eggs;
·         "Double" package (6,900€)- two IVF attempts with donor eggs;
·         "Ideal" package (29,900€) implies two IVF attempts with donor eggs and in the case of unsuccessful result transition to the surrogacy program (without additional payment);
·         "All inclusive" package (29,900€) involves surrogacy program with donor eggs (unlimited number of attempts until successful pregnancy will be reached);
·         "All inclusive" package (29,900€) involves surrogacy program with own eggs. Number of attempts depends on the medical examination results. In the case of unsuccessful result it will be made a transition to the surrogacy program with donor eggs.
   Patients who choose the surrogacy program pay for it on a phased basis:
1.      1st payment - during the contract signing;
2.      2nd payment - after the pickup / puncture procedure (or sperm);
3.      3rd payment - when surrogate mother reaches 12th week of pregnancy;
4.      4th payment – after child’s birth;
5.      5th payment - final stage of the program, when a married couple receives all necessary documents and leaves the clinic with their baby.

   All our patients are met at the airport and accompanied by the manager, translator. In the clinic patient have a detailed consultation by obstetrician-gynecologist of the first qualifying category and is diagnosed with the help of ultrasound investigation and standard analysis set. All these services patient receives free before the contract signing.

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