Wednesday, February 25, 2015


BioTexCom is one of the best centers for human reproduction in the world. Visiting BioTexCom clinic infertile couples from all over the world receive the most favorable conditions in particular 100% guarantee that the medical program’s result will be positive. Not every European clinic can vaunt of such conditions. But we will return to this point later, and now all in good time.

BioTexCom center was founded in the Ukrainian capital, Kiev, by a German citizen. Mr. Albert Totchilovski has gathered rich European experience and combined it with the unique skills of the Ukrainian doctors. Members of a friendly and professional BioTexCom team use the best medical practices and put into life dream of a child of thousands infertile couples. Doctors who work in the BioTexCom center get a leg even in the most hopeless cases of infertility. Programs and methods used in this clinic are thought over in such way that clients receive only positive result not paying the extra money.

Basic techniques with the help of which BioTexCom doctors achieve positive results:

·         Embryologists work with fresh genetic material (eggs/sperm cryopreservation is used only at patient’s will). Such approach automatically multiplies chances for the successful fertilization. It is known and proven that quality of eggs is worsen during the freeze process leading to the failed IVF attempts;
·         In addition to the spermogram doctors conduct sperm analysis for apoptosis. Conducting this medical test embryologist determines presence of the damaged sperm cells which prevent successful conception and can cause child’s DNA damage. In the case of cells’ poor quality, doctor prescribes appropriate medication (it improves the quality of problem spermatozoid), afterwards perform reanalysis and successfully fertilize the egg;
·         Karyotype analysis is the part of a standard analyzes set (karyotype test shows the total number of chromosomes, the sex of the person being studied, and if there are any structural abnormalities with any of the individual chromosomes which can cause child’s diseases);
·         Conducting programs of the egg donation and surrogate motherhood doctors calculate the ideal "window of implantation" - the most successful period for the embryo transfer without disturbing its structure and endometrium integrity;
·         Starting to work with the infertile couple, our specialists use only individual approach in each case. First of all, members of the medical staff carry out detailed diagnostics of patients in order to identify clearly the seeds of the disease or reasons of the unsuccessful IVF attempts. There are no identical protocols as BioTexCom team does not work in the traces - positive result of any medical program is our main goal;
·         Doctors of the Kiev center walk the line of the latest methods of treatment. So, for example, embryologists use the most successful method of working with blastocysts, namely, embryo transfer on the fifth day. It greatly increases the chance of pregnancy during the in vitro fertilization programs.

The Surrogacy Program covers all the bases and works in the clients’ favor. Unlike other European clinics, the surrogacy program cost in the BioTexCom is significantly lower and service is better than in the high-level medical centers. Depending on diagnosis, doctor can recommend surrogacy program with donor or own eggs. Patients pay for the program on a phased basis:
·         signing the contract;
·         before the pickup / puncture procedure;
·         when surrogate mother reaches 12th week of pregnancy;
·         as act of delivery starts;
·         during the final stage of the program, when biological parents receive all necessary documents and leave the clinic with the newborn.
Signing the contract, clients receive a complete package of services. In particular, BioTexCom drivers meet patients at the airport and provide them with a transfer from/to the clinic, hotel, embassy, etc. Clients live in the clinic’s homes, hotels which are regularly visited by pediatrician who specializes in the newborn children. Doctor monitors condition of the newborn’s health, advises parents on all issues they are interested in. In the case of premature birth, BioTexCom covers all the expenses concerning necessary medications, procedures, and child’s stay in the hospital if it will be needed. During the whole period of the program manager and translator accompany couple and organize all processes, coordinate patients, prepare all documents and help clients to go through the program without difficulties. Interpreters who accompany clients are accredited to work in the state institutions, as well as have an experience on working with the documentation for the surrogacy (Ministry of Justice, Ministry of Foreign Affairs). All services listed above are included in the price of the program you choose.
The Program of Egg Donation. Every day dozens of women who want to become egg donors come to the BioTexCom center. Our specialists choose candidates carefully. Potential donors go through the numerous medical examinations and work with a psychologist.  Only 2 - 3 of 10 ladies who wish to become the egg donor enter the program. Our donors are attractive, healthy women with higher education, and they will be worthy to become donors of the biological material for you.
Couple receives the following information about the donor, eggs of whom will be used in the program: nationality, height, weight, eye and hair color, education, family and children, blood group and Rh factor. According to the Ukrainian law, egg donors cannot take upon themselves parental responsibilities with the respect to the future child. Parties sign an agreement, which defines all the rights and obligations of the contract parties. Candidate for the donation procedure undergoes a full health check and has a talk with a psychologist. BioTexCom reproductive medicine center has a great base of the best egg donors and is the biggest supplier of cells in Europe. A lot of countries buy eggs in Ukraine in order to use them conducting the IVF procedures at home.      

Center For Human Reproduction BioTexCom – your best choice for the surrogate motherhood and egg donation! There is no absolute infertility! BioTexCom clinic knows it for sure and continues to improve methods to deal with the infertility.


  1. My husband & I have been married almost 8 years and have, unfortunately, suffered multiple miscarriages and an ectopic resulting in rupture and removal of both tubes. 
    Not only was these losses physically tiring considering 2 of the 3 required major, emergency surgery, but they have scared me emotionally, psychologically & traumatized me and my husband to the core. Prior to the tubal I underwent tubal reconstructive surgery in the hopes to successfully conceive naturally without medical issues. We were wrong. 6 months after the surgery, I became pregnant with ectopic pregnancy.  After severe hesitation on my end, I finally chose the doctor I would see for IVF & scheduled our consultation. It was great news to hear that I was the ideal candidate for IVF. She even gave us a 75% success rate & financially it was better than expected. Actually we passed 2 ivf cycles with them but never succeeded. Our shot 1 resulted in chemical pregnancy. Shot 2 – bfn. 
    After these failure we switched the clinics for Ukrainian Biotexcom clinic, where passed surrogacy program. The whole process passed smooth for us. It took us less than 15 months to see our beautiful LO for the first time. You're doing great job!

  2. I have a 22 month old daughter and in order to get pregnant with her, I went through 6 IUI's (2 miscarriages in there) over a period of four years (total of nine treatments though, 3 where canceled because I only had a follicle on my right side). I had track marks in my legs and stomach from the shots. I had to go to the doctor weekly, spent thousands, yadda yadda, you all know the drill. We moved to a different state and on the FIRST IUI with the new doctor, (took Letrozole to get follicles where they needed to be), triggered, and BOOM. Just took a positive test. Also took blood test at doctor's office and my hCg was at 83. At this point it's looking good, but of course not out of woods until 2nd trimester. For some reason I feel weird about how quick it happened, like I didn't put in 'enough' time? That sounds so stupid and I'm happy, I just can't get my mind around the difference between the two. I just wanted to share my story. I hope and pray for everyone. Please don't give up reviewing your options. No matter what your path is (IVF, IUI, donor eggs, adoption, surrogacy) - Your path is the right one for you!!
