Monday, April 20, 2015

The greatest wish to have a big family

Sam Marshall and his late partner Natasha McAlpine were together for almost 15 years and their greatest wish was to have a big family.

Natasha had survived a very tough upbringing, she had an abusive father and went to 14 different primary schools, as she moved between women's refuges and commission housing around Victoria.

At 16, Natasha became the primary care giver for her 10-year-old brother, as her mum struggled with alcoholism and mental health issues.

She went to university, before working two jobs to pay for her brother's board at a private school.

Sam said his partner kept working like this up until the birth of their son Toby in 2010.

It was later that year that Natasha was diagnosed with a rare and aggressive form of cancer.

Toby was only eight months old.

"Tasha didn't want to live in luxury or have the fanciest things, she only ever had other people's best interests at heart," Sam said.

"The only thing she ever wanted for herself was a big family."
The intense radiotherapy meant Natasha could not have another pregnancy and had gone through early menopause, but otherwise her prognosis was good.

Sam said they were told by doctors if Natasha made it to two years post-treatment, there was less than a 1 per cent chance of the cancer returning.

That milestone was reached and the future looked bright.

Then in 2012, Sam was diagnosed with slow progressing multiple sclerosis (MS).

"First the cancer, then the MS makes you take stock of everything," Sam said.

"You realise that if you want to achieve things, you can't wait, you have to go out there and make it happen.

"There was still something that Tasha and I yearned for and it was more kids."

Adoption not allowed due to diagnoses
The couple began researching their options.

Adoption was out due to Natasha's original cancer diagnosis and Sam's MS.

Before Natasha's first round of treatment, the couple underwent IVF, in the hope of using their own fertilised embryo in a surrogacy arrangement.

Sam's mother took out a mortgage on her house and they flew to India.

Sam said after handing over almost $20,000, their embryos failed to result in a pregnancy.

The process in India was extremely emotional in a particularly difficult environment, he said.
In November 2013, almost four years since her initial diagnosis, Natasha had another check-up and got the all-clear.

Sam said they were told to go ahead and live their lives, so the couple began investigating another surrogacy arrangement, this time in Thailand.

"From the beginning, the experience in Thailand was only positive," he said.

"All the people we came into contact with were so caring. We were so excited with what felt like the final piece of the puzzle falling into place."

In January 2014, they made their final trip to Thailand - just before their surrogate was impregnated.

Upon return Natasha became puffy around her face, neck and arms which developed into breathing difficulties and a persistent cough.

She was referred to have some scans.

"We went home, and the GP called and said they'd found a mass in her chest and also on her liver," Sam said.

"The head of oncology, who we knew from the last time Tasha had treatment, called 15 minutes later and said she needed to pack her bags and get to emergency.

"He couldn't believe she'd been able to walk around with this thing in her chest."

It was not curable.

"We found out the surrogate was pregnant the following week.

"We refused to accept any timeframe at all. She had a strength that couldn't be suppressed.

"She lasted seven months. She died on August the 22nd, 2014.
"I'll never forget that day, I had to pick up our son from kindergarten and explain to him that his mum was about to die. That we were going into the hospital to say goodbye. I took him into the room and told everyone to leave.

"Tasha was medicated to a point that she wasn't conscious. I held my son and told him to say goodbye to his mum. He was bawling. He said, 'I love you Mum. Goodbye Mum'.

"Tasha's eyes tried to open, she heard him. I have nightmares about that moment. It's the hardest thing I've ever had to do. She died a few hours later."

The next day Sam got a call from the clinic in Thailand, telling him the surrogate was having contractions.

"She was having contractions at the same time Tasha was dying.

"It was too early, the clinic was worried and telling me I needed to prepare for the worst and be ready to fly to Thailand."

Luckily the baby was not born that night and the surrogate was able to go home.

"Tasha's funeral was a blur of emotion," he said.

"At the wake, the clinic called me to tell me the baby had been born four weeks early.

"I'm not a religious person, but whatever you believe, with the timing of everything, at some level I know that Tasha lives on in my miracle baby.

"He was born in Thailand, in a country we love, to a Thai surrogate.

"I called him Thai."

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