Monday, October 20, 2014

Breakfasts for children from around the world

Children from different countries eat different meal. Americans for example prefer dry breakfast cereal with milk and children eat it as well. Amount of sugar in such breakfasts is over-the-top! Breakfast of child from Burkina Faso, for example, may include millet porridge. In Japan, morning meal can contain rice and natto (pasty mass of soybeans). In Jamaica, children eat mushy mixture of bananas, peanut or corn flour, in New Zealand - toast with “Vegemite” (salty paste of brewer's yeast), in China – “Juke” (it is a rice porridge, gruel, covered with marinated tofu, slices of dried meat or eggs). Just do not be surprised if in Cuba, Brazil and elsewhere in Latin America, you will see very small children sipping coffee with milk in the morning. In Pakistan, children often drink milk with ru-afza - bright red syrup of fruits, flowers and herbs. Swedish filmyolk is a mixture of dozens of varieties of dairy products, which can be tasted during breakfast in Europe, Asia, Middle East and Africa. In southern India, child can start his day with idli - a pair of cake made ​​from fermented lentil and rice. Interesting and surprising fact is that in many parts of the world child’s breakfast is barely warm, sour, and is made ​​from fermented components.
Saki Suzuki, 2 years and 9 months, Tokyo, Japan
Doga Guntse Gursou, 8 years, Istanbul
Nathaniel Veatch Picard, 6 years old, Paris
Emily Katoomba 7 years, Chitedze, Malawi
Birthe Gudrun Brinyasdottir, 3.5 years, Reykjavik, Iceland

Viv Boudreau, 5 years old, Amsterdam
Aritziya Domenica Ferreira, 4 years, and Hakim Jorge Ferreira Gomes, 2 years, Sao Paulo, Brazil
Philip Kamtengo, 4 years, and Schelin Kamtengo, 4 years, Chitedze, Malawi
Koki Hayashi, 4 years, Tokyo
Oyku Ozarslan, 9 years, Istanbul
Thiago Bueno Yang, 3-year, Sao Paulo, Brazil

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