In biblical days, if a woman could not get pregnant or carry a baby, it was acceptable for her “handmaiden” to lay with her husband for the purpose of getting pregnant so the wife could fulfill her role as mother.
Of course, this doesn’t fit into our society's rules anymore, however, today if a woman wants to become a mother but is unable to carry her own pregnancy then another woman may carry her baby through a process called gestational surrogacy.
A surrogate could be a sister, a good friend or even her mother if she is under the age of 60 and is in good health. One could also hire a woman and reimburse her for carrying and delivering a baby. When the baby is born, the child is given to the “intended parents” and adoption papers are signed. The procedure can be very simple as long as you follow the protocols, make sure all legal documents are in order and everyone is properly motivated and sticks to the agreed plan.
There are two types of surrogacy that are practiced today — traditional and modern.
Traditional surrogacy is when the woman who is the source of the egg that creates the baby is also the carrier of the baby. This can be achieved medically by inseminating the surrogate with the husband's sperm. This form of surrogacy is generally frowned upon because the woman carrying the baby is also genetically related to the baby. Sometimes this may be problematic for the intended parents since the relationship with the carrier is not anonymous. Although there are states that have laws against traditional surrogacy there are many states that still support it.
With modern surrogacy the surrogate will receive embryos that were created from the egg and sperm of the intended parents or from a donor the intended parents have selected, but not genetically related to the surrogate. In vitro fertilization procedure is always used with modern surrogacy. Because the surrogate has no genetic relationship to the baby, it is thought to be a healthier process for everyone.
In general, the costs for surrogacy can be expensive considering all that is involved (ie, reimbursement fees, legal fees, testing and medical bills). However, a lot of expenses can be reduced if the gestational carrier performs a "gift of love" or chooses not to accept a fee. This is when a sister or family member can assist the intended parents most. Otherwise, reimbursement can cost you anywhere from $15,000 to $30,000 or more for a surrogate. Modern surrogacy with in vitro fertilization, legal fees and testing can add another $20,000 to $25,000 to the out-of-pocket cost.
There are several tests a woman will need to take to qualify as a surrogate. The FDA and American Society of Reproductive Medicine has strict standards and guidelines and every IVF clinic establishes their own protocols that covers all physical exams, psychological exam and infectious disease testing.
Although it may be expensive or the journey may take a lot of work to undergo, the end result is rewarding for everyone involved. The intended parents receive the baby and family of their dreams and the carrier is a part of a process that brought life into the world and helped grow a family.
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