Today surrogate mother can carry a child who
genetically will be related to parents who can not give birth naturally.
Doctors spermatize mother’s egg with father’s sperm in vitro and then transfer embryo
into the womb of a surrogate mother. Thus, strange healthy woman will only carry
your child and will have no relation with a newborn. But is it easy to come to
terms with the fact that stranger carried your child during 9 months and felt all
aspects related to childbirth? We spoke with a psychologist and asked whether
there is a difference between relation concerning child of mother who gave
birth and those one who receive a baby from surrogate mother.
Psychologist: Yes, it can be a certain difference. There are
cases when parents who have used services of surrogate mother experience a
certain jealousy related to this woman. Sometimes biological mother ask
herself: “Maybe she is also a mother of my child, maybe she is more mother than
I can be, after all, maybe my child received something from her child on
genetic level, etc. In such cases, I always reassure parents and explain that such
child will definitely get something - hormones, food, etc., but nothing more! Sometimes
biological parents are beware of the fact that surrogate mother can get away
with their child. It’s important to remember - if you go through the program in
the accredited clinic that works on a legal basis according to the local laws
and norms, there will be no problems with surrogate mother and the whole
process. As clinic and its staff are interested in program’s success and child is
taken away from surrogate mother immediately after birth and they have any contacts
between each other. So, some families have such rueful feelings but I'm not
talking about all of them.
Taking into account your experience in this
topic, can you tell us how quickly contact between genetic mother and child
born by surrogate mother is established?
Psychologist: In general, it depends on parents and
training, which they must pass before child’s birth. In any case, this child is
more than a long-awaited. It’s very important for parents to realize and understand
full blast that child is the main member of the family, parents love him and
they will take care of him. Of course, the fact that genetic mother did not go
through all physiological sensations that woman who carried a child pass, can
affect a little the inner feelings, and as a result, behaviour of biological
mother. But, special courses, consultation with a good psychologist and just an
inner attitude of mind and awareness of the fact that you are parents and reply
for your child’s life will help to overcome any difficulties associated with
the surrogacy process. In addition, experts always advise not to maintain close
contacts with a surrogate mother and not try to be with her friends. It will
minimize some jealousy, fears, etc.
Birth of so long-awaited baby is a great happiness
and life continuation. So do not spend your energy and emotions for jealousy and
fears concerning woman who gave birth to your child! It will be better to expend positive
emotions and time in your beloved own child!
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