Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Surrogate motherhood in different countries

 Surrogate program in every country affected by the local law and different factors, this is why we can see difference cost conditions and waiting time. For a start, let’s divide countries into those where the law governs all aspects surrogacy, and those where it is partially legalized.
Countries where surrogate motherhood is fully legal: USA, Ukraine, India, Mexico.


Waiting time for the first try is about 9 month. American law is very strict, but too loyal to the surrogate mothers. For example, surrogate mother during pregnancy has the right to demand anything from the future parents, and often it can grow into blackmail. It doesn’t stop even after a child birth, because by American law surrogate mother is allowed to keep in contact with the child. This is one of common reasons why people don’t choose America for surrogate program plus cost is the highest in the world – around $150000. All costs have to be paid by parents (cesarean section, the cost of treatment rehabilitation, accommodation and food for surrogate mother). Because of all this reasons only celebrities and people with high income can use surrogate program in USA.


Ukraine Is a country with optimally balanced legislation. Relationship to the child is determined by the father of the child. According to the same principle executed documents to the baby. The cost of surrogate motherhood EUR 30 000, the price unlike in the US include the risks (including cesarean), food, accommodation, transportation, translator, and so on. The procedure for registration of a child is very simple: for most of the cases, passport for the child is given in Ukraine, in some cases it is necessary to draw up documents in their own country. The queue moves quickly due to a good mix of "supply and demand" - the average wait time varies from 1 month to six months.


No one talk about price of surrogate motherhood in India, but the average cost is $50 000. Child registration is very easy procedure. One of significant disadvantage we can call surrogate mother low sanitary level of life.


Mexico are going to become new “Mecca” of surrogate motherhood for American. Compare to those in USA, Mexico have softer laws - in the priority of paternity, after leaving the hospital, the surrogate mother writes refusal on the child, the law prohibited their further cooperation. The cost of $80,000, taking into account the risks, transfer, food and residence.
Countries where surrogacy is partially legally: Italy, Greece, Russia, Georgia
We can combine all these countries into one group as the queue in these countries vary from the same factor. Even if find mother quickly, everything goes well, your adventure can only begin. The procedure of registration of documents on the child may be delayed for months. The circumstances are complicated by the fact the parents have stay in the country all the time. In addition your child has already been born. And all you want is to be with him at home, but you have to stay in a foreign country, to go to institutions, spending nerves, time and money.

Any way this choice is only yours! So count, analyze, become a parents!


  1. In countries like India, where the economic status of the population is rather low, the compensation and/or payment a surrogate mother may get could be equal to that earned by a whole family in a year or various years. Such change of economic status may lead some people to end up commercializing women’s bodies.
    For this reason, the following countries and US states have banned commercial surrogacy either totally or partially:
    Canada: Getting any type of financial benefit for being a surrogate is a crime. However, surrogates can be compensated for the expenses derived from pregnancy, although to a maximum amount of $22k.
    Australia: Commercial surrogacy is a crime as well, and may be punishable by up to two years imprisonment plus a fine of $110k for intended parents.
    US states of Nevada, Virginia, and Washington: The three of them allow surrogates to get an economic compensation for the expenses derived from the process. Any contract of commercial surrogacy will be automatically void.
    Brazil: Surrogacy is allowed in this country, but surrogate mothers must be an immediate family member (e.g. mother, sister, or daughter of the prospective surrogate). Common expenses you are likely to be compensated for include: medical expenses derived from IVF and those linked to pregnancy (ultrasound scan, visits to the clinic etc), dietary supplements (if necessary), lost work hours, maternity clothing, etc.

  2. Examples of countries allowing surrogacy nowadays include the United States of America, Russia, Ukraine, Greece, Georgia, Portugal, and Canada. In all of them, surrogacy is allowed to foreign citizens, too.Surrogacy is the most challenging of all fertility treatments. For this reason, it's crucial that you rely on well-versed professionals.In the USA, for instance, there is no federal law permitting surrogacy to all US citizens—it varies from state to state. However, Arkansas, California, Connecticut, Delaware, Florida, Illinois, Maine, Nevada, New Hampshire, North Dakota, Oregon, Texas, Utah, Washington DC, and West Virginia do allow surrogacy arrangements, either by law or case law. It is essential to review the laws of each country, even if it is your home country, before getting started to make sure that you meet all the requirements.
    In most parts of Europe, surrogacy is an illegal procedure. While the law explicitly forbids it in some countries, others do not mention surrogacy as an option to become parents at all. Germany, Belgium, Spain, Italy, Switzerland, Austria, Norway, Sweden, Iceland, Estonia, and Moldavia are some examples.
    Europe is not the only continent where the vast majority of countries ban surrogacy arrangements. In Asia, for example, it is not permitted in Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, China, and Japan. And the same applies to some US states in spite of the country’s popularity as a lax destination for surrogacy overseas. New York, Arizona, Michigan, Indiana, and North Dakota are some examples. In fact, for some US states, including New York, surrogacy is punishable by law!

  3. Once the reality starts to sink in, surrogacy is a logical option. I would advise women who worry that health conditions may affect their pregnancy to consult with their dr about the possibility of surrogacy.By far the most difficult path to a surrogacy clinic is through infertility. Couples may ttc for years, experience multiple miscarriages, or even pay thousands of dollars for IVF treatments without success on this journey. Conditions like: PCOS. Primary ovarian insufficiency. Blocked fallopian tubes. Uterine fibroids. Advanced maternal age etc. Seemingly a hundred other things can all lead to infertility. And of course, there’s always the chance that doctors cannot figure out why a couple is infertile. Meaning you're into the case of unexplained infertility. Couples facing infertility have a lot of difficult choices to make. But the aim's the same - The woman desperately wants to experience the joy of pregnancy. If no – then have sb else to carry the baby for her. Surrogacy allows all those dreams come true. The point is to choose the highly respectable, reputable place to be treated at. Which is never easy though. Surrogacy laws vary from country to country. and they can change quickly!! If you're considering the USA for undergoing surrogacy, first and foremost, the surrogate must reside in a state where commercial surrogacy isn’t prohibited. If it is against a state’s law, the court can determine the contract void and participants may even face criminal charges!! Working with a reputable agency is the only way to mitigate these risks. Also having the contracts well explained protects both the intended parents’ and the surrogate’s rights. While a surrogate has rights, the right to keep the child is not one of them in the most of the countries where surrogacy is legal. Once legal parenthood is established, the surrogate has no legal rights to the child and she cannot claim to be the legal mother. In the same vein, the contract protects the surrogate from any kind of legal or medical responsibility for the child. A reputable clinic will always do the comprehensive screening. It includes a full mental health evaluation, clinical interview, and records review. A surrogate should be well educated on the physical and medical implications of surrogacy to make the best decision for her. Medical consent is a major provision within a surrogacy contract. It means that both the intended parents and surrogate must agree to testing for medical conditions and communicable diseases. The surrogate's goal is the same as the IP's – To help them build a family.

  4. We chose Biotex to undergo treatments at. And the more we get to know about treatments there the more we are confident with them. Here are some aspects you may like to get to know about. (Based on what we found out in biotexcom). 
    First, entering Ukraine does not require visa for EU countries, America and Canada, most of CIS and Scandinavian countries. Ukrainian legislation concerning assisted methods of reproductive medicine is extremely favorable and loyal to the surrogate motherhood and egg donation. Both procedures are legal here and consolidated in the number of legislative acts. Secondly, according to the Ukrainian legislation, intended parents are legal parents of the baby born by surrogate mother. Names of intended parents are written in the baby’s birth certificate. Thirdly, surrogate mother has no right to keep the baby after delivery according to the contract concluded between intended parents and surrogate mother. 

  5. Also most surrogates understand the potential risks and sacrifices involved with becoming a surrogate, but choose to do so anyway because of their sense of compassion and altruism. Personally I find nothing wrong with commersial surrogacy. Every job must be rewarded. Surrogate youngies go through enourmous testings, they may face complications (Both physical & emotional), so I’m sure they must have benefits afterall. The second question is whether all those proportions are done right. For me paying $150k was out of the question – Too expensive being paid to agency rather than to a surrogate (which is in the US for example). In Ukraine the picture seems more vivid. Our surrogate at Biotexcom is a young healthy attractive lady of 21 yo. She has a daughter on her own. And currently she’might be carrying a baby girl for us..

  6. Once we were considering this option in Ukraine vs Russia. Surrogacy legislation in both countries we were opting is quite favourable for intended parents. They have specific set of laws to protect IPs’ rights and the rights of SM (surrogate mother). Intended mother shall provide medical certificate proving her disability to carry pregnancy on her own. Restrictions for SMs are also set by law: age 18-39, being absolutely healthy and having at least one healthy child. What we liked and what was obviously one of the most crucial points in legislation aspect is that SM has no right to change her mind and keep the baby after delivery. IPs are considered biological parents of the child. Birth certificate is issued with the name of IPs as parents, no name of SM mentioned.
    So to start the surrogate program in Ukraine you should be married heterosexual couple with one of the following indications:
    – The absence of the uterus;
    – Deformation of the cavity or cervix;
    – Diseases in which pregnancy and childbirth may endanger a woman’s life;
    – 5 IVF attempts;
    – Structural and morphological, or anatomical changes in the endometrium of the uterus;
    – Complex somatic diseases.
    One of these diagnosis should be proved by your doctor.

  7. I'd always recommend looking onto surrogacy in Ukraine. It has a surrogacy friendly law. The surro has no rights for the kid from the moment of conception. IP are considered to be the only legal parents of the baby. I know the clinic which offers packages that guarantee a baby, regardless of how many attempts it takes. Those are all inclusive. Medical procedures and medications included. Medical and psychological examination of all surrogates. Payments to the surrogate included to the package cost. Donor eggs (if needed) for no additional fee. Interpreter with you at the clinic on every visit. Legal help to obtain documents for the baby after it is born. Monthly ultrasound reports with pictures of your baby. English speaking coordinator who will be your point of contact at the clinic. Packages are paid in 5 intallments. The last 2 are after the birth of your child! BTC has got all their packages availiable in pdf on their official site. Worth checking out!

  8. Surrogacy in Ukraine is tightly regualted, which makes it a secure and stable destination to start your family. However it also means there is some additional red tape to navigate to qualify. Here are the documents you will must provide to fulfill the legal requirements in Ukraine: Passport photocopies of the father and mother. Marriage certificate of the parents, with Apostille. Original of the letter from a doctor on the letterhead of the clinic/doctor with doctor’s signature. Your local doctor must provide a statement that the intended mother is unable to successfully carry a pregnancy herself. This letter is an important requirement. BioTexCom guides all its patients through. The process is usually smooth and fast.

  9. Also love this one:~''All inclusive''
    You will be provided a cellphone with a Ukrainian carrier for communication.
    You will stay at a villa or hotel.
    A pediatrician will see your child every other day after birth.
    Regardless of how far along the surrogate is, if the case of miscarriage, abortion, or death of child, the agency will take care of the cost of paying the surrogate and finding a new one.
    In case your baby is born premature, the agency will pay all medical fees regardless.
    If you have twins, you must pay an additional €3k after birth.
    You will have 4 hours of nursery and babysitting services available to you every day.
    You cannot be at the birth of the baby – You will be able to meet your baby after the hospital clears the baby for leaving the hospital.
