Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Surrogacy in Ukraine. Legal aspect

Ukraine is one of a very few surrogacy friendly countries in Europe. The legal advantages of conducting surrogacy here are the following:
  • commercial or paid surrogacy agreements are allowed without limitation of remuneration to be received by a gestational mother;
  • no decision of a Special Committee is required;
  • no court order is required;
  • no further adoption procedure is required;
  • birth certificate is issued to the name of the intended parents immediately after the child’s birth;
  • gestational mother has no legal right to be deemed as a legal mother of a child she delivered while participating in the surrogacy program. Only intended parents are considered to be legal parents of the child born by the gestational mother. Comparatively cheap value of Gestational Surrogacy Agreement.

The following Legal Acts regulate the surrogacy in Ukraine:
  1.  Family Code of Ukraine;
  2. ‘On Vital Statistics Registration’, Law of Ukraine of 07/01/2010 No. 2398/VI;
  3. ‘Rules for Vital Statistic Registration in Ukraine’ of 10/18/2000 No. 52/5;
  4. ‘Instruction on Procedures for Assisted Reproductive Technologies’, Order of the Ministry of Health No. 771 of 12/23/2008;
  5. ‘On Citizenship of Ukraine’, Law of Ukraine of No. 2235-III of 01/18/2001;
  6. ‘Procedure of Entry to Ukraine for Foreigners and Stateless Persons, their Exit from Ukraine and Transit through its Territory’, Decree of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine No. 1074 of 12/29/1995.
The Family Code of Ukraine, which came into force on 01/01/2004, has legalized surrogacy in Ukraine making the Ukrainian law one of the most favorable in the World in respect of surrogacy and fully supporting the individual’s reproductive rights. It stipulates the following:
Article 123. Maternal and Paternal Affiliation of the Child Born As a Result of Assisted Reproductive Technologies
1. If the wife delivers the child conceived using Assisted Reproductive Technology, upon written consent of her husband, the latter shall be registered as the father of the child born by his wife, (remark: is applicable also to Traditional Surrogacy)
2. If the embryo conceived by the spouses using Assisted Reproductive Technology is transferred into the body of another woman, the spouses shall be the parents of the child. (remark: Gestational Surrogacy)
3. The spouses shall be considered as the parents of the child, born by the wife, when an embryo conceived by her husband and another woman was transferred into the wife’s body.
In surrogacy terms, Clause 1 of Article 123 may apply to Traditional Surrogacy: if there is a couple where the wife is impregnated with the sperm of the commissioning father (usually through artificial insemination), she is both the genetic and gestational mother of the child. This means that, of course, she may waive her maternal right in favor of commissioning father, but, legally speaking, the letter of law always takes her side and protects her maternal right. In case she officially waives her maternal right before insemination, she as the genetic mother may always change her mind – during the pregnancy or upon delivery and the right of the commissioning father will not be protected. Again, legally speaking, in usual circumstances no court order will be issued in Ukraine to protect the commissioning father in case the surrogate wishes to keep the child with her. For this reason, the traditional surrogacy is not involved in the article.
Clause 2 of Article 123 expressly stipulates gestational surrogacy relations. Thus, we may conclude that Gestational Surrogacy is absolutely legal in Ukraine. According to said provision the child is legally considered to be the child of the intended parents from the very moment of conception. The surrogate can’t keep the child after the birth under any reason and may get remuneration for her service in the any amount agreed as well as compensation for actual expenses.

Monday, April 28, 2014

BioTexCom medical center presents people happiness!

If you have any problems with baby conceiving, male or female infertility BioTexCom center knows how deal with it!

List of Centres for human reproduction

Top list
Good results, but horrifying service, insanitary conditions.
Young clinic, good results and service, high prices.
A beautiful clinic, excellent service, but the results are not good enough.
KievHorStroy Clinic
Good results, but unreasonably high prices.
Good results, average service.
Good results, average service.
ART clinic
Good service, bad results.
Implant clinic
Great service, average results
Average results, average service.
Genesis clinical association
Average service, bad results
Prikarpatsky reproduction centre
Lack of staff, bad location, bad results
Academical Clinic
Bad results, old equipment
Healthy Family Research Institute
Bad results, average service, old equipment
Intersono Medical Centre
Bad results, average service, old equipment
Professor A.M. Feskov’s clinic
Insanitary conditions, no results
Bad results, bad service
Chernovtsy Reproduction Centre
Bad results, no service
No results, no pregnancies, insanitary conditions, shutdown is planned.

Stress affects fertility. Don’t worry, be happy!

Stress can cause women infertility. Such is a result of the new study. It explains some cases when couples were diagnosed a case of infertility for no discernible reason. The problem can become a vicious cycle: people are nervous because conception does not begin for a long time, and it does not happen just because the couple is under stress.
Doctors have noticed that there is a relationship between the total stress of everyday life and infertility. Infertile women are always recommended to avoid stress situations. According to the statistic about one of 7 couples has fertility problems. About quarter of them do not receive any medical explanation of such problem. Their diagnosis is "unexplained infertility".
Research group Courtney Denning-Johnson Lynch gathered saliva samples of 373 women who have just started trying to conceive a child in a natural way. Then scientists measured the level of alpha - amylase enzyme, marker of stress in these samples. Total scientists observed 501 women at the age of 18 - 40.
After a year of regular unprotected sex about 13 % of couples could not get pregnant. Third of women who had the highest alpha - amylase rate were in the infertile group.
According to Dr. Lynch, stress may be responsible for some cases of unexplained infertility. Understanding of this fact can help couples to take the necessary measures. He says "If you have some trouble conceiving a baby during about five - six months it is reasonable to seek some way to relieve stress. It is known that yoga, meditation, or just a normal daily training significantly reduce stress. It’s better to try to find the method that suits your lifestyle best of all".

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Foreign magazines also write about all advantages of the BioTexCom clinic. Here you can read about us in foreign press

Get to know thoughts of another people concerning assisted methods of reproductive medicine share yours and ask if it is needed.  

Sunday, April 13, 2014

Find more interesting and needed information visiting the http://icsi.name/gb/articles/

Advice for New Fertility Patients

I am now, more than ever before, meeting many people / couples who are about to embark on their IVF journey and I can see it in their faces even before they confide that they are scared out of their wits! They have met with their fertility specialist and been given lots of information about possible treatment options. Thier heads are spinning and minds buzzing with the information they have just been given.
At this very early stage, it is virtually impossible for anyone (even your doctor) to predict what course of action will be taken. There are numerous tests which need to be performed to screen for any possible causes of infertility or underlying medical conditions that may have an adverse effect of reproductive heath of the patient. If it is a couple seeking treatment then both parties must be screened and tested.
There is an endless amount of information on possible causes of infertility and treatment options, that to say it can be overwhelming is an understatement. When I speak to people / couples in this early stage, I remind them that they need not to become overwhelmed by all this information.  It is so easy to get bamboozled by big words and medical jargon that you feel like a passenger on a freight train that is going way too fast to a destination unknown and there is no way off!.
My advices to new fertility patients is try to relax and just try to remain focussed on the objective. It is vital that you establish a good relationship with your doctor and feel comfortable asking question – no matter how trivial or silly they may seem. Have faith in your doctor and his ability to recommend the appropriate treatment options for the best possible outcome. Don’t stress out about things like injections or hospital procedures (if these have been brought up in conversation with your doctor), as this may not be necessary.
At the early stage, patients need to just focus on what is ahead of them, right now at this very moment. If you have been sent off for blood tests, then don’t spend the next week stressing about the results. If hormone injections have been mentioned, don’t freak out now about who is going to do them, how much they might hurt or what side effects you may have. Worrying unnecessarily about these things is not of any benefit.
Digest the information given to you as best you can. Be open with your partner and discuss your thoughts and feelings. I cannot stress enough how vital partner support is. Fertility treatment can seem very daunting, particularly at this early stage so it is important that couples can talk openly about their feelings. Lastly, be careful about information you come across in your own research – you don’t always know where the information came from or how accurate it is.
I know it is easy for me to write about this topic and give advice now that my IVF journey is well behind me, but let me assure you – I have been where you are right now. I have felt the same anxiety and uncertainty that you too are feeling, but rest assured it is COMPLETELY NORMAL! If you weren’t a little anxious or nervous about the uncertainty of what may lay ahead for you then you would be abnormal.
Jenni Salisbury, author of ‘Little Blessings’ – A story of her battle with infertility and the quest for a family. 

Surrogacy - seven years on service market

Seven years on a service market – is it a lot or is it not enough? Specialists of the BioTexCom Reproductive Medical Center are used to count time using not a calendar, but a number of happy clients leaving the clinic with a little baby.
Old tales narrate about a stork, which brings babies. Even a schoolchild knows today that babies don’t grow in cabbages and a stork has no obligations to deliver newborns. An in vitro fertilized child is a reality, a tale becomes a true story. The medieval alchemists would have been surprised if they had known that instead of the gold we will be searching for ways to give life.
The modern science makes something more important, it comes for help to despaired people, who lost their hope for a happy family, where healthy children are born and bought up.
Surrogate motherhood is one of the possibilities to have a genetic related posterity and for some couples this is the only one possibility at all.
Medical Center BioTexCom is proud that owing to its efforts and devotion a lot of couples did found happiness. The miracle is possible thanks to a “good fairy” – that how a surrogate mother is called by a genetic parents.
A surrogate mother is a so called hero, who decided to help an infertile couple. Sometimes a surrogate mother has to be from another country, like in a tale “from overseas”, but it is worth going and worth waiting. A miracle has no limits.

Lately, as in Ukraine, so in other countries there sounds child laughter – 800 babies has gone with their parents to Italy, 150 babies to Germany, 100 little ones to UK and about 120 kids to France. It is not just statistics, it is a big family, united by BioTexCom.


Article "Surrogacy - seven years on service market"