Friday, January 29, 2016

The real numbers of Infertility In USA

22 of January 2014 was published the information about long term investigation of infertility in USA. The report was prepared by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention - one of the US divisions which had a name Infertility Service Use in the United States: Data From the National Survey of Family Growth, 1982–2010.
The total number of people applied for help to conceive a child for 15 years, declined slightly more than a million. But at the same time US population has increased from 263,2 million people in 1995 to 308,7 million people in 2010, on 17,3%. That is encouraging, and the dynamics of references percentage gives a very serious decline from 16,03% from all population to 13,25%.
The number of people who seeking for the treatment for infertility at the age of 25-29 years increase on 1,5%. After all, sooner woman and man seeking for help more chances of success they have. American citizens start to worry about their fertility health from young age. By the way this a fact confirmed by reducing the amount applied for the treatment of primary infertility in 30-39 years.
But if we have good news about primary infertility secondary infertility is right opposite. American men and women more often delay with having second and next children. For that period the number the number of people who applied at the age of 30-34 years has declined and at aged 40-44 years increased on 2.24%. Until the publication of this information, we did not have actual statistics by the number of infertile with reference to statistics of IVF – not in USA or anywhere in the world. Nowadays, we can look at the actual numbers applied for by the method of artificial insemination in America. In 2010 40,912 million people has asked for help in infertility treatment. 146 693 is the number of IVF cycle started in 2010.
So in total we can see in 2010 in USA there were about 3,59 IVF cycle from 1000  people who ask for the treatment. It’s mean complex forms of infertility treatment do not occur very often as we could think  but also medicine and the law should be adjusted according to the general trend - the birth of the second, third child after age of 40.

In Mexico in Tabasco State in the process of opening the Clinic of Reproductive Medicine they have loyal laws, simplified registration procedure for the child, soft relation to the age of the mother and prices which aloud American citizen use the service.

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

New law in China – now they are allowed to have 2 children

As reported by the agency "Xinhua" on Thursday 29 of October China ends “one – child policy”, allowing families have two children.
According to the agency every family in China can have 2 children.
Demographical “one – child” policy was accepted in China in 1970s. It touches the most of the Chinese families with the exception of the inhabitants of individual regions and representatives of certain ethnic groups.
Adopting “one-child” policy, China is forced by law to limit family size, since large population overload it land, water and energy resources. During the course of this policy the average number of children born per woman in China has decreased from 5.8 to 1.8.
Restrictions do not apply to cases of multiple pregnancies. It is also allowed to have two children per family in the village, if the first child was a girl. Furthermore, the use policy was depended on province. For example, residents of the capital were allowed to have two children if one of the parents was an only child.

As on 2015, China is still the leader among all the countries in the world in terms of population. The country is home to one billion 368.66 million people. The population density in China is 139.6 people per square kilometer.

Monday, January 25, 2016

How we should feel about donor eggs?

Some people have an option to choose donor egg or use their own, some people have to use donor's by medical reasons. But the question - how we should feel about donors egg bother women in both cases, because the child will get genetic set from the donor. This is why million women in the world have concerns about egg donation or refuse to use it at all. So lets try to deal with this question.
Yes, child is not going to get your set of genes. This is something what you will have to take for granted. But instead there are a lot of advantages. Such as:
·        Genetically donor’s material is flawless because it is checked on all kind of types of abnormalities;
·        Incubation periods kept necessary time (this eliminates a lot of problems which children carry through their lives, a lot of diseases in adult life are laid during the formation of the fetus).
Egg donors are healthy and young and it’s more important than you can think. For example even if woman at 45 can have perfect 8-10 follicles with eggs she have very low changes. In 2010 The Institute of Reproduction in Livingston analyzed more than 600 cycles of pregnancy. According to the results in the age of 42 chances to have a healthy child using their own egg is 34% when by using donor egg – 98%.
Some more interesting statistics on the frequency of conception and successful pregnancy:
·        Probability of success using donor egg – 65% (it slightly change with recipient age);
·        If you are from 29 to 59 your probability of successful conception, bear and give a birth is 55-65%;
·        Using your own egg reduces the this probability on 5% every year;
·        By the age of 42 your chances to get pregnant and bear your child with your own egg is about 7%.

All this is only about women who can choose – use their own egg or donor egg, but most of the patience who use donor eggs don’t have another choice ,they have indications for unconditional donation, such as lack of ovarian,  "lazy ovaries" syndrome, surgery, chemotherapy, genetic hereditary diseases, menopause.

Friday, January 22, 2016

What you will have to face at child’s registration paperwork of surrogate program worldwide

As you know, international law is one of the most complicated of legal science. Every country have their own law which may seems to us funny or strange. There are a lot of jokes about American law in different states. But when you face these laws become not so funny. So let’s talk about child's registration, who was born by surrogate mother, paperwork in different countries of the world.


America has absolute right and in the judicial system there is no value higher than a US citizen. Everyone knows about it, but not everyone knows what it is means.
If you will have any issues American law will always support surrogate mother, sometimes it can be about time for recovery and extract, and sometimes it can be even claiming right for the baby. Surrogate mother has all rights for the baby and you should remember this.


Surrogate mothers in Russia the same like in America have rights for the baby but only till she sigh a renouncement. So very often surrogate mothers going to the court just to get money of the parents.


Surrogate mothers in Ukraine have no rights on the child. Speaking metaphorically, this service equal to the lease. As a rule, parent of the child is indicated by the biological father who provided the sperm. That's why for the program of surrogate motherhood in Ukraine can go only married couples. And for the same reason Ukraine do not cooperate with homosexual couples. Mother will be register as a parent if her egg been used instead of donors.
List of documents for the the registry office:
  •           a statement of the spouses parents;
  •           birth certificate;
  •            a notarized statement of agreement of a surrogate mother to record the spouses parents of the baby;
  •            Information about the genetic relationship of the child's father;
  •            Parent’s passports;
  •             Parent’s marriage certificate;
Register office is not allowed to ask for:

  •            the contract between the genetic parents and the surrogate mother (it’s a confidential document);
  •             surrogate mother’s presence while child registration;
  •             appeals to the guardianship.
According to Article 11, Chapter 1, Section II «Rules of state registration of civil status in Ukraine".

Registration of the child in other countries will be discussed in the next article.

Thursday, January 21, 2016

Child's sex determination by using method PGD : ethical aspects

Most of the parents don’t care about sex of their future child. As people says : ” Healthy – and that’s enough”. But the only way to indicate  every aspect of genetic  health of the embryo (by punctuating  one of  cells 3 days embryo) is PGD. As well this method give us a chance to find out child gender. So why not to use this advantage? Especially for the couples who been blessed with boys and who desperate for a girl, or if you have a few daughter and dream about son.
PGD for the purpose of determining sex of the child by itself – is as ethical as IVF. In the fact that the number of in-vitro fertilization embryo obtained in any case is more than transfer to the woman and it’s just impossible to transfer all of them. And much more than will survive. PGD as a method allow you to choose the strongest embryo to maximize chances, choosing child gender can be a bonus.
In some countries sex determination by using method PGD is illegal, there is a worry that everyone will choose boys. Such countries like Australia, India, Canada, France, Japan.
Since 2012 in Russia you need to provide a sufficient number of reasons for the PGA - sex determination not one of them. Also in Switzerland, even after the law on artificial insemination has been revised, still remained rigid restrictions on the procedure. Right now it’s possible only if the pre-implantation diagnosis have a  high risk of serious hereditary disease of the unborn child .
Another countries move even further and explain forbidden of PGD by difference in embryo rights with pathologies. In 1990  in Germany method PGD been banned by «Embryo protect act». In the UK, the use of PGD is controlled by RAUF - Fertility Society and Embryology.
By Israel law you aloud to choose you sex of your future child if you have 4 or more childre
n the same gender already. Besides, to get permission, you need to take a lot of permits. This is often delayed for years.
Very often these laws been accepted under influence of human rights organizations. After all statistic show that the choice of boys and girls are about 50/50, that’s why we can not consider demographic suggestion.
Some people say PGD can cause damage to embryo, but as we know biopsy of 3 day old embryo is absolutely safe procedure as embryo consists about 8-10 cells by that age.
Among antagonists the PGD  are people who against of preferring one embryo to another. But parents choose only a set of the primary characteristics (genetic health of their future child). Is there are something wrong in wish to have a healthy child? But, after all, some embryo should be chosen anyway, and someone – isn’t.
Anyway PGD is up to you, but you have to make a conscious decision without superstitious influence.

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Surrogate motherhood in different countries

 Surrogate program in every country affected by the local law and different factors, this is why we can see difference cost conditions and waiting time. For a start, let’s divide countries into those where the law governs all aspects surrogacy, and those where it is partially legalized.
Countries where surrogate motherhood is fully legal: USA, Ukraine, India, Mexico.


Waiting time for the first try is about 9 month. American law is very strict, but too loyal to the surrogate mothers. For example, surrogate mother during pregnancy has the right to demand anything from the future parents, and often it can grow into blackmail. It doesn’t stop even after a child birth, because by American law surrogate mother is allowed to keep in contact with the child. This is one of common reasons why people don’t choose America for surrogate program plus cost is the highest in the world – around $150000. All costs have to be paid by parents (cesarean section, the cost of treatment rehabilitation, accommodation and food for surrogate mother). Because of all this reasons only celebrities and people with high income can use surrogate program in USA.


Ukraine Is a country with optimally balanced legislation. Relationship to the child is determined by the father of the child. According to the same principle executed documents to the baby. The cost of surrogate motherhood EUR 30 000, the price unlike in the US include the risks (including cesarean), food, accommodation, transportation, translator, and so on. The procedure for registration of a child is very simple: for most of the cases, passport for the child is given in Ukraine, in some cases it is necessary to draw up documents in their own country. The queue moves quickly due to a good mix of "supply and demand" - the average wait time varies from 1 month to six months.


No one talk about price of surrogate motherhood in India, but the average cost is $50 000. Child registration is very easy procedure. One of significant disadvantage we can call surrogate mother low sanitary level of life.


Mexico are going to become new “Mecca” of surrogate motherhood for American. Compare to those in USA, Mexico have softer laws - in the priority of paternity, after leaving the hospital, the surrogate mother writes refusal on the child, the law prohibited their further cooperation. The cost of $80,000, taking into account the risks, transfer, food and residence.
Countries where surrogacy is partially legally: Italy, Greece, Russia, Georgia
We can combine all these countries into one group as the queue in these countries vary from the same factor. Even if find mother quickly, everything goes well, your adventure can only begin. The procedure of registration of documents on the child may be delayed for months. The circumstances are complicated by the fact the parents have stay in the country all the time. In addition your child has already been born. And all you want is to be with him at home, but you have to stay in a foreign country, to go to institutions, spending nerves, time and money.

Any way this choice is only yours! So count, analyze, become a parents!

Monday, January 18, 2016

The risks of egg cell donation

The instructions to all pharmacy medications listed possible side effects, it is long, but no one worry about this because it’s rarely happens. The same is situation with the egg cell donation. Every organism is individual and it can react unpredictably to any interference very rarely. It happened in 1 case of 1000 (if it happened more often - the manufacturer would be banned in the world as a dangerous).
But we have to warn you about any possibility of side effects.
Every woman from the moment she was born has 6-7 million egg cells. When she gets to reproductive age, every month matured about 10-12 egg cells. But to become a donor you need to donate more than 12 egg cell, this is why doctors using special medications which causing the so-called super ovulation. They need about 30-40 egg cells which is not a big number compare to 6-7 million exciting in the woman body, it can be enough for a donation and her own children.
List of drugs which causing super ovulation:
Humegon, Repronex, Metrodin, Fertinex, Diphereline, Gonadotropin, Lupron. Your prescription will be depends on individual characteristics. All this drugs are hormones and the purpose of them all is the same: to temporarily increase the body's levels of estrogen, so the ovaries will develop more egg cells.
Side effects can be due to inadequate reaction of the organism on a surge of estrogen. For the first you need to understand that artificial increase of the estrogen lasts a maximum of a month, for the second the level of estrogen change in everyday life, without drugs, in particular - during pregnancy.
But let’s see what side effects can be:
-       swelling in the ovarian hyperstimulation (usually they are very minor)
-       frequent changes of mood
-       depression
-       weight gain
Some put thrombosis to the side effect because of swellings, but it is impossible as before the procedure woman have check-up on the tendency to form blood clots. Often you hear about infection vile during the puncture, bleeding etc. It can happen only because of unprofessional doctors.
Development of cancer after invested hormones is the most frequently discussed fear (states that some types of cancer susceptible to increased estrogen), scientist for many years study this question, but link was not found.

Advantages of the egg donation in BiotexCom clinic is broadest base of donors with high performance and European appearance.

Thursday, January 14, 2016

First IVF septuplet twins grow up!

As we all know IVF (weather on your own or donor egg cell) in-vitro fertilized about 7 embryos. 23% to 30% the probability that at least one of embryo will take a root.  It’s very rarely all embryo starts develop, but such cases are exist. In 1997 Bobby from Iowa got pregnant with 7 children. Against of doctors recommendation, Bobby and her family decided to keep the babies.
  You can say it was too rashly it can easy happen with tragedy. But since that time 18 years have passed. All 7 kids are alive and celebrate their 18th birthday today.
On this photo you can see Kenny-junior, Alexis, Nataly, Kelsey, Nathan, Brendon and Joel. They finishing school and planning their future life. In the summer Brendon going to army, rest 6 children are planning enter the university. They have oldest sister 19 year old Michaela, who recently married, and lives nearby.
  The possibility all children will survive was very small. The weight of babies was from 1,13 to 1,54 kg. 2 of them had Cerebral Palsy, they had many surgeries, right now boy who have Cerebral Palsy is walking by himself and a girl walk with a cane, but it didn’t stop her from becoming the second captain of the cheerleader in the school support group.
  This very unusual family got a lot of help from charity organizations: a new house with 7 bedrooms, the opportunity to eat and to go on vacation for free. When children were born couple universities proposed them free education when they grow up. Even George Bush –junior meet the family.
Kenny Sr. work for a company dealing with metal coatings. Bobby – teacher-therapist in addition to eight children teaching children with special needs. Like her husband, she always tried teach children to love work.
   Alexis are going to become a educator, Nataly  - teacher of junior classes, Kenny-junior want become a builder. Nathan and Joel want to be a programmers. Kelsey dream about career of a singer.
  Alexis says :”We are best friends for each other, not only brothers and sisters”.
Although parents are sad that the childhood of their sons and daughters come to end, and soon they will “scatter from the parental nest”, Kenny and Bobby look to the future with optimism. They are proud of their children and believe that they are ready for a new, adult life.


Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Everything what do you need to know about PGD before having an IVF.

PGD is a method of determining the genetic characteristics of the embryo before replanting. There are two methods for the diagnosis of the embryo.
First method is biopsy, it’s a removal of a single cell embryo for the research. A biopsy performed on 3 day of embryos life, at this time the number of cells from 4 till 10 and they are not differentiated, identical, interchangeable and remain active at the stage of division. After sampling cells, the embryo must begin to develop more quickly to do not lose the speed of development. That is why we watching him a few days more to be sure. If everything went well, and the embryo is developing normally - it starts taking endometrium mother.
  Second method is visual assessment by using embryoscopy. This method of diagnosis is also quite outcoming, but is heavily dependent on the human factor - experience and professionalism of the doctor.
  Accuracy of diagnostic are higher by using biopsy but still not 100%  garantide. The reason for the error is that sometimes assembled to study cell may have different characteristics than the other cells of the embryo. Scientists says, that he risk fence for blastomere of the embryo is a minimalistic (first addition from 1989, since that time statistic being collected).
  PGD is literally translated as  "Preimplantation diagnosis". I.e. It allows to determine the genetic characteristics of embryos before replacing, such as : health, genetic markers, the child's sex. For example if woman  has had repeated miscarriages or fetal fading PGD allows to choose the strongest embryos for replacing. But we must take into account the fact that the probability of successful conception PGD is slightly reduced. According to the research: the success rate of IVF 38-40%, and for IVF with PGD - 25-28%. Therefore, if you are not in a sort of genetic diseases, didn’t have a numerous fading fetus, you are less than 40 years - we recommend to abandon the blastomere biopsy.
  But in some cases PGD is the best choice, like:
·        Genetic diseases in your family
·        You are over 40 years old (the risk of genetic diseases is increase)
·        Prevention of rhesus fetus, if the parents blood is not compatible
·        If you need to ensure the birth of a child who would be HLA-matched donor for a sick family member (using umbilical cord blood).

The last recommendation  rarely used by itself, but overall, if you decide to PGD because of the risk of genetic diseases, and already have children - it is at the same time the opportunity to choose their HLA-matched brother or sister. After all, if you did not collect the stem cells of an older child after birth - the baby's umbilical cord blood could help them both.

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

“The flip side of medal”. Moral and ethical aspects of surrogate motherhood

I think everyone ever read, think or talk about unethical part of surrogate motherhood in relation of surrogate mother. This is why for now we will leave this popular question and propose you to talk about “flip side of medal” – about women rights to bear child for another couple.
 “My body is my own business” - One of the fundamental postulates of feminism and democratic society. Women in many countries fight for the right to do abortion, right to wear any clothe which they like without judging and sexual harassment. So why did we decide we have right to choose for surrogate mother, why do we think we are more clever?
  Perhaps the roots of this feeling rising from the subconscious, a very deep and disguised relation to the surrogate mother, who are mostly women-residents of poor countries, as less intelligent and educated people for which we are entitled to make a decision. But then all of our tolerance and humanity doesn’t worth anything.
  Even so the level of education of women in most poor countries is quite high they still become a surrogate mothers because usually, a teacher or a doctor in those countries does not guarantee a decent income to feed herself - not to mention a child (who have such one because access to surrogate program can only get women who gave a birth).

  This is not the only controversial issue of surrogate medicine. The ban on egg freezing people of reproductive age, the prohibition surrogate motherhood and donations - but permission for IVF, and this is not a complete list. And each requires need separate consideration - what we are going to do in future articles