Monday, February 9, 2015

At age 42, Katie Coombs is preparing to add to her family with the help of a surrogate

At age 42, RGJ columnist Katie Dilillo Coombs is preparing to add to her family, thanks to a close friend who is acting as a gestational surrogate. This is the first column in an ongoing series about her pregnancy.
A Family Formed
It is hard to know where to begin when you want to explain to even those close to you why you don't feel like your new baby days are over, especially when you already share 6 kids with your husband. I have never felt done having kids and there will never be any logic as to why we decided, at my age (42), that it was time to start the process. We got married when our children were 2, 3, 3, 4, 8, and 11. We both have three children from our first marriages, and when you put it all together we have 3 boys and 3 girls. They are now 18, 16, 12, 11, 10, and 9. The first thing that pops into my mind when I look at those numbers is that we are very successful at keeping children growing and aging! That seems like reason enough, doesn't it?
When we first got married on New Year's Eve of 2007 (alright, technically we legalized the marriage at 12:01 a.m. on January 1, 2008 for some smart tax planning), I was already in the mindset that we would have a child together. My husband Chris was not ready then, as I think he was feeling a bit overwhelmed by the 2-3-3-4 crowd, which we refer to as "the littles". We still call them that and probably always will – even when they are 30, 31, 32, and 33. We actually refer to all of the children by number, which makes them all chuckle.
The Start of the Dream
The day I turned 40, Chris brought up the subject of having our baby once more and I jokingly told him that if he could think of a name in 30 minutes I would seriously consider it one last time. I hadn't really thought of it for about 5 years as we so busy with the "littles" and tending to the needs of teenagers and driving and dating. When the 30 minutes was up, I assumed this conversation would be over and life would go on. Chris said he had a name. Miles Andrew Coombs. His explanation was that Miles would represent the road we had both traveled to get here. Andrew would be the middle name, as my oldest son had done so much for all of these younger kids. When you put it all together, the initials were MAC, which was my grandfather's nickname.
I was a little overwhelmed and felt that I had to honor my promise to consider a baby one more time. It took me 24 months to finally answer the question and Chris remained steady in his desire the whole time. We made and canceled a few appointments with the fertility doctor mostly out of anxiety and fear. We were also dealing with many losses and deaths that were hard on all of us, and the date kept getting pushed back one time after the other. This would be Beyond Uncommon Sense and that is what it has become. Our journey to have at least one child together became our focus as we headed into the summer of 2014.
The Challenge
The difficult part after making the actual decision to pursue this dream is that I had a partial hysterectomy in 2004, which means I don't have a uterus. For all of those familiar with human anatomy, this means I can't carry our baby. I have eggs that can be retrieved and fertilized but we would need a willing surrogate to carry for us. One of our friends, Robin Stoddard, had offered a few times throughout the years as she heard us discuss it but then she was busy having kids of her own. She finally completed her family, and when we decided we were ready we asked her one more time.
Robin Stoddard: The Surrogate's Perspective
I met Katie seven years ago, at the tail-end of my third pregnancy. We were kindred spirits from the start, talking as if we had known one another our entire lives. I was new to Reno, but I had found a friend, a friend of my own — not someone that I would only see as part of a couple. As the years passed, Katie and I would joke about her desire for another baby, and how I would make the perfect "oven". The joking took a more serious turn as her children grew older, and the sadness in her eyes grew more apparent to me with every baby I saw her hold. So when she asked me if I really wanted to carry a child for her, I couldn't say yes fast enough.
The decision to say yes wasn't really even a decision for me — to want to do this for her felt as natural as… well, as natural as giving birth! She's my friend, I love her, and if she wants this she shall have it — The End, Love Robin. Talking my husband into supporting us was not as easy as I thought it would be; his concerns ranged from the effect on our own young boys to the toll it would take on my body and psyche — not to mention our connection as a couple. I think I was genuinely surprised at all this — I have no fear that this surrogacy will be anything but wonderful for everyone involved. I begin this adventure as I mean to keep on — steady as a rock in my belief that this baby is meant to happen, and meant to happen this way.

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