Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Penny wise and pound foolish

Surrogate mothers like cartoon characters Chip and Dale race to rescue. But not with the aim to save the whole world and only infertile couples. It is a natural desire of any person to have children, and especially if it is a long-established family. Infertility diagnosis does not deprive of this desire. Surrogate mothers are a kind of women who have chosen carrying children for other people as a well-paid job. "Looking for a surrogate mother", "Will become a surrogate mother for you", "Surrogacy with guarantee" etc. Today this procedure is so widespread that you can easily find a great number of information you need in the Internet, mass media, and even on the street advertisement board. But as it happens - the greater demand the lower quality. So how to find a good surrogate mother with whom you will not have problems?
The first and fundamental rule for those who want to use services of surrogate mother is to visit only specialized accredited clinics which operate in accordance with relevant rules and regulations of the country in which they function. But it happens so that infertile couples mistakenly think that they can solve this problem on their own and start looking for surrogate mother with the help of internet resources and various ads ( Just such people are the best targets for swindlers! If you think that you can negotiate with surrogate mother and pay for this service the true price it will not always turn out as you want.
Legal clinics check surrogate mothers in details, in particular their physical and psychological health. Carrying out these procedures by yourself you risk missing out on important medical tests or to be had that the surrogate mother had passed all inspections. She cannot pass them at all or just forge the results. The following aspect is an agreement between all sides (in a perfect world these are clinic, surrogate mother and biological parents). In medical centers professional lawyers constitute an appropriate contract which contains all the obligations and rights of all parties. It is all but impossible to do it without specialist’s participation. Thus, not taking these items into account you become a perfect victim for the fraudulent surrogate mothers. During pregnancy they can dream up various non-existent problems that will require more money. And after the child’s birth such surrogate mothers may refuse to give the baby until you fulfill all their terms. And these requirements can continue indefinitely while your biological child will grow in someone else's family getting used to other parents. In this case you will not be able to prove your rightness because you have no necessary documents and evidences.
Using the help of a surrogate mother you always have to remember that it is a matter of life and death for you but just a business for some women. And do not think that organizing surrogacy program by yourself you save some money or do it more efficiently. The right and best decision is to choose a clinic with a good reputation and high quality of work. As of quality-price ratio Ukraine, for example, is one of the best countries in which you will find a good service, positive result of the program and an affordable price. In this case, clinic is held fully liable for all stages of the program. Therefore, workers of medical institution are also interested in good result. In addition, going to the center of reproductive medicine you pay a fixed sum and do not run the risk to overpay or pay for nothing, as it happens in the case of an independent search for a surrogate mother.

If you are not a doctor you will not know details of the surrogacy procedure. As a result outside the clinic you can be said that, for example, embryo replanting was made, although in fact it will not be so. Surrogate mother even cannot be pregnant at all, but urging otherwise upon you. In general, as you can see, there are a lot of ways to be hippoed by surrogate mothers. So do not put everything on the line and visit only proven centers of reproductive medicine and do not seek help where there is none of it.

One more Internet page for all who want to know more about BioTexCom center.

Learn more information concerning infertility and pregnancy with the help of BioTexCom Facebook page. Communicate with specialists and simple people easily.

All who have faced the problem of infertility can read more about BioTexCom clinic using its official website

Signing the contract clients receive complete package of services. Drivers of BioTexCom meet patients at the airport and provide them with a transfer from/to the clinic, hotel, embassy, etc. Clients live in clinic’s homes which are regularly visited by pediatrician who specializes in newborn children. All the time doctor monitors condition of newborn’s health and advises parents on all issues they are interested in. In the case of premature birth, BioTexCom covers all expenses concerning necessary medications, procedures, and child’s stay in the hospital if it will be needed. And if for some reasons there was a loss of a child clients pay extra 2,000 euros and the program starts again. During the whole period of the program manager and translator accompany couple and organize all processes, coordinate patients, prepare all documents and help clients to go through the program without difficulties. Interpreters who accompany clients of the clinic are accredited to work in state institutions, as well as have an experience on working with documentation for surrogacy (Ministry of Justice, Ministry of Foreign Affairs). All services listed above are included in the price of program you choose. The same range of services, for example, in the U.S.A. costs much more expansive! Moreover, Americans don’t provide patients with all services listed above.
In 2013, BioTexCom medical center has received an award for the best service and work with customers. It is the only center of reproductive medicine in the world where you can receive all money in the case of program’s failure. But it isn’t observed such precedents here. Patients from all over the world visit BioTexCom clinic and find happiness of maternity / paternity here even after ten failed attempts of IVF in different European countries.
There is no absolute infertility! BioTexCom center knows it for sure and continues to improve its methods to deal with infertility.

Monday, February 24, 2014

BioTexCom. There is no absolute infertility!!!

BioTexCom is the only clinic of reproductive medicine in the world which offers the most favorable conditions for its patients and 100% guarantee of a positive result. Not every European clinic can vaunt of such conditions. But we will return to this later, and now all in good time.
BioTexCom clinic was founded in the Ukrainian capital, Kiev, by a German citizen. Mr. Albert Totchilovski has gathered rich European experience and combined it with unique skills of Ukrainian doctors. Friendly and professional team of BioTexCom uses best medical practices and put into life dream of a child of thousands infertile couples from around all over the  world. Doctors of BioTexCom center get a leg even in the most hopeless cases of infertility. Programs and methods used in this clinic are thought over in such way that clients receive only positive result not paying the extra money. Further there is a list of basic techniques that provide positive work of the clinic:
·   embryologists of BioTexCom clinic work only with fresh genetic material and do not welcome cryopreservation. It automatically multiplies chances for successful fertilization. It is known and proven for use that quality of eggs is worsen during freeze processes leading failed IVF procedures;
·       compulsive part of diagnostic includes not only smermiogramma but sperm analysis for apoptosis as well. It gives specialists opportunity to determine presence and quantity of harmful cells which prevent successful conception and can also cause DNA damage. In case of cells’ poor quality, doctors prescribe appropriate medication (it improves the quality of problem cells), then reanalyze and successfully fertilize an egg;
·     conducting programs of egg donation and surrogacy BioTexCom doctors calculate and determine the ideal "window of implantation" - the most successful moment for embryo transfer without disturbing its structure and integrity of endometrium;
·        starting to work with infertile couple, specialists of BioTexCom center use only individual approach in each individual case. First of all, doctors carry out detailed diagnosis of patients in order to identify clearly the seeds of disease or unsuccessful IVF attempts. There are no identical protocols here as each patient receives individual testing and treatment. BioTexCom team does not work in the traces because positive and successful outcome of the program is the main goal of the center;
·   doctors of Ukrainian center walk the line of latest standards in reproductive medicine. So, for example, embryologists have developed and implemented the most successful method of working with blastocysts, namely, embryo transfer on the fifth day. It greatly increases the chance of pregnancy during in vitro fertilization programs.
A lot of thought went into the design of the surrogacy program in BioTexCom center in favor of its clients. Unlike other European clinics, price of surrogacy program in BioTexCom is significantly lower and service is better than in high-level European medical centers. Depending on diagnosis, clinic offers surrogacy program with donor or own oocytes. Patients pay for the program on a phased basis:
  •        before/after signing the contract with the clinic;
  •        before the pickup / puncture procedure;
  •         when surrogate mother reaches 12th week of pregnancy;
  •          as act of delivery starts;
  •        final stage of the program, when a married couple receives all necessary documents and leaves the clinic with their child.

Read more information about BioTexCom service in our next blogs.

Surrogacy - fantastic advance in medical sphere

You choose sweetener when you are contraindicated sugar use, drink chicory in the case when coffee is hurtful to your health and look for a surrogate mother if doctors make you a diagnose of infertility. In the 21st century surrogacy program has become rather a widespread procedure, which may soon become as ordinary as visiting a dentist.
According to historical chronicles surrogacy as such has been being around long before our civilization. Infertility is not a new disease at all. In ancient times, men and women also faced with a problem of inability to conceive a child. It must be noted that in those days issue of successors was quite acute and especially if it concerned head of the state who was simply obliged to reproduce a child to continue his family and ascend to the throne after father's death. Therefore, if a woman could not become pregnant family had the right to invite a third party - namely, a woman who could carry a child for infertile couple. Even in Biblical times it was believed that if a woman cannot have a baby she could pass maid this mission. Serving woman conceived a baby with husband of infertile woman and after baby’s birth gave him back. In this case wife took the child as her own putting him on knees after birth and considering him as genetically relative. History has many cases when in different countries slaves or concubines played the role of a surrogate mother. In those times people, of course, used only "traditional surrogacy", i.e. genetic parents were father and surrogate mother as fertilization took place in a natural way.
The first program of traditional surrogacy with medical intervention was successfully held in 1980. During thirty-four years this method of dealing with childlessness was significantly developed and improved. Today one can find a lot of clinics where infertile couples are offered a number of assisted methods of reproductive medicine. Moreover searching the Internet people can easily find a surrogate mother who will carry a child for them but, of course, for a certain fee.
With the growing of public interest for surrogacy issue, degree of heat has been increasing as well. The world was divided into two banks - one is "for" surrogacy as a last chance for the infertile families, and other one is "against" it calling this procedure immoral and unethical. But in spite of such a split, from year to year, number of couples who want to use surrogacy program has been increasing. And finding no support at home (it is known that majority of European countries prohibit surrogacy at the legislative level) families visit states where such procedures are allowed by the local law. Going abroad (medical tourism) you must be careful and well-informed concerning this issue, so as not to fall into the hands of dishonest people.
Clinic of reproductive medicine BioTexCom offers its clients profitable and at the same time unique conditions - the "all inclusive" programs, fixed sum for the procedures, partly payment, documents, etc. Read our next blogs for more details about all the benefits of BioTexCom medical services.

Friday, February 21, 2014

Children born by surrogate mothers. Expert advices to parents.

More and more often mass media writes about yet another celebrity used services of surrogate mother and became happy parents. Number of ordinary people whose lives are not covered in press but who became parents with the help of modern reproductive technologies is also rather high. According to medical statistics, more than 300,000 registered children in the world were born by surrogate mothers. The real figure is five times higher. It’s practically impossible to count the number of children born with the help of surrogate mothers because many women who shoot Niagara usually do not disclose their secret and feign own pregnancy. The reason for this is that this procedure is banned at the state level in most European countries. For example, in Austria, Sweden, Norway, Germany, Poland, France and some U.S. states this service is prohibited.
But, that is the moment you have overcome all own fears and prejudices of society and are looking forward to the birth of your baby, who will be borne by a woman agreed to be a surrogate mother. A logical question arises - does surrogacy influence the child and family relationships in future? Perinatal psychologist shared her knowledge in this matter.
Correspondent: one woman carries a child and after his birth another one raises him. Does this factor effect on future relations between child and mother?
Psychologist: First of all it affects mother who is expecting but not carries a child. Because during pregnancy period a great relationship and connection between child and mother appears. Woman who carries a child goes through certain stages of maternal role; she produced some competence, understanding of child, and the so-called "parent intuition". Mom, who does not carry a baby, is deprived of this experience. So, it will be more difficult to adapt and get adjusted to the new role of mother for woman who didn’t carry her child. She has less body experience; she would have to rely only on the recognition of the fact that now she is a mother.
How does process of delivery from one mother to another affect a baby?
It is not so significant for a child. His psychological comfort in this case is much more dependent on how quickly the "new" mother will take maternal position. This process will be almost painless if a "new" mother will be well prepared - for example, she must take relevant courses and work with a psychologist. There is a certain problem in this phase. Parents who decided to use surrogacy are so focused on how to achieve this goal, they spent time, efforts and money and at some point they begin to feel that they have already paid in full for all and now they surely will be good parents. But it is not so. It is needed to learn to be good parents and to do all things correctly.
What exactly do you advice in order to be good parents?
All parents, regardless of the fact how their child drew the first breath must attend training courses and consultation of psychologist. During special courses you will be able to receive important and needed information concerning newborn, all development peculiarities and how to make contact with him. One day you will have on hand helpless baby actually left without a mother (those who carried him), without breastfeeding. Parents whose child will be borne by surrogate mother force on different issues especially those ones concerning mainly the legislative issue during the pregnancy period. Usually they do not have time to think about the psychological aspects of communication with the future baby. During pregnancy women usually go through the restructure stage, it becomes clear that future mother must change the way of life and behavior. But when it is a surrogacy, parents force just at their aim to have a baby: "I want to have a baby; I do not have children, our family must be aged with children". So families who use surrogate mother services should prepare for the birth of the child, as well as the woman who gives birth.

Can it be said that families with a child who was borne by surrogate mother fall harder than ordinary families?
Yes, there are a certain difficulties in this situation. Often parents of children who were borne by surrogate mothers try to present themselves as a "real parents". Therefore many of them simulate pregnancy to hide the truth from colleagues, friends, and most importantly - from the child. Sometimes the question arises whether to tell your child about how he was born. This is a personal matter for each family to tell or not all the details of child’s birth, but in any case, he has a right to know the truth. Some difficulties may arise due to the fact that mother was not pregnant with the baby during 9 months and didn’t gave birth to him. Therefore she cannot feel the emotions and feelings that often have mothers. But these difficulties are solved with the help of specialists, psychologists, special classes, and, of course, own positive attitude.

People have different attitude to surrogacy, but it seems that today more and more families use this method.
When pregnancy cannot be reached naturally doctors suggest alternative ways of giving birth from egg donor insemination and IVF (in vitro fertilization) to surrogacy. Seven years ago, IVF seemed like something out of science fiction but now it is simple procedure that is rather popular all over the world. For example, in 2011 with the help of IVF 6 million children were borne. There is a certain split in the society: some people say that children must be born only in a natural way, others are sure that it is stupid not to use achievements of modern science if you need it. We cannot stop the progress. I think soon surrogacy will become a commonplace procedure; it's just a matter of time.

 (Based on Psychology magazine sources)

Friday, February 7, 2014

Ukraine is a good choice for surrogacy

If you’ve been reading newspapers or watching TV, you know that surrogacy abroad is a hot topic. Of course, most of the American media has been focusing on India but there are other countries that should be getting as much attention and just aren’t. The good news is that the global world of surrogacy is constantly changing… particularly when it comes to countries passing legislation.  While many states in the US have had laws and legislation in place for years, it can still be cost-prohibitive for Intended Parents – even its own citizens.  So it comes as no surprise that people are constantly looking globally for more cost-efficient choices. With increased need, comes increased options, but also increased misinformation, scare tactics, etc… and if you’re looking to go abroad to have your baby via surrogacy, it can be a very frightening world indeed.  However, that shouldn’t stop you…what you need to do is try and see through the hype and hysteria and educate yourself  - the more you know, the better able you will be to make sound fertility decisions (including weighing any potential risks).
There is a general consensus that doing surrogacy outside of the U.S. is never considered quite as ‘safe’ as doing it within the U.S. – particularly from a legal standpoint.  But the times they are a changin’…. case in point – Ukraine – where according to Ukrainian law, surrogacy is legal. In brief, according to the Family Code of Ukraine and other regulatory acts, the parents of a child carried by a surrogate are considered the biological parents.  And as long as one Intended Parent has a genetic tie to the child (for example, the Intended Father provides sperm and the eggs are provided by an ovum donor), the other spouse automatically receives parental rights. Having parental rights means is that the names of both Intended Parents will appear on the birth certificate and are the legal parents as soon as the umbilical chord is cut.  To add assurances for the IP’s, once the surrogacy contract is signed with the surrogate, it is illegal for a surrogate to refuse to relinquish a child.  If she attempts to do so, the surrogate can lose her right for compensation and would pay penalties.
Ukraine is flexible in regards to who can do surrogacy and what fertility options are available. Remember, don’t jump in without doing your research first.  We know how anxious most Intended Parents are to get started on their surrogacy journey, but international surrogacy is truly an area where you want to do your homework.  Do the research — talk to experts, talk to clinics, agencies, doctors, and most importantly talk to former Intended Parents (more than one set) who have worked with the agency or clinic you are thinking of using.  And don’t be too shy to ask the tough questions like: What types of problems can come up?  And if they did, how were they handled? How much did it really cost? Are there unlisted fees you should expect? What are the clinic’s statistics? What were the biggest hurdles? Were the clinic and agency responsive, good communicators?  Also, if you are from a country where surrogacy is not legal you may very likely run into problems getting citizenship for your child. So check with a local family attorney in your home before you move forward in this process. Don’t just take the opinion of someone from the country where you are doing a surrogacy – they may not know what it will entail to legally bring your child home!
With all that said, you can see why Ukraine is a great option for many and definitely worth exploring. Most importantly, don’t forget that if you keep opening doors and don’t give up – eventually you will find your way to your baby.
Ukraine is one of a few countries in the world where surrogacy is absolutely legal. In this sphere Ukrainian legislators have proven to be more progressive than many of their European colleagues.
Legal aspects of surrogacy in Ukraine are regulated by Article 123 of The Family code of Ukraine (as amended from December 22, 2006 No. 524-V) which regulates affiliation of the child, born in case of assisted reproductive technologies (ART):
Item:  If an ovum conceived by the spouses is implanted to another woman, the spouses shall be the parents of the child.
Additional items that apply to surrogacy include:
Item 7.4. A healthy woman of full age, who gave birth to a healthy child upon her written free consent and absence of medical contra-indications, is entitled to perform surrogacy.
Item 7.10. If parents of a child born by a Surrogate are foreign citizens they shall inform the address of their residence before processing of documents and departure from country for patronage by specialists-pediatrics and for supervision.
Item 7.11. Registration of a child born through ART by means of surrogacy is conducted according to the order set by the current legislation of Ukraine at the presence of a certificate of genetic relationship of parents (mother or father) with a child.


Ukraine one of the world’s most surrogacy friendly countries

In the sphere of surrogacy, Ukrainian legislators have proven to be far more progressive than many of their European colleagues. Today, Ukraine is one of the very few surrogacy friendly countries in Europe. Unlike other nations that limit or even ban surrogacy, in Ukraine the intended parents of child are considered to be biological parents from the moment of conception, and they are specifically named as biological parents in the birth certificate without any mention of the surrogate mother.

Importantly, the surrogate cannot legally keep the child after the birth. On the contrary: the child is considered to legally belong to the prospective parents from the very moment of conception. In fact, in the legal history of Ukraine, there has not been a single reported case of a disputed custody claim arising over a surrogate parenting arrangement or the validity of a surrogacy agreement. In sharp contrast, the laws in several U.S. states (and the Russian Federation) allow a surrogate mother to keep the child after its birth, regardless of the agreements between the intended parents and surrogate mother.

Applicable Ukrainian law

In general, applicable Ukrainian legislation lacks almost all prohibitions that are commonly found in other European countries, and offers the following advantages:
      • No limits on surrogacy related payments
      • No additional legal procedures to obtain court order
      • No adoption of your own child is required
      • Ukrainian law allows to issue birth certificate to intended parents' names regardless of their genetic links to the child
      • Donor or a surrogate mother has no parental rights over the child, who is legally the child of the prospective parents from the moment of conception
Legal aspects of surrogacy in Ukraine are regulated by Article 123 of The Ukrainian Family Code (amended December 22, 2006, No. 524-V). A couple can choose between gestational surrogacy, egg/sperm donation, special embryo adoption programs, or their combinations. No specific permission from any regulatory body is required. All that’s required is a written informed consent of all parties (intended parents and surrogate) participating in the surrogacy program and related agreements, confirming the arrangement.

Surrogacy is also regulated by Order 24 and Order 771 of the Health Ministry of Ukraine that deals with medical procedure of artificial insemination and embryo implantation. Importantly, this Order requires that artificial insemination must be carried out only in specially accredited medical institutions in accordance with the methods approved by the Ministry of Health Care of Ukraine. It also provides a checklist of information that must be provided to the couple seeking medical assistance, namely: the details of the medical procedure, the results of medical examination of the future surrogate mother and medical and legal aspects of the consequences, etc. A written informed consent of intended and surrogate parents participating in the program is mandatory.

Required agreements

Various agreements have to be signed between the parties, including contracts with (a) the medical institution responsible for insemination and further medical surveillance, (b) the surrogate mother and (c) surrogacy center (if any).
The surrogacy agreement must be in writing and signed before a notary prior to the embryo transfer. At a bare minimum, the following issues should be addressed: surrogate mother's health status; conditions that surrogate mother should observe; medical institution where the procedure will be performed; surrogate mother's remuneration, additional expenses, timing of payment(s); expenses connected with impregnation, pregnancy, act of delivery and registration of child; procedure of child transfer and registration; any force majeure provisions, including the delivery of handicapped child, delivery of more than one child, delivery of dead child, delivery complications resulting in surrogate mother's future infertility; confidentiality provisions and non-disclosure of information to the child or any third party, etc.

An agreement with the medical institution deals primarily with the medical institution's services, including responsibility for choice of surrogate mother (if applicable) and her full medical examination, obligation to carry out all procedures in accordance with the methods approved by the Health Ministry of Ukraine and intended (genetic) parents' requirements, the terms and conditions of medical observation during the pregnancy, payment structure, confidentiality and non-disclosure of information to the child or any third party, among others. Some medical institutions request that intended parents “shall not to submit any legal claims against the institution for any reason,” which clearly contradicts Article 3 of the Civil Procedural Code of Ukraine, namely, the individual’s right to defend his or her interests in court.

Since the Ukrainian Family Code presumes that genetic parents of the child born by a surrogacy will be a married couple, a Ukrainian notary will need to see a marriage certificate of the genetic parents, notarized and apostilled (in the USA at your home state department), translated and translation must be notarized.

Birth certificate for child from surrogacy

Pursuant to the Ukrainian Rules for Statistic Registration, dated 10/18/2000, foreign citizens may apply for a birth registration to the Ukrainian Vital Statistics Office. They have to submit a medical certificate that proves their genetic relationship to a child and the surrogate’s written consent to record their names on the birth certificate of the child she delivered. The names of the intended (genetic) parents are written in the birth certificate upon the child’s birth. There is no need to get any special permits from any committee, court or other institution. No adoption procedure is required.  However, it is often more convenient to approach the Consular Office of the parents’ home country and obtain the child’s passport. It is usually possible when the surrogacy is legal in the own country and the parents can prove they are genetically related to the child.

In conclusion, as with the medical procedures, it is equally necessary to understand the legal landscape upon which a family will be built, as well as any restrictions concerning surrogacy in your country of origin. Before embarking on your surrogacy journey you should retain qualified Ukrainian legal counsel that is experienced in working with international clients. And remember that surrogacy is prohibited or restricted in many European countries. Depending on your specific circumstances and citizenship you may require legal representation both in Ukraine and in your home country.

 Lawyer Anna Lelyuk 

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Ukraine Becomes European Surrogacy Centre

Ukraine is becoming the most popular destination for Western couples seeking to have children through surrogacy due to low costs and relatively favorable legislation. It seems that women in some parts of Ukraine charge far less for the service than in Europe, and another big bonus for couples seeking surrogacy is that Ukrainian legislation recognizes the couples who hire surrogates as the only lawful parents.

This, in turn, means that legal fees tend to be much lower than in Western European countries as legislation in Europe varies quite drastically from country to country, and there are many instances where a surrogate can legally challenge the rights of the parents. Some countries have a total ban on surrogacy.
Parents having a child through surrogacy in Ukraine will currently pay somewhere between $30,000 and $45,000 with between $10,000 and $15,000 going to the surrogate. Comparing this to prices in the States than can vary between $80,000 and $120,000, it’s clear why Ukraine is seen as a favorable option.
It’s estimated that around 120 official surrogate pregnancies took place in Ukraine last year, and that the actual number could be 30% higher as many families use private agencies that are not required to report their date to the authorities. And the total number is estimated to increase by 20% over the coming year.
Ukraine seems to be a good and affordable option when it comes to surrogacy, but before going down that road, you should thoroughly check the legal position back home or you could end up in trouble.

What’s On Magazine 

Preliminary results from a pioneering study at Cambridge University paint a positive picture of the relationships formed between surrogates and the families they help to create.

When a woman becomes a surrogate to enable others to have a baby, new relationships are formed. Research carried out by the Centre of Family Research, University of Cambridge, suggests that many of these relationships flourish.  The research was presented at the European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology (ESHRE) conference in London.

Surrogacy, the process whereby a woman carries and gives birth to a baby for an infertile couple, has become a more widely-accepted way of building a family, helped in part by media coverage of its use by high-profile celebrities. Commercially arranged surrogacy is illegal in the UK and many surrogates, most of whom have children of their own, are motivated by the desire to help others have a family.

To date there has been limited research into the long-term impact of surrogacy on the adults and children involved in the process, but now a study at the Centre for Family Research is looking at whether, and how, surrogacy affects family relationships.

Dr Vasanti Jadva and PhD candidate Susan Imrie of the Centre for Family Research presented findings from a two-year ESRC-funded research project which looks at the experiences of surrogacy from a range of perspectives including that of the partners and children of surrogates as well as surrogates themselves.

The research is based on in-depth interviews with 34 surrogates, 36 children of surrogates and 11 partners of surrogates. Twenty of the surrogates had been interviewed by Dr Jadva more than ten years ago in a previous project which looked at the psychological wellbeing and experiences of surrogates one year after the birth of the surrogacy child.  The participation of these women allowed the researchers to track relationships over time, adding a valuable dimension to the study.

The findings paint a largely positive picture of the relationships between the surrogate and her own family, and between these individuals and the families created through surrogacy.

“Our research shows that in the majority of cases, relationships formed as a result of surrogacy are valued and enjoyed by surrogates and sustained over time,” said Dr Jadva.  The study found that surrogates stayed in touch with the majority of the surrogacy children (77 per cent) and with most of the parents (85 per cent of mothers, 76 per cent of fathers). Of the surrogates who had chosen to maintain contact with the surrogacy families, most would meet in person once or twice a year.

Most of the surrogates’ own children (86 per cent) had a positive view of their mothers’ involvement in surrogacy. Almost half (47 per cent) were in contact with the surrogacy child all of whom reported a good relationship with him or her. A significant number of surrogates’ children referred to the child as a sibling or a half sibling.

Interestingly, the type of surrogacy did not affect how the surrogacy child was viewed by the surrogates’ own children and did not appear to have a bearing on whether the experience was seen as positive or negative by those involved.

Susan Imrie said: “It is clear that the children of surrogate mothers do not experience any negative consequences as a result of their mother’s decision to be a surrogate and that this was irrespective of whether or not the surrogate used her own egg.  In fact, most of the children we spoke to were supportive of their mother being a surrogate and were proud of what she’d achieved.” Surrogacy offers a means of having children to a growing number of couples experiencing fertility problems or unable to conceive.