Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Modern approaches, high professionalism provide patients with guaranteed result

Day 2

BioTexCom doctors use the latest techniques and methods with the help of which they achieve positive results:

·         BioTexCom embryologists work with fresh genetic material (specialists use cryopreservation only at patient’s will). Such approach automatically multiplies chances for the successful fertilization. It is known and proven that quality of eggs is worsen during freeze process leading to the failed IVF attempts;
·         in addition to the spermogram our doctors conduct sperm analysis for apoptosis. Conducting this medical test embryologist determines presence of damaged sperm cells which prevent successful conception and can cause child’s DNA damage. In the case of cells’ poor quality, doctor prescribes appropriate medication (it improves the quality of problem spermatozoid), afterwards perform reanalysis and successfully fertilize the egg;
·         karyotype analysis is the part of a standard analyzes set (karyotype test shows the total number of chromosomes, the sex of the person being studied, and if there are any structural abnormalities with any of the individual chromosomes which can cause child’s diseases);
·         conducting programs of egg donation and surrogate motherhood BioTexCom doctors calculate the ideal "window of implantation" - the most successful period for the embryo transfer without disturbing its structure and endometrium integrity;
·         starting to work with infertile couple, our specialists use individual approach in each case. First of all, members of the medical staff carry out detailed diagnosis of patients in order to identify clearly the seeds of disease or reasons of unsuccessful IVF attempts. There are no identical protocols here as each patient receives individual testing and treatment. The BioTexCom team does not work in the traces because positive outcome of the program is our main goal;
·         doctors of the Kiev center walk the line of the latest methods of work. So, for example, embryologists use the most successful method of working with blastocysts, namely, embryo transfer on the fifth day. It greatly increases the chance of pregnancy during in vitro fertilization programs.
   BioTexCom clinic offers perfect medical packages for patients. Depending on client’s diagnosis doctor will help to choose the most appropriate medical program which will optimally combine good price and the best chance for the positive result. In the BioTexCom center one can choose among the following packages:
"Guaranteed Success" package includes an unlimited number of IVF attempts with donor eggs. In the case of negative result clinic refunds client paid sum;
"Economy" package includes one IVF attempt with donor eggs;
"Double" package - two IVF attempts with donor eggs;
"Ideal" package implies two IVF attempts with donor eggs and in the case of unsuccessful result transition to the surrogacy program (without additional payment);
"All inclusive" package (1) involves surrogacy program with donor eggs (unlimited number of attempts until successful pregnancy will be reached);
"All inclusive" package (2) involves surrogacy program with own eggs. Number of attempts depends on the medical examination results. In the case of unsuccessful result it will be made a transition to the surrogacy program with donor eggs.

   Choosing any of these packages client will be met at the airport and accompanied by the manager, translator. In the clinic patient will have a detailed consultation by obstetrician-gynecologist of the first qualifying category and will be diagnosed with the help of ultrasound investigation and standard analysis set. All these services patient receives free before contract signing. 

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