Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Australian woman gets pregnant twice in 10 days

An Australian woman who was told she might never become pregnant says she has given birth to twins conceived 10 days apart.
Kate Hill was receiving hormone treatment for polycystic ovary syndrome, a condition that meant she was not ovulating.
She apparently conceived twins at different times d
espite only having unprotected sex once during that time.
It is very rare for a woman to conceive a second time when already pregnant.
Most twins are the result of a woman releasing two eggs at the same time, or, less commonly, a fertilised egg subsequently splitting into two.
The twin girls, Charlotte and Olivia, were born 10 months ago with different sizes, weights and gestational development, according to reports.
"We actually did not realise how special that was until they were born," Mrs Hill told Australia's Seven Network.
Pregnancy normally stops the monthly cycle of ovulation but very rarely a woman can release another egg after conceiving. If this is fertilised it could also implant and develop into a healthy pregnancy.
It is believed only 10 cases of the phenomenon, known as superfoetation, have been documented across the world.
Speaking about the rare conception, Mrs Hill's husband Peter joked: "Hole in one, maybe."
The couple's obstetrician Brad Armstrong said the condition was so rare he was forced to search for it online.
"I could not find any literature in the medical review websites at all," he said.


  1. Nothing to add) God the one to create miracles!
    Get ready for a roller coaster ride with your pregnancy
    One of the best moms in the world you are bound to be
    You must be feeling magical from within
    That's because one of life's best stages you are in
    Congratulations to the couple!

  2. Found this on another site. Symptoms of pregnancy: the classic clues.
    Tender, swollen breasts. As early as two weeks after conception, hormonal changes may make your breasts tender, tingly or sore. Or your breasts may feel fuller and heavier.
    Fatigue and tiredness also ranks high among early symptoms of pregnancy. During early pregnancy, levels of the hormone progesterone soar. In high enough doses, progesterone can put you to sleep. At the same time, lower blood sugar levels, lower blood pressure and increased blood production may team up to sap your energy during your pregnancy.
    Slight bleeding or cramping. Sometimes a small amount of spotting or vaginal bleeding is one of the first symptoms of pregnancy. Known as implantation bleeding, it happens when the fertilised egg attaches to the lining of the uterus - about 10 to 14 days after fertilisation. This type of bleeding is usually a bit earlier, spottier and lighter in colour than a normal period and doesn't last as long. Some women also experience abdominal cramping early in pregnancy. These cramps are similar to menstrual cramps.
    Nausea with or without vomiting. Morning sickness, which can strike at any time of the day or night, is one of the classic symptoms of pregnancy. For some women, the queasiness begins as early as two weeks after conception. Nausea seems to stem at least in part from rapidly rising levels of estrogen, which causes the stomach to empty more slowly. Pregnant women also have a heightened sense of smell, so various odors - such as foods cooking, perfume or cigarette smoke - may cause waves of nausea in early pregnancy. There are some hints and tips to help combat the effects of morning sickness.
    Food aversions or cravings. When you're pregnant, you might find yourself turning up your nose at certain foods, such as coffee or fried foods. Food cravings are common too.
    Headaches. Constipation is another common early symptom of pregnancy. An increase in progesterone causes food to pass more slowly through the intestines, which can lead to constipation.
    Mood swings. Faintness and dizziness. As your blood vessels dilate and your blood pressure drops, you may feel lightheaded or dizzy. Early in pregnancy, faintness also may be triggered by low blood sugar.
    Raised basal body temperature. Your basal body temperature is your oral temperature when you first wake up in the morning. This temperature increases slightly soon after ovulation and remains at that level until your next period. If you've been charting your basal body temperature to determine when you ovulate, its continued elevation for more than two weeks may mean that you're pregnant.

  3. Woww, have never heard about such thing before! What a lucky person she is! Me - just vise versa. I really would love to fall prego as soon as I want, but unfortunately this rarely happens like this..
    Now full disclosure. I had one kid naturally at 39 yo. So I had nothing to complain about. But at 45 when I started to try to have a sibling for her, I suffered 6 miscarriages in a row!! Testing showed I could probably conceive again (which I did!) But I had other issues (Clotting disorder among other things). So I did 4 rounds of IVF and got 12 eggs and 8 embryos. 4 of those were profoundly abnormal! So I did 4 expensive rounds of injectables and nothing. So it was down to donor egg or no child. Slowly I came to terms with it. I think I AM there. Here one should take as much time as needed. Feelings are so valid. Something you just picture your whole life has been taken away from you. Something very precious. 
    I was able to have a nice lady to donate at Biotexcom clinic. (Though poor thing she got sick from donating and was hospitalized and very ill for a week after that. I'm so thankful for what this lady had done for us!) So the joy was sucked out of even that. I’m forever changed by the entire experience but I’m now 9.5 weeks pregnant with a boy or a girl. Not sure yet. I know my body is going to influence the expression of the genes that come out and that’s important to me. I wanted sth form my parents and me involved. And am blessed I could still use my body to carry my little one. I know I’ll be ok as soon as I hold the baby but this took me around 4 years to come to terms with it. It’s a big decision. 
    I'm glad our journey ended in Ukraine, at Biotexcom, where guys are absolutely awesome! With their help I'm enjoying every second spent with my baby inside me. Waiting forward to seeing him/her)) soon...

  4. Same for me. We were trying to conceive 8 years ago. We had five unsuccessful IUI's. Further testing done and the following year I found out that I have low egg count. AMH test found only 1.5% of my eggs are left at age 35 when normal egg count is 34-40%!! Husband's sperm dna analysis indicated he has no drills in his sperm. So we got two huge issues and explanations why no luck conceiving naturally! In 2012 we started first mock IVF cycle prescribed Centrotride and Marvelon 21 (I couldn't believe I was going on the pill...) Some time later we got good news. I had 4 follicles on the right and 3 follicles on the left. Day 6 - only two follicles were at 1.1 cm which made me worried so much. Clinic told that if less than five are 1.2 cm that they would want to cancel the cycle. Told me to keep taking gonal f and menopur for two more days and back for ultrasound and then hopefully start orgalutran if follicles are 1.2 cm by day 8. Actually that never happened. We failed. Our next cycle they did harvest 1 embie only but it failed to implant. I was heartbroken. They told us we'd better turn to donor's egg for higher success rates. This step was the final one with our Irish clinic, so we felt we had to switch somewhere else for more affordable prices as we'd paid out of the pocket by that moment we couldn't afford more ivf cycles that way adding donor egg. We did a big research on the internet leading us to Biotexcom, Ukraine. We did hesitate first as it was going to be quite far from home and family's support but headed off as we could apply for 5 shots for 9900 euro only with guaranteed life birth. In case we fail they were to refund ALL money paid back! Which was a huge luck to have as we were safe of money loss and could spend it on following treatments in case. This way out journey continued with BioTexCom quite soon resulting in a beautiful sweet Andy girl. This is so nice people can get prego this lucky and fast. I wish I could do the same, but unfortunately the paths differ much making us seek luck somewhere else. Anyway, All is in God's hands/ clinic's/staff's reputy and professionalism. We get aims and do the best to achieve them. For some it happens sooner. For others – later. But it DOES HAPPEN!
