Thursday, April 9, 2015

Queers fight for the right to make traditional family

At all times, world community and in particular religious representatives, match homosexual couples against traditional families. But when you come right down to it just homosexual tandems like nobody's business fight for family values ​​in their traditional form. In the primordial understanding family is the union of two reproductive people who bring up together their children and keep the house. Procreation was the main role of the family i.e., delivery of children and children rearing. Unfortunately, in course of time, concept of family has lost its original essence and in nowadays sexual relations are not always guarantee the birth of children and children in turn don’t guarantee family preservation and strength of the marriage bonds. 

In 21st century it isn’t needed to register relationships or to have regular sexual relations in order to give birth and have children. Medicine has expanded possibility of solving such issue as children. With the advent and popularization of IVF, egg\ sperm donation and surrogacy question concerning type of relations or gender identity of future parents isn’t important any more. A lot of people will say: "Yes, of course! It’s extremely important weather parents are heterosexuals or not! Child should grow up in a traditional family with mother (female) and dad (male)!” But, by and large - no, it is not so important aspect. There are many children who for one reason or another grow up in families which consist of mother and grandmother, for example. And it's nothing at all serious, such children grow up normal, nice people and they even don’t become homosexuals. Some years ago society took a dim view of same-sex couples. It was thought that such people can’t make a family and have common children. Times change and today children can be born not only by natural conception. It means that even same-sex couples can have a child. Moreover it can be consanguineous child!

Let us get all this straightened out. Does child feel bad and uncomfortable in family where there are two moms or two dads? And whether traditional families are better that the homosexual ones?
Anne-Marie Tue and Helen Faazen make no bones of their names and faces from journalists and don’t shield from the public eye. These two women went down in history on April 1, 2001, as the first same-sex couple who officially registered their relations. Today, after 13 years have passed, couple lights with pleasure and smiles as it was 13 years ago when they got acquainted for the first time. Together they went through the denial on the side of society, active attention of journalists and their attempts to bring debauchery and immorality home to homosexual couple. Women bring up two pretty children who always answer the question concerning their father in the following manner: "Dad? We have no daddy! But do not worry; we have very cute mommies!" There are a lot of such homosexual but extremely happy and friendly families not only among only ordinary people but in show business sphere as well. Elton John and David Furnish, Domenico Dolce and Stefano Gabbana, Tom Ford and Richard Buckley and many other celebrities are happy together and raise their children. And what can we see in traditional families of the 21st century?

Today more often men and women rare want to be united in legal marriage. Young people prefer to avoid serious relationship and choose just free love relations without immense responsibility. More and more often one can find single women who raise their children without husbands. Original family values ​​gradually die away. And on the back of this situation there is a group of people who fight for their right to legal, sincere and happy marriages and desire to raise common children together. In other words, these are people who revere and support real family values. These fighters are just the representatives of sexual minorities.

This article is not in favour of same-sex couples and not against traditional families. Many people somehow think that homosexuals are immoral people who come laden with debauchery and immorality. But in fact they are ordinary people like everyone else. But, due to the fact that they constantly have to fight for their happiness, right to be together and raise children together, sexual minorities know the real price of family values ​​and cherish each other. It can be usually seen a certain lack of such attitude in today's traditional couples. Nevertheless in any relationships, traditional or homosexual unions, there are both ups and downs.

To date, same-sex marriages are legal in 15 countries of the world. In 2001 Netherlands became the first country where registration of homosexual couples was permitted. In 2013 French President Francois Hollande has signed a law in order to legalize same-sex marriages. In the same year, Britain's Queen Elizabeth II has approved a bill that legalized same-sex marriages in England and Wales. Homosexual couples can be also officially registered in some states of U.S.A. and Mexico. In any way such families have some limitations, including issues concerning children. There still a lot of countries and people who are aggressive against such relationships, marriages and children in such families. Such countries as Germany, Norway, Switzerland, and others are like Sodom and Gomorrah for the enemies’ camp that is against homosexual couples. But even William Shakespeare had said a gold truth: "Forbear to judge, for we are sinners all.”

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